the Mafia• Young people demonstrate in the streets against the Mafia.• He had not been seduced by the Mafia.• No, Uncle, what I heard was that Daddy did favors for the Mafiacharacters he grew up with.• Before it kills, the Mafia first isolates and denigrates its victims.• You make us sound like the Mafia or something.• Bronson will return to the role of Paul Kersey to take on the Mafia in the latest sequel to the vigilante saga.• If the general public knows anything about the constructionindustry, it knows that the Mafia have a role to play.
2GROUP OF PEOPLE[singular] a powerful group of people within an organization or profession who support and protect each other 〔某组织或行业内部相互支持并相互保护的〕势力集团