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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 272 COCA: 243


Word family
Related topics: Computers, Crime
job /dʒɒb $ dʒɑːb/ ●●● S1 W1 AWL noun  
1 work 工作 [countableC]JOB/WORK the regular paid work that you do for an employer 工作;职位;职业
 Do you enjoy your job?
 It was the first paid job I ever had.
 He’s been in the job for six years.
 I’m looking for a new job.
 Your pension can be affected if you change jobs.
job description
In everyday English, people usually ask What do you do? or What does she/he do? when asking what someone’s job is. 在日常英语中,问到某人职业时,一般说 What do you do?  What does she/he do?
2 duty 责任 [singular]JOB/TASK something that you are responsible for doing 职责,责任
 Raising kids can be a difficult job.
 It’s my job to make sure that the work is finished on time.
the job of somebody/something
 The job of the jury is to assess the credibility of the witness.
the job of doing something
 I was given the job of making sure that everyone had enough to drink.
 All too often councils fall down on the job (=not do what they should) of keeping the streets clean.
In written English, people often prefer to use task or duty rather than job, as they sound more formal: 在书面英语中,人们通常不用 job,而用 task  duty,因为这两个词听上去更正式
Our first task was to prepare the agenda for the meeting.
3 STH you must do 必须做的事 [countableC]JOB/TASK a particular thing you have to do, considered as work 任务,事情,活儿 SYN task
 My parents were always finding little jobs for me to do.
 Filleting fish can be quite a fiddly job.
 Tiling the bathroom is going to be a big job.
 Sam does odd jobs (=small jobs in the house or garden) for friends and neighbours.
the job of doing something
 The job of choosing the right computer for you is made easy by this magazine.
 We need to get on with the job of finding someone to replace him.
do a good/great/marvellous etc job
 Whoever did the plastering did a brilliant job.
make a good/bad etc job of (doing) something
 She hates doing the cleaning, but she always makes a good job of it.
4 on the job 
Examples from the Corpus
5. I’m only/just doing my job spokenFAULT/BE somebody'S FAULT used to say that it is not your fault if you have to do something in your work that other people do not like 我只是在做分内的事〔用来表示所做的事情属于职责范围,即使别人不喜欢,也非自己的过错〕
6. it’s more than my job’s worth British EnglishBrE spokenBEC used to tell someone that you cannot do what they want because you would lose your job if you did – often used humorously 那会让我丢饭碗的〔常为幽默用法〕
7 do the job spokenEFFECTIVE to have the effect or produce the result that you want 起作用,有效
Examples from the Corpus
8 job done informal used to say that someone has done something that was necessary, especially quickly and easily 成了,好了〔尤指迅速轻松地完成了必须做的事〕
9 have a job doing something/have a job to do something British EnglishBrE spokenDIFFICULT to have difficulty doing something 某事做起来很困难
10 do a job on somebody/something especially American EnglishAmE informal to have a damaging effect on someone or something 对某人/某事造成破坏性结果
Examples from the Corpus
11 computer 计算机 [countableC]TD an action done by a computer 〔计算机完成的〕(一件)作业,工作
12 crime 罪行 [countableC] informalSCCSTEAL a crime in which money is stolen from a bank, company etc 〔从银行、公司等的〕盗窃
13 a nose/boob job informal an operation to improve the appearance of your nose or breasts 鼻部/乳房整形手术
Examples from the Corpus
14 just the job British EnglishBrE spokenPERFECT exactly what is needed for a particular purpose or situation 正需要的东西
Examples from the Corpus
15 type of thing 东西的种类 [singular] spokenTHING used to say that something is of a particular type 〔用于说明某物属于某一类型〕
16 jobs for the boys British EnglishBrEADVANTAGE when someone in an important position gives work to their friends, especially when this gives the friends an unfair advantage 为亲信安排的工作,任人唯亲
Examples from the Corpus
17. job of work British EnglishBrEJOB/TASK something that you have to do even if you do not enjoy it 非做不可的事
Examples from the Corpus
18 job lot British EnglishBrE a mixed group of things that are sold together 混合出售的一批物品
Examples from the Corpus
hatchet job, → (it’s a) good job at good1(50), → make the best of a bad job at best3(9)
have a job 有工作
Mark doesn’t have a job right now.
apply for a job 申请工作
I’ve applied for a job at the university.
offer somebody a job 给某人工作
Well, Miss Taylor, we’d like to offer you the job.
