1 (also doss down) to sleep somewhere that is not your usual place, or not a realbed 〔不在通常睡觉的地方或不在床上〕将就着睡,过夜
I dossed down on the couch downstairs.
2doss around/aboutphrasal verbphr v informalLAZYto spend your time in a lazy way, doing very little 混时间,闲混
We just dossed around all day Saturday.
Examples from the Corpus
doss• He meant he'd find somewhere to doss down, and that included me.• She knew that Harry liked to doss down in the porch.• I suppose that'd be to stop folks like Vern - like me and Vern - using them to doss down in.• Nor are folk expected to doss down on a pair of planks across the bath.• You can stay here, if you don't mind dossing down on the floor.• The partyfinished late, so I just dossed on the floor at Adele's.• He lets you doss on the floor of his bedroom.• Here he was a punter, a champagneCharlie, dossing with the underclass.
doss2 nounBritish EnglishBrE informal
1a doss informalEASYwork that does not need much effort 不费力的工作
This job’s a real doss.
(1700-1800)doss“a (place to) sleep”((18-20 centuries)), probably from Frenchdos“back”, from the idea of lying on your back
(1800-1900)doss“a sleep” ( → DOSS1), from the idea of something you could do in your sleep