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BNC: 677 COCA: 565


Word family
ldoce_258_jpiece1 /piːs/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countableC]   peace
1 piece_cheese.jpg amountPIECE an amount of something that has been separated from the main part 片;块;段;截
piece of
 He broke off a piece of bread and gave it her.
 Cut off a piece of wood 5 cm in length.
 His trousers were held up with a piece of string.
 Would you like a small or a large piece?
cut/divide etc something into pieces
 She cut the cake into four equal pieces.
 Chop the potato into bite-sized pieces.
5  See picture of a piece of meat 一块肉, a chunk of bread 一大块面包, fragments of glass 玻璃碎片 ...
2 part 部分 one of the parts that something divides or breaks into 碎片,碎块;断片,切片
piece of
 a piece of broken glass
 Individual pieces of text can be cut and pasted to their correct position.
in pieces
 The china dish lay in pieces on the floor.
 jigsaw pieces
 His father had taught him how to take a gun to pieces.
 The shelving comes to pieces (=divides into separate parts) for easy transport.
 The shower head just came to pieces (=broke into separate parts) in my hand.
 The fireplace was carefully dismantled piece by piece (=one part at a time).
see thesaurus at part
3 single item 单个物品 a single thing of a particular type, or something that is one of several similar things 一个;一片;一块;一件;一张
piece of
 Pass me another piece of paper.
 You should eat three pieces of fruit a day.
 She was wearing a single piece of jewellery.
 You need to examine every piece of evidence first.
 an excellent piece of work
 a major piece of legislation
 a piece of equipment
four-piece/60-piece etc (=consisting of four, 60 etc separate parts) 四件的/60件的等
 a five-piece band
 a three-piece suite (=two chairs and a sofa)
4 small amount 少量 [usually singular] a small amount of something that is interesting, useful, or unusual in some way 一点
5 land 土地AREA an area of land 〔土地〕一片
6 fall to pieces BREAK
Examples from the Corpus
7 go to pieces NERVOUSif a person or what they do goes to pieces, they are so upset or nervous that they cannot live, work, or perform as they should 〔因伤心、紧张不安而〕崩溃,垮掉
Examples from the Corpus
8 smash/rip/tear something to pieces DAMAGEto damage something badly by breaking it into many parts 把某物摔成/撕成碎片
Examples from the Corpus
9 pull/rip/tear somebody/something to pieces CRITICIZEto criticize someone or their ideas very severely 严厉批评某人[某人的观点]
Examples from the Corpus
10 art/music etc 艺术/音乐等A something that has been produced by an artist, musician, or writer 〔艺术家、音乐家或作家的〕作品
11 news item 新闻TCN a short article in a newspaper or magazine or part of a television or radio programme that is about a particular subject 〔报纸、杂志的〕文章,短文;〔电视、电台的〕报道
12 in one piece INJURE informal if you arrive somewhere in one piece, you are not injured 安然无恙的
Examples from the Corpus
13 give somebody a piece of your mind informalANGRY to tell someone that you are very angry with them 告诉某人你很生他的气
Examples from the Corpus
14 be a piece of cake informalEASY to be very easy to do 很容易做,是轻而易举的事
Examples from the Corpus
15. be a piece of piss British EnglishBrE spoken not polite to be very easy to do 是小菜一碟,是不费吹灰之力的事
16 a piece of the action informalPROFIT a share of the money from a business activity 〔商业活动中获得的〕一份收益
Examples from the Corpus
17 be (all) of a piece 
Examples from the Corpus
18 money
19. games 游戏DGB a small object used in a game such as chess 〔棋类游戏等中的〕棋子
20. gun American EnglishAmE informalWEAPON a small gun 〔小型〕枪
n21 across the piece in all parts of an organization, system, activity etc SYN across the board
22. be a (real) piece of work spoken informal especially American EnglishAmE to be someone who does nasty things or deceives people in order to get what they want (真)是个讨厌的家伙[骗子]
23. be a piece of shit/crap spoken not politeBAD used to show that you do not respect someone or something they say 是废话/是个废物〔用于表示不尊敬他人所说的人或事物〕
24. piece of ass American EnglishAmE informal not politeSEX/HAVE SEX WITH an offensive expression for a woman. Do not use this expression. 女人,雌儿
how long is a piece of string? at long1(9)
piece an amount of something that has been cut or separated from the main part 片;块;段;截
Could I have another piece of cake?
a piece of broken glass
nEmma cut the pie into eight pieces.
bit a piece. Bit is more informal than piece and is often used about smaller pieces 小片;小块〔与piece相比,bit 更为不正式〕
The notes were written on bits of paper.