get/find a job 找到工作
Eventually, Mary got a job as a waitress.
land a job (=get a job, especially unexpectedly) 〔尤指意外地〕得到工作
My husband finally landed a job in marketing.
take a job (=accept a job you are offered) 接受工作
I was so desperate that I took the first job that came along.
hold down a job (=keep a job) 保住工作
nHe had never been able to hold down a job.
lose your job 丢掉工作
nAt least there’s no danger of you losing your job.
leave/quit your job 辞去工作
nOh, Rick, you didn’t quit your job, did you?
be out of a job (=not have a job) 失业,没有工作
nIf the project fails, we’re all out of a job.
temporary/permanent 临时的/长久的
The job is only temporary, but I’m hoping it will be made permanent.
part-time/full-time 兼职的/全职的
He had a part-time job at the pet shop.
a steady job (=a job that is likely to continue) 稳定的工作
I haven’t had a steady job since last March.
去年 3 月以来我就一直没有稳定的工作。
a dead-end job (=a job with low wages and no chance of progress) 没有前途的低薪工作
nHe had a series of dead-end jobs.
job + NOUN
job satisfaction (=the enjoyment you get from your job) 工作满意度
Levels of job satisfaction vary between departments.
job security (=how permanent your job is likely to be) 职业保障
As an actor, he has very little job security.
job losses/cuts 失业/裁员
The factory is closing, with 600 job losses.
job noun [countableC] the regular paid work that you do for an employer 工作,职位,职业〔指为雇主工作〕
a full-time job
John got a job in a car factory.
work noun [uncountableU] activities that you are paid for doing – used either when you work for an employer or when you work in your own business 工作,职业〔指为雇主工作或自雇〕
I started work when I was 18.
He graduated from college last year and is still looking for work.
profession noun [countableC] a job for which you need special education and training 〔需特别教育和训练的〕职业,行业
There are now a lot more women in the legal profession.
Many teachers are leaving the profession.
occupation noun [countableC] formal a job, or a type of job – often used on official documents 工作,职业〔常用于正式文件〕
Please give your name, age, and occupation.
a traditionally male occupation
career noun [countableC] the work you do or plan to do for most of your life 〔长期从事的〕职业,事业
I’m interested in a career in journalism.
position noun [countableC] formal a particular job within an organization 职位,职务:
I am writing to apply for the position of technical assistant.
nWe regret that the position has already been filled.
nPlease state the position which you are applying for.
post noun [countableC] formal a job, especially an important one in a large organization 〔尤指大机构内重要的〕职位,职务
She has held the post of managing director for two years.
nHe applied for the post of Senior Manager.
vacancy/opening noun [countableC] a job that is available for someone to do 〔职位〕空缺,空位
The hospital has been unable to fill the vacancy.
There are very few openings in scientific research.
appointment noun [countableC] an important job which someone is asked to do 任命的(重要)职位
He took an appointment as US trade ambassador in Geneva.
posting noun [countableC] a situation in which someone is sent somewhere to do a job for a period of time by the organization they work for 派驻
This was his first posting outside the UK.
nan overseas posting
nHis next posting took him to the Ministry of Defence.
trade noun [countableC] a job that involves using your hands, and for which you need special training 〔需特别教育和训练的〕职业,行业
nMost of the men had worked in skilled trades such as carpentry and printing.
employment noun [uncountableU] the fact of having a job 工作,就业
The factory will provide employment for local people.
nShe was offered employment in the sales office.
Examples from the Corpus
Jobn /dʒəʊb $ dʒoʊb/  
n1. in the Old Testament of the Bible, a man who continued to have faith in God even though God destroyed his property and his family
n2. Job’s comforter COMFORT/MAKE somebody FEEL BETTERsomeone who tries to make you feel more cheerful, but actually makes you feel worse
n3. have the patience of Job WAITto be extremely patient
From Longman Business Dictionary
jobjob1 /dʒɒbdʒɑːb/ noun [countableC]
1JOBthe regular paid work that you do for an employer
What job do you do?
I’ve applied for a job with the BBC.
1,200 employees could lose their jobs.
tests to measure employees’ levels of job satisfaction (=how satisfied they are with their jobs)
The government would also assist the private sector in job creation for school leavers.
Work is an uncountable noun describing the job you are paid to do or an activity you do regularly for money
What kind of work are you looking for?
Employment is a general word meaning work that you do regularly, and which an employer pays you for
He’s looking for employment in the banking sector.
