Teachers have to be careful when criticizing pupils. 老师在批评学生时必须谨慎。
Even the most careful proofreader will miss the occasional error. 即使是最仔细的校对者也会偶尔出错。
People should be more careful about the things they say. 人们说话时应当更小心。
You must be careful who you accept a lift from. 搭谁的便车,你必须谨慎从事。
Be careful that the medicine is kept away from children. 注意把药品放在孩子们拿不到的地方。
She was careful to keep her records up to date. 她很注意更新自己的唱片。
Please be very careful with those plates! 用那些盘子时请一定小心!
The project needs careful planning. 该工程需要仔细规划。
After careful consideration, we are giving the prize to a children's book. 经过仔细考虑,我们打算把奖授给一本儿童读物。
She took a few careful steps into the water. 她小心翼翼地在水中趟了几步。
Perhaps a more cautious approach would bring better results. 更谨慎一些的方法也许会带来更好的结果。
The new principal gave a cautious welcome to developments in the neighbourhood (=was pleased but careful not to be too excited). 新校长对街区的发展表示谨慎的欢迎。
Companies seem cautious about investing (=are unwilling to invest) money in research and development. 公司在研究开发方面的投资似乎比较谨慎。
a systematic approach to the cleanup of hazardous waste 清理危险废物的系统方法
the systematic study of social policy 社会政策的系统研究
He's always so organized. 他总是这么有条理。
Everyone agreed that it was a piece of meticulous research. 大家一致认为这是一项精细的研究。
a methodical worker 办事井井有条的工人
The police conducted a methodical search of the area. 警方对该地区进行了有条不紊的搜查。
I'll take a closer look at your homework tomorrow. 我明天会更加仔细地检查你的家庭作业。
Fowler's research has come under close scrutiny. 福勒的研究进行得很细致周密。
The local police kept a close eye on his activities. 当地警方对他的一举一动进行了严密监视。
the people who worked so diligently to keep the school open 勤奋工作以维持学校运作的人们
She's very discreet and loyal. 她为人非常谨慎,忠实可靠。
‘It was interesting,' she said after judicial consideration. “很有趣,”她仔细考虑后说道。
Travellers ought to be mindful of their surroundings. 旅行者应该注意他们的周围环境。
Sally was mindful that her comments might upset him. 萨莉意识到她的话可能让他不高兴。
prim and proper 循规蹈矩的
rigorous safety checks 缜密的安全检查
We'll have to give the situation some serious thought. 我们得认真考虑一下这个情况。
Slow journalism developed as a reaction to the 24/7 news cycle, with an emphasis on in-depth explanations of why stories matter and following them through to the end.
Welcome to slow travel, which comes to seem ever more tempting in an age of acceleration.
a thoroughgoing investigation 彻底的调查
The star got white-glove treatment wherever she went.
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net