He threw a bit of wood onto the fire.
lump a small piece of something solid or firm that does not have a regular shape 块〔指形状不规则的固体〕
two lumps of sugar
a lump of coal
a lump of clay
scrap a small piece of paper, cloth etc that is no longer needed 〔废弃的〕小片;小块
I wrote the phone number on a scrap of paper.
The dog was eating scraps of food off the floor.
strip a long narrow piece of cloth, paper etc 〔布或纸等的〕条,
a strip of cloth
The leather had been cut into strips.
sheet a thin flat piece of something such as paper, glass, or metal 〔纸、玻璃、金属的〕薄片,薄板
a blank sheet of paper
a sheet of aluminium
slice a thin flat piece of bread, cake, meat etc cut from a larger piece 〔切下的〕薄片
a slice of pizza
Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
chunk a piece of something solid that does not have a regular shape – used especially about food, rock, or metal 厚块,大块,厚片〔指形状不规则的固体,尤指食物、石头或金属〕
The fruit was cut into large chunks.
a chunk of bread
hunk a large piece with rough edges, which has been cut or has broken off a bigger piece of food, rock etc 大块,大片〔指切下或掰下的食物、石头等〕
a big hunk of cheese
hunks of concrete
block a piece of something solid, which has straight sides 〔平整的〕大块
concrete blocks
a block of cheese
a block of ice
slab a thick flat piece of stone, or of cake, meat etc 〔石头、蛋糕、肉等的〕厚块,厚板
The floor had been made from stone slabs.
a slab of beef
cube a piece that has six square sides – used especially about food 〔立方体的〕一块〔尤指食物〕
a cube of sugar
ice cubes
nwedge a piece that has a thick end and a pointed end, and is shaped like a triangle – used especially about food and metal
a wedge of cheese
bar a block of soap, chocolate, candy, or metal, which has straight sides 〔肥皂、巧克力、糖果、金属等平整的〕条,
a chocolate bar
a bar of soap
gold bars worth more than £26 million
rasher British EnglishBrE a slice of bacon 薄片熏猪肉
I usually have two rashers of bacon for breakfast.
a small piece 小片,小块
fragment a small piece that has broken off something, especially something hard 碎片〔尤指坚硬物体〕
The window shattered, covering them with fragments of glass.
They found fragments of bone.
crumb a very small piece of bread, cake etc 〔面包、蛋糕等的〕碎屑
There were just a few crumbs left on the plate.
speck a piece of something such as dirt or dust which is so small you almost cannot see it 〔灰尘等的〕微粒,小点
She brushed the specks of dust from the table.
drop a very small amount of a liquid 〔液体的〕滴
There were drops of blood on the floor.
I felt a drop of rain.
lump of sugar/rock/metal/earth
scrap of paper
strip of cloth/paper
sheet of paper/metal/glass
slice of bread/pizza/cake/meat
chunk of fruit/bread
block of ice/stone/wood
slab of rock/stone/meat
bar of soap/chocolate/candy/metal
rasher of bacon
speck of dirt/dust
drop of blood/rain/liquid
Examples from the Corpus
piece2 ●○○ verb  
1piece something ↔ together phrasal verbphr v 
a) UNDERSTANDto use all the information you have about a situation in order to discover the truth about it 把〔所有事实或信息〕拼凑起来
 Police are trying to piece together his movements before the murder.
 Her early life has been pieced together from several different sources.
b) COMPLETEto put all the separate parts of an object into the correct order or position 〔物体的部分〕拼合起来
 He slowly pieced together the torn fragments of a letter.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
piecepiece /piːs/ noun [countableC]
1ten-pence/fifty-cent etc piece a coin of a particular value
Does anyone have change for a 50 pence piece?