Position and post are formal words for a job, especially an important one
She has been offered a management position.
He held the post of company secretary for many years.
A profession is a job that needs higher education or special training, such as medicine or law
Senior members of the medical profession have criticized the government’s plan.
He was a barrister by profession (=that was his job).
A trade is a particular skilled job, especially one that you do with your hands, for example carpentry or plumbing
He insisted that his sons learn a trade.
Her grandfather was a plumber by trade.
Occupation is a rather formal word for a job or profession, used especially on official forms or for writing about the job someone does
Please state your name and occupation.
Teaching can be a stressful occupation.
Your career is a job or profession you have trained for and intend to do for your working life, and which gives you the opportunity to be promoted (=move up through different levels)
He plans to pursue a career in banking.
A vocation is a job, especially one that involves helping people, that you do because you have the strong feeling that it is the purpose of your life to do it
I always knew that I had a vocation for nursing.
desk job
2on the job while doing a particular job
Workers are not allowed to drink on the job.
on-the-job training
3jobs for the boys British EnglishBrE jobs that a powerful person has given to their friends
4a particular project or piece of work being done or planned to be done
The company lost out on several jobs because of the newspaper article.
Some firms charge by the hour, others by the job.
5COMPUTING an operation performed by a computer
You can cancel any print job in the queue.
jobjob2 verb (jobbed, jobbing)
Origin job
(1500-1600) Perhaps from job piece, lump ((15-17 centuries))
IELTS BNC: 272 COCA: 243


1employment工作ADJECTIVE | VERB + JOB | JOB + VERB | JOB + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdecent, good, great, worthwhile體面的/不錯的/出色的/有價值的工作interesting有趣的工作high-powered, top權力大的工作;最高職位It's one of the top jobs in management.那是管理層最高級別的崗位之一。plum稱心如意的工作The plum jobs all went to friends of the prime minister.美差都派給了首相的朋友們。cushy輕鬆的工作His father found him a cushy job in the office, with almost nothing to do and a big salary.他父親給他在辦事處找了份輕鬆的工作,幾乎無所事事卻薪水豐厚。dream, ideal夢寐以求的/理想的工作What would be your dream job?你理想的工作是什麼?boring, dead-end, lousy (informal, especially NAmE) , menial, routine, undemanding乏味的/沒有出路的/討厭的/枯燥的/平淡的/要求不高的工作He was forced to take a series of menial jobs.他被迫去做了一連串瑣碎的工作。rewarding有益的工作challenging, demanding, difficult, taxing富有挑戰性的/要求高的/有難度的/費心費力的工作dangerous危險的工作It's often immigrants who do the dangerous jobs.經常都是移民在從事危險工作。highly paid, high-paying, well-paid, well-paying (especially NAmE) 高薪工作badly paid, low-paid, low-paying, poorly paid (especially BrE) 低薪工作new新工作The plant will provide almost 300 new jobs.這家工廠將提供近 300 個新的工作崗位。current, first, previous目前的/第一份/以前的工作Three years ago she moved into her current job.她 3 年前轉而幹上了現在的工作。full-time, part-time全職/兼職工作9-to-5朝九晚五的工作regular, steady固定的/穩定的工作He was tempted to give up freelancing and get a regular job.他很想放棄現在的自由職業而找一份固定的工作。permanent, temporary固定/臨時工作holiday, summer假日/暑期工作evening, Saturday, weekend晚間的/週六的/週末的工作paid, unpaid有償的/無償的工作manual (especially BrE) 體力活兒semi-skilled, skilled, unskilled半技術性/技術性/無技術含量的工作blue-collar, white-collar藍領/白領職業desk案頭工作a desk job in the police housing department警察局住房科的文案工作factory, office工廠的/辦公室的工作coaching, construction, manufacturing, teaching, etc.教練、建築、生產、教學等工作proper, real正式的/真正的工作He'd done lots of part-time work, but this was his first proper job.他做過許多兼職,但這是他的第一份正式工作。VERB + JOBhave有工作She has a very good job with a local law firm.她在當地一家律師事務所有一份很好的工作。carry out, do, perform, work (NAmE) 執行任務;幹活兒;幹工作I'm only doing my job (= doing what I am paid to do).我不過是在做自己分內的工作。They are paid according to how well they perform their job.