formalENJOY/LIKE DOING something to like something very much 特别喜欢某物,偏爱某物
I’m very partial to cream cakes.
Examples from the Corpus
be partial to something• I'm quite partial to redwine.• We found we had done the right thing: Mr Murray was partial to a wee whiskey.• To his surprise she was found to be partial to peas.• In two cases, the dollwas even reported to be partial to pets' tails.• If you are partial to Californian wine, you could be in luck.• It is also important todetermine whether a reader likes all types of Romantic Mysteries or is partial to a particular variety.• I am partial to guys with good bodies.• Vera would supply us with some from time to time and I know Unclewas partial to it.• Leopards are after all quite as at home in the treetops as they are and on occasionare partial tomonkey.