2a single thing of a particular type
piece of
a piece of equipment
a 24-piece cutlery set
3supply/sell something by the pieceCOMMERCE to supply or sell something as a single thing rather than in a pair or a set
4pay somebody/work by the pieceCOMMERCE if people work or are paid by the piece, they are paid for each thing they produce, not for the amount of time it takes to produce it
Origin piece1
(1100-1200) Old French Vulgar Latin pettia
BNC: 677 COCA: 565


1separate amount; parts of sth部份ADJECTIVE | VERB + PIECE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, huge, large, long大塊;長長的一塊little, short, small, tiny小塊;短短的一塊;很小的塊The plate smashed into little pieces on the stone floor.盤子在石頭地面上摔得粉碎。bite-size, bite-sized很小的塊The book breaks the information into bite-sized pieces. (figurative) 這本書是把信息掰開了揉碎了講的。equal相等的部份missing缺少的部份odd碎塊She makes her sculptures out of odd pieces of scrap metal.她用廢金屬的碎塊製作雕塑品。jigsaw, puzzle拼圖的拼片VERB + PIECEassemble, glue (back) together, put (back) together組裝/粘合/拼接碎塊scatter分撒碎片PREPOSITIONin pieces破碎了的The vase was now in pieces on the kitchen floor.花瓶已經摔成碎片,散落在廚房的地板上。piece of一塊⋯a piece of bread一塊麪包A few pieces of the puzzle were missing.拼圖有幾塊不見了。PHRASESbits and pieces零星物品The album is made up of bits and pieces from previous albums.這張專輯是用以前一些專輯七拼八湊製作而成的。break into pieces, smash into pieces破成碎片The cake just broke into pieces when I cut it.我剛切,蛋糕就碎成一塊塊的了。come to pieces散成碎片This chair comes to pieces.這把椅子散架了。fall to pieces變得破舊不堪My old dictionary is falling to pieces.我的舊詞典都快散架了。piece by piece逐個地We'll need to take the engine apart, piece by piece.我們需要將發動機部件一個一個地拆開。blow sth to pieces, shoot sth to pieces, smash sth to pieces把⋯擊碎;用(槍或箭等)把⋯射碎;把⋯砸碎take sth to pieces (especially BrE) 把⋯拆散I had to take the car to pieces in order to repair it.我不得不把車拆散進行修理。tear sth into pieces, tear sth to pieces把⋯撕碎She tore the letter into tiny pieces.她把信撕得粉碎。


2of art, music, writing, etc.藝術;音樂;寫作ADJECTIVE | VERB + PIECE | PIECE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEamazing, beautiful, brilliant, excellent, fine, good, impressive, lovely, magnificent, marvellous/marvelous, remarkable, superb, wonderful令人讚歎的/優雅的/才華橫溢的/卓越的/出色的/優秀的/給人留下深刻印象的/美好的/氣勢宏偉的/出類拔萃的/引人注目的/精湛的/精彩的作品The best pieces include three paintings by El Greco.最好的作品包括埃爾・格列柯的 3 幅畫作。effective, powerful給人深刻印象的作品This is an effective piece of writing.這是一篇令人難忘的文章。atmospheric, dramatic感染力強的樂章;激動人心的作品interesting有趣的作品favourite/favorite最喜愛的作品important重要的作品ambitious鴻篇巨作original原創作品an original piece written specifically for the producer特別為製片人原創的作品short短篇a short piece by Will Simons on television satire威爾・西蒙斯寫的關於電視諷刺劇的一篇短文finished完成的作品modern, period, traditional現代作品;具有特定時代特徵的作品;傳統作品choral, orchestral合唱音樂;管弦樂曲flute, piano, etc.長笛、鋼琴等樂曲conversation話題性的作品museum值得收藏在博物館裏的珍品occasional偶然之作an occasional piece on the lives of ordinary people關於普通人生活的偶然之作op-ed, opinion專欄/評論文章companion姊妹篇a companion piece to the portrait of Gauguin's empty chair繪畫《高更的椅子》的姊妹作party, set聚會拿手戲;固定套路作品puff (NAmE) 吹捧性作品VERB + PIECEcompose, produce, write作曲;創作作品;寫文章He hasn't produced a single piece of writing this year.今年他一篇文章也未完成。commission委託創作作品perform, play, sing演奏樂曲;演唱曲子hear, read聽樂曲;讀文章publish發表作品display, exhibit, show展覽作品;展出藝術品PIECE + VERBbe called sth, be entitled sth, be titled sth (especially NAmE) 作品名為⋯;作品題為⋯PREPOSITIONpiece by⋯的作品They are exhibiting two important pieces by Calder.他們正在展出考爾德的兩件重要作品。piece for為⋯而作的作品a piece for symphony orchestra一首適合交響樂團演奏的樂曲piece from選自⋯作品的一段She read a piece from 'Alice in Wonderland'.她讀了一段《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》。PHRASESa piece of music, a piece of sculpture, a piece of work, a piece of writing一首樂曲;一件雕塑;一個作品;一篇文章 note at art
BNC: 677 COCA: 565
piece noun
piece (a piece of apple pie) article (a piece in today's paper) bit (smash sth to pieces; a piece of research) element1 (One of the pieces is missing.) work4 (a piece by Chopin) in one piece safe adj.1