他們的薪酬依據各人的工作業績而定。look for, want找工作;需要工作apply for, go for申請/爭取工作be offered收到聘用通知accept, take接受工作find, get, land, win找到工作;謀得職位She got a temporary job stacking shelves.她得到了一份整理貨架的臨時工作。He's just landed himself a highly paid job in banking.他剛剛在銀行業謀得了一份高薪工作。lose失去工作He's frightened of losing his job.他害怕失業。give up, leave, pack in, quit, resign from放棄工作;離職;辭職hold down, keep保住工作He's always had difficulty holding down a job.他總是難以保住工作。start開始工作She's starting a new job on Monday.星期一她將開始一份新的工作。like, love喜歡/熱愛工作advertise做廣告招聘I saw the job advertised on the Internet.我在網上看到這個招聘廣告。interview (sb) for(對某人)進行招聘面試We're interviewing for the job in the Sales Department.我們正在進行銷售部的招聘面試。give sb, offer sb給某人工作;提出聘用某人create, generate, provide (sb with)創造就業崗位;(為某人)提供工作It is hoped that the development will create new jobs in the region.希望此項開發能為該地區創造新的就業崗位。axe, cut, eliminate, shed裁員;取消工作崗位The company is hoping to shed 200 jobs.該公司希望削減 200 個工作崗位。export, outsource輸出工作崗位;外包工作Companies export jobs because it is cheaper to pay foreign workers.許多公司會把工作外包,因為外國勞動力成本低廉。protect, safeguard (especially BrE) 保護/保證工作崗位The deal between the union and management should safeguard 6 000 jobs.工會與資方達成的協議應該能保住 6,000 個工作崗位。know精通(自己的)工作He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job).他對自己的工作當然在行。JOB + VERBpay工作付工資The job doesn't pay very well.這份工作報酬不太高。disappear, go工作沒了/丟掉250 jobs are to go at the local steel plant.當地鋼廠將裁員 250 人。entail, require工作要求The job requires honesty, intelligence, and vision.這份工作要求應聘人員為人誠實、頭腦靈活並且有遠見。JOB + NOUNsearch求職It's important to devise a job search strategy when looking for work.找工作的時候設計一套求職戰略是很重要的。ad, advertisement, listings (especially NAmE) 招聘廣告;職位列表Check our website for the latest job listings.請瀏覽我們的網站查看最新的招聘職位列表。vacancy職位空缺application求職申請applicant求職者interview求職面試offer工作機會Within weeks of graduation she had several job offers.畢業後幾個星期內她就得到了幾個工作機會。title職位名稱His job title is Chief Hygiene Operative.他的職位名稱是衞生工作主任。description, specifications (especially BrE) 職位說明;崗位詳細說明Cleaning the office is not in my job description.打掃辦公室不在我的職責範圍內。market就業市場There is an enormous job market for teachers at the moment.目前教師就業市場需求旺盛。cuts, losses職位削減;失業growth (NAmE) 職位增加We have seen job growth in a number of areas.我們已經看到一些地區出現了崗位增長。creation新增工作崗位openings, opportunities, prospects職位空缺;就業機會;就業前景satisfaction工作滿意度How would you rate your job satisfaction?你的工作滿意度有多高?security工作保障Workers questioned rated job security as being more important than high salary.接受詢問的工人認為工作穩定比高薪更重要。hunter, seeker (especially BrE) 找工作的人;求職者Local companies are holding an open day for job seekers.當地公司正在為求職者舉行開放日活動。share, sharing職位共享Their boss agreed to a job share.他們老闆同意職位共享。The introduction of job sharing could prevent the need for job losses.實行工作分享制可以避免裁員。PREPOSITIONin a/the job就工作而言There's not much chance of promotion in a job like that.那樣一份工作沒有多少晉升的機會。on the job在職You will receive training on the job.你將接受在職培訓。out of a job失業She found herself out of a job when her boss died.老闆去世以後她就失業了。job as擔任⋯的工作She has a job as a waitress.她有一份當服務員的工作。job at在⋯的工作She got a teaching job at the university.她得到了一份在大學教書的工作。job for適合⋯的工作jobs for women適合女性的工作job in⋯領域的工作a job in food retailing食品零售工作a job in a large company在一家大公司的工作job with就職於⋯He moved to a better-paid job with another employer.他跳槽換了一份薪水更高的工作。PHRASESchange jobs, move jobs變換/變動工作Nowadays many people change jobs every few years.如今許多人每隔幾年就換個工作。a loss of jobs工作崗位的喪失The closure of the cement factory will mean the loss of over 800 jobs.這家水泥廠的關閉將意味着 800 多個工作崗位的喪失。the right person for the job工作的合適人選Despite the small number of applicants, they managed to find the right person for the job.雖然求職人數很少,他們還是找到了適合這個崗位的人。


