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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 2212 COCA: 2901


Word family
Related topics: Cleaning, Electricity
load1 /ləʊd $ loʊd/ ●●● S1 W3 noun [countableC]   lode
1 amount of STH 某物的量AMOUNT a large quantity of something that is carried by a vehicle, person etc 〔车辆、人等的〕负载物
load of
 a load of wood
 The lorry had shed its load (=the load had fallen off).
 The plane was carrying a full load of fuel.
2 a load (of something)  (also loads (of something) British English) informalLOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT a lot of something 很多,大量(某物)
 We got a load of complaints about the loud music.
 Don’t worry, there’s loads of time
loads to do/see/eat etc
 There’s loads to see in Paris.
Examples from the Corpus
3 a bus load/car load/truck load etc AMOUNTthe largest amount of something that a vehicle can carry 满满一公共汽车/一汽车/一卡车等
 a bus load of tourists
4 a load of crap/bull etc  (also a load of rubbish British EnglishBrE) spoken not politeUNTRUE used to say that something is bad, untrue, or stupid 十足的胡闹;一派胡言;彻头彻尾的蠢话
I thought the game was a load of crap.
5 work 工作JOB/TASK the amount of work that a person or machine has to do 〔一个人或一台机器的〕工作量,负荷
 The computer couldn’t handle the load and crashed.
a light/heavy load (=not much or a lot of work) 轻松的/繁重的工作
 Hans has a heavy teaching load this semester.
 My work load has doubled since Henry left.
 They hired more staff in order to spread the load.
6 RESPONSIBLEworry 忧虑 a problem or worry that is difficult to deal with 难题,沉重的负担
 When someone is depressed, the extra load of having financial problems can make the situation worse.
 Knowing he was safe was a load off my mind (=I felt less worried).
 Coping with ill health was a heavy load to bear.
7 washing 洗涤DHC a quantity of clothes that are washed together in a washing machine 〔洗衣机的一次〕洗衣量
 I’ve already done three loads of laundry this morning.
8 get a load of somebody/something spokenLOOK ATLISTEN used to tell someone to look at or listen to something that is surprising or funny []某人/某事〔用于叫人注意令人惊奇或好笑的事〕
 Get a load of this! Your stars say you are going to meet someone who’s rich.
Examples from the Corpus
9 weight 重量TBC the amount of weight that something is supporting 承受的负荷
 a load-bearing wall
 It increased the load on the wheels.
10. electricity technicalTPE an amount of electrical power that is being produced 发电量,电荷
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Computers
load2 ●●● S2 W3 verb  
1 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] (also load up)PUT to put a large quantity of something into a vehicle or container 装上〔车辆〕,将装进[容器];(给)装货 OPP unload
2 [transitiveT]FULL to put a necessary part into something in order to make it work, for example bullets into a gun or film into a camera 将〔某物〕装入〔设备中以便使用〕
3 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]TD to put a program into a computer 载入(计算机程序)
4 [intransitiveI] (also load up) if a ship, aircraft etc loads, goods are put onto it 〔船、飞机等〕承载,装载
5load somebody/something down phrasal verbphr v 
Load down is often used in the passive.
Examples from the Corpus
6load up on something phrasal verbphr v American EnglishAmE to get a lot of something so that you are sure you will have enough 大量购买[获取] 〔某物〕 SYN stock up (on)
Examples from the Corpus
7.load somebody (up) with something phrasal verbphr v to give someone a lot of things, especially things they have to carry 使〔某人〕带很多〔尤指必须带的东西〕
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
loadload1 /ləʊdloʊd/ noun [countableC]
1TRANSPORTan amount of goods or people transported on a road vehicle, train, or plane
Rail cars are used to move the bigger loads.
load of
The lorry returned with a load of Spanish apricots.
The plane was carrying a full load of passengers.
a lorry-load of gravel
see also payload
2the amount of something that a person or organization has to do
The firm’s computers are struggling to cope with the increased load.
The network has to deal with a heavy load of telephone traffic.
case load debt load work load
3FINANCE an amount of money charged for managing an INVESTMENT FUND
Because of the 5% load, only $950 of the $1,000 actually gets invested in your name.
The new fund carries a front-end load (=an amount paid when the fund is first started) of 5.5%
a no-load fund
loadload2 verb [transitiveT]
1TRANSPORTto put goods into a road vehicle, train, boat, or plane to be transported
The tankers set off as soon as they have been loaded.
2COMPUTING to copy a computer program or file onto a computer
load something onto something
The new software can be loaded easily onto most machines.
3FINANCE to include most or all of the charges at a particular period during the time that an insurance policy or INVESTMENT FUND is in use
A lot of personal pension funds are front-end loaded (=make most of their charges when the fund is first started).
Origin load1
Old English lad support, carrying
load1 nounload2 verbn GRAMMAR1
LDOCE Online
TOEFL BNC: 2212 COCA: 2901


ADJECTIVE | VERB + LOAD | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEheavy, light繁重的/輕鬆的工作量He has a heavy teaching load this year.他今年的教學任務很重。full滿負荷The plane took off with a full load.飛機起飛時是滿負荷的。maximum, peak (NAmE) 最大負荷Maximum load, including passengers, is 800 pounds.包括乘客在內的最大負荷為 800 磅。a peak load of about 11.5 GW約 1,150 萬千瓦的最大負荷high高負荷Many companies are burdened by high debt loads.許多公司因債台高築而不堪重負。VERB + LOADbear, carry, shoulder承受負荷;承擔任務haul搬運大量⋯They haul loads of produce to market.他們把大量的農產品運送到市場。handle處理裝載量The airline simply couldn't handle the passenger load.航空公司根本無法應付這麼大的客流。lessen, lighten, reduce, share, spread減輕負擔;分擔任務We're trying to spread the load by employing more staff.我們想通過雇用更多的員工來分擔任務。drop, dump, shed (BrE) 掉落貨物A lorry has shed its load on the A77 near Ballantrae.一輛卡車在巴倫特雷附近的 A77 號公路上掉落了貨物。PREPOSITIONunder its, etc. load在⋯的重壓之下The table creaked under its heavy load.桌子不堪重負而咯吱作響。
TOEFL BNC: 2212 COCA: 2901
load noun
cargo (a truck sheds its load) lot (three truckloads of sand) weight (a load-bearing wall)
load verb
fill (load a ship) insert (load a camera with film)

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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