 See also the entries for bit and fragment 另见bit条和fragment条piece ♦︎ lump ♦︎ block ♦︎ slice ♦︎ loaf ♦︎ slab ♦︎ bar ♦︎ chunk ♦︎ length ♦︎ cube ♦︎ wedge ♦︎ hunk ♦︎ rasherThese are all words for an amount of sth, especially food or substances that things can be made from. 这些词均表示块、片、段。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a piece / lump / slice / chunk / wedge / hunk of cheesea piece / lump / slice / slab / chunk / hunk of meata piece / slice / loaf / chunk / hunk of breada piece / lump / block / slab of icea piece / lump / block of wooda piece / block / slab of stone / marblea piece / lump / slab of concretea piece / lump of coala piece / slice of cake / ham / pizza / piea piece / slab / bar of chocolatea piece / slice / wedge of lemonlemon slices / wedgesa big piece / lump / slice / loaf / slab / chunk of stha thick piece / slab / slice of stha great lump / slab / chunk / wedge of sthto cut sth into pieces / slices / chunks / lengths / cubes / wedges piece [countable] (used especially with of and uncountable nouns 尤与of和不可数名词连用) an amount of sth that has been cut or separated from the rest of it; a standard amount of sth 片;块;段;截;标准的量She wrote something on a small piece of paper.她在一张小纸片上写了点什么。He cut the pizza into bite-sized pieces.他把比萨饼切成一口一块的小块。I've got a piece of grit in my eye.我眼里进了一粒沙子。You should have at least two good portions of vegetables and two pieces of fruit a day.每天至少要吃两大份蔬菜和两份水果。If you want to talk about a small amount of a substance there is a range of words you can use: you must choose the right one to go with the substance you are talking about. Piece is the most frequent of all these words and can be used to talk about a lot of different substances or things, including bread, cake, cardboard, cheese, chocolate, fabric, glass, land, meat, paper, plastic and string. 描述少量物质时有很多词可以用,必须选对能与物质搭配的词。piece在这些词中最常用,可与很多词搭配,包括bread、cake、cardboard、cheese、chocolate、fabric、glass、land、meat、paper、plastic和string。 see also piece bit lump [countable] a piece of sth hard or solid, usually without a particular shape (通常为无固定形状的)块He put a few more lumps of coal on the fire.他又往火上加了几块煤。This sauce has lumps in it.这调味汁里有结块。 (BrE) She gave the pony a sugar lump.她给那匹小马一块方糖。In American English a 'sugar lump' is called a sugar cube. 在美式英语中,方糖称为sugar cube。 block [countable] a large piece of a solid material that is square in shape and usually has flat sides (有方形平面的)大块;立方体The wall was made from massive blocks of stone.这面墙由大块大块的石头砌成。 slice [countable] a thin flat piece of food that has been cut off a larger piece (切下的食物)薄片,片Cut the meat into thin slices.把肉切成薄片。Another slice of cake, anyone?谁想再要一片蛋糕? see also slice cut verb 2 loaf [countable] an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked in one piece 一条(面包)He cut several thick slices from a loaf of bread.他从一条面包上切下厚厚的几片。Two white loaves, please.请给我两条白面包。 slab [countable] a thick flat piece of stone, ice or food (石头、冰或食物的)厚片,厚块The road was paved with smooth stone slabs.这条路用光滑的石板铺成。paving slabs铺路石板They were sitting at the table, tucking into great slabs of meat.他们坐在餐桌前,狼吞虎咽大块大块地吃肉。 bar [countable] a piece of sth with straight sides, especially chocolate or soap (尤指巧克力或肥皂等长方形的)条,块a bar of soap一条肥皂 (especially BrE) a chocolate bar一条巧克力 (NAmE) a candy bar糖果棒 chunk [countable] a thick solid piece that has been cut or broken off sth 厚块;厚片;大块Chunks of masonry lay in the grass around the ruined building.大块大块的砖石躺在大楼废墟周围的杂草中。He bit a great chunk out of the apple.他咬下一大块苹果。 length [countable] (always followed by of 总是后接of) a long thin piece of sth 细长的一段(或一节、一根)Carry a whistle and a spare length of rope.带上哨子和一根备用绳子。The timber is sold in lengths of 2, 5 or 10 metres.木料按2米、5米或10米出售。 cube [countable] a piece of sth, especially food, with six sides 立方体的东西(尤指食物)Cut the meat into cubes.把肉切成丁儿。She put some ice cubes into her lemonade.她在柠檬汽水里加了些冰块。 (NAmE) She offered the pony a sugar cube.她给那匹小马一块方糖。In British English a 'sugar cube' is called a sugar lump. 在英式英语中,方糖称为sugar lump。 wedge [countable] a piece of food that has been cut into a shape with one thick end and one thin pointed end 一角,楔形(食物)Serve the fish with salad and wedges of lemon.鱼要配上沙拉和楔形柠檬块一起上。He cut a great wedge out of the cake and began to eat it.他切下一大角蛋糕,开始吃了起来。 hunk [countable] a large piece of sth, especially food, that has been cut or broken from a larger piece (尤指食物切下或掰下的)大块,大片He offered me a hunk of bread with some cheese.他递给我一大块夹着奶酪的面包。 rasher [countable] (BrE) a thin slice of bacon (= meat from the back or sides of a pig) 火腿薄片I'd like a fried egg and two rashers of bacon, please.请给我一个煎蛋和两片火腿。
BNC: 677 COCA: 565

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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