2task任務ADJECTIVE | VERB + JOB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEadequate, decent, good, nice, professional, thorough差強人意的/說得過去的/不錯的/令人滿意的/專業的/細緻的活兒admirable, amazing, awesome (informal, especially NAmE) , brilliant, excellent, fantastic, fine, grand, great, incredible, magnificent, marvellous/marvelous, masterful, outstanding, remarkable, superb, terrific, tremendous, wonderful極好的工作;令人歎服的工作;出色的工作;精湛的工作bad, lousy (informal, especially NAmE) , poor, terrible糟糕的活兒;差勁的工作They've done a poor job of managing their finances.他們的財務管理一塌糊塗。difficult, hard, tough困難的/艱難的/棘手的任務They gave me the tough job of telling applicants that they'd been rejected.他們把難辦的差事交給了我,要我通知求職者他們的申請被拒了。easy容易的任務important重要的任務big, long重任;耗時的任務little, small微不足道的任務;小差事fiddly, tedious麻煩的/單調乏味的活兒fiddly little jobs like wiring plugs給插頭接線之類的麻煩活兒dirty髒活兒unenviable不值得羨慕的任務Cooper had the unenviable job of announcing the bad news.庫珀領受了負責宣佈壞消息這個沒人願意幹的差事。thankless吃力不討好的差事Keeping the house clean can be a thankless job.保持房屋清潔可是份受累不討好的差事。VERB + JOBcarry out, do執行任務;幹活兒You've done a great job with that decorating.你那個裝修的活兒幹得棒極了。Try wedging it open-that should do the job (= be effective).找個楔子把它撑開 - 應該管用。handle處理工作I was very pleased with the way she handled the job.我對她處理工作的方式很滿意。have, have on有工作要做;承擔着任務You'll have a hard job convincing them that you're right.想說服他們你是對的可得費點兒勁兒。The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment.目前這位建築商有幾項工程正在進行。give sb給某人任務take on接受任務She's taken on the job of organizing the Christmas party.她承擔起了組織聖誕聚會的任務。get on with繼續幹⋯I want to get on with the job of painting my room today.我想今天繼續粉刷我的房間。complete, finish完成任務We finished the job in five hours.我們用時 5 小時完成了任務。PREPOSITIONjob in關於⋯的任務The author has done an admirable job in compiling all this material.作者彙編了所有這些材料,真令人讚歎。job on⋯的任務You've done a good job on the car.你把車子弄得很好。PHRASESget the job done把工作做完We're hoping to get the job done this weekend.我們希望本週末把這活兒幹完。You can count on him-he gets the job done (= he is reliable).你可以信賴他 - 他會把這事兒幹好的。make a good, poor, etc. job of sth (especially BrE) 把⋯幹得很好/很糟等She made a very good job of covering up the damage.她把破損處掩蓋得很好。He made a very professional job of replacing the windows.他很專業地更換了窗戶。odd jobs (= small, practical jobs) 雜活兒I spend most Saturdays doing odd jobs around the house.星期六我大多在家裏幹些雜活兒。


3crime罪行ADJECTIVE | VERB + JOB ADJECTIVEbank銀行搶劫案inside (= done by sb in the organization where the crime happens) 內部人員作案VERB + JOBdo犯罪He got six months for that last job he did.他上次犯罪獲刑 6 個月。bungle使罪行敗露The gang bungled the job and got caught.這個團夥因罪行敗露而被捕。

See also: Jobs

IELTS BNC: 272 COCA: 243
job noun
job (apply for a job) difficulty (have a hard job to do sth in time) responsibility (It's not my job to lock up!) task (odd jobs) have a job work verb2


see also work noun 2 job ♦︎ position ♦︎ post ♦︎ vacancy ♦︎ opening ♦︎ appointment ♦︎ postingThese are all words for a position doing work for which you receive regular payment. 这些词均表示职位或职位空缺。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a vacancy / an opening for sba temporary job / position / post / vacancy / appointment / postinga permanent / full-time / part-time job / position / post / vacancy / appointmenta good / top job / position / post / appointmenta well-paid / highly-paid job / position / postto have / have got a job / a position / a post / a vacancy / an opening / an appointment / a postingto apply for a job / a position / a post / a vacancy / a postingto hold / seek a job / a position / a post / an appointmentto look for / give sb a job / position / post / postingto find a job / position / postto get a job / a position / a post / an appointment / a postingto offer sb / take a job / a position / a post / an appointment / a postingto fill a job / position / post / vacancyto land / resign from / leave / quit / keep / lose a job / position / postto create / provide jobs / positions / posts / vacancies / openings job [countable] a position doing work for which you receive regular payment 工作;职业;职位He's trying to get a job in teaching.他正在找一份教师工作。I'm only doing my job (= I'm doing what I'm paid to do).我只是在做自己分内的事而已。He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job).他无疑对自己的工作很在行。We provide training on the job (= while sb is actually doing the job).我们提供在职培训。She's been out of a job (= unemployed) for six months now.如今她已经失业六个月了。She's never had a steady job (= a job that is not going to end suddenly).她从未有过稳定的工作。Her job title is Senior Advisor.她的职称是高级顾问。Job satisfaction (= being happy with the job you do) is very important to me.工作上的满足感对我来说非常重要。 position [countable] (rather formal) a job 职位;职务She holds a senior position in a large corporation.她在一家大公司担任高层。I would like to apply for the position of sales director.我想申请销售部总监一职。Position usually refers to a particular job within an organization, especially at a high level, and is not usually used about jobs generally. It is also often used in job applications, descriptions and advertisements. * position通常指机构内部的特定职务,特别是高层职位,不用来泛指工作。该词也常用于求职、职务说明和招聘广告中。 see also office role post [countable] (especially BrE) a job, especially an important one in a large organization 职位;(尤指)要职Ideally I'm looking for an academic post.我心中最理想的是谋求一个教学职位。She was offered a key post in the new government.她获委任在新政府中担任要职。In American English post is only really used for an appointed government job; in other cases where British English uses post, American English uses position. 在美式英语中post仅指委任的政府职务,在其他场合中英式英语用post,美式英语用positiona Cabinet post内阁职务an academic position教学职位 vacancy ˈveɪkənsi [countable] a job that is available for sb to do 职位空缺;空职;空额We have several vacancies for casual workers.我们缺几名临时工。We'll let you know if any more vacancies come up.如果再有职位空缺,我们会通知你。 opening [countable] a job that is available for sb to do 职位空缺;空职;空额There are several openings in the sales departments.销售部有几个职位空缺。NOTE 辨析 Vacancy or opening?These words have the same meaning and there is very little difference in their use. Vacancy is more frequent, especially in British English. Opening is slightly more informal and is used more in American English and in financial journalism. 这两个词含义相同,用法上也没什么差别。vacancy比较常用,尤用于英式英语;opening稍欠正式,更多用于美式英语和财经新闻。 appointment [countable] (especially BrE, rather formal) a job or position of responsibility 职务;职位This is a permanent appointment, requiring commitment and hard work.这是一个固定职位,需要奉献精神和辛勤工作。 see also appoint appoint posting [countable] (especially BrE) an act of sending sb to a particular place to do their job, especially for a limited period of time; the job that sb is sent to do 派驻;派驻的职位He asked for a posting to the Middle East.他申请派驻中东。Staff will work abroad on 2-5 year postings.员工将被派往海外工作2至5年。Posting is also used in American English, but usually only to refer to limited-term government jobs. * posting也用于美式英语中,但通常仅指有期限的政府驻外职务。 see also post send 2
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0_0: Translations of Job
  • # v.
    承包: contract, job
  • # n.
    飯碗: job, livelihood, rice bowl
    崗位: job, post
    工作: job, task, work
    勞工: job, labor, laborer, labour, labourer, work
    事: accident, affair, business, involvement, job, matter
    業: business, line of business, cause, employment, enterprise, industry

0_0: Definitions of Job
  • # noun.
    - a paid position of regular employment.
    * a part-time job
    - a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid.
    * she wants to be left alone to get on with the job
    - a thing of a specified kind.
    * the car was a blue malevolent-looking job
    - an act of prodding, thrusting, or wrenching.
    * None
  • # verb.
    - do casual or occasional work.
    * she jobbed as a waitress until her first role in a movie
    - buy and sell (stocks) as a broker-dealer, especially on a small scale.
    * his game plan is to buy in then job the shares on at a profit
    - turn a public office or a position of trust to private advantage.
    * if left unfettered he would job
    - prod or stab.
    * he prepared to job the huge brute

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