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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 1887 COCA: 1735


Word family
Related topics: Biology, Air
nose1 /nəʊz $ noʊz/ ●●● S2 W2 noun   noes
1 on your face 在脸上 [countableC]HB the part of a person’s or animal’s face used for smelling or breathing 鼻子 nasal, nostril
 Someone punched him on the nose.
2 (right) under somebody’s nose 
a) if something bad or illegal happens under someone’s nose, they do not notice it even though it is happening very close to them and they should have noticed it ()在某人眼皮底下,()当着某人的面
 The drugs were smuggled in right under the noses of the security guards.
b) if something is right under someone’s nose, they cannot see it even though it is very close to them 就在某人眼前〔却看不见〕
 The key was right under my nose all the time.
Examples from the Corpus
3 stick/poke your nose into something INTERFEREto become involved in something that does not concern you, in a way that annoys people 多管闲事;插手与己无关的事 nosy
 She always has to stick her nose into matters that do not concern her.
Examples from the Corpus
4 keep your nose out (of something) spokenINTERFERE# to avoid becoming involved in something that does not concern you 别管(闲事)
 I wish he’d keep his nose out of my business!
Examples from the Corpus
5 turn your nose up (at something) informalREJECT/NOT ACCEPT to refuse to accept something because you do not think it is good enough for you 瞧不起(某事物)(对某事物)嗤之以鼻
 My children turn their noses up at home cooking.
Examples from the Corpus
6 with your nose in the air PROUDbehaving as if you are more important than other people and not talking to them 目中无人地;瞧不起人地
 She just walked past with her nose in the air.
Examples from the Corpus
7 have a (good) nose for something to be naturally good at finding and recognizing something 天生擅长寻找[识别]某事物
 a reporter with a good nose for a story
Examples from the Corpus
8 get (right) up somebody’s nose British EnglishBrE spokenANNOY to annoy someone very much 使某人烦恼[大发雷霆]
 I wish he wouldn’t keep interrupting. It really gets up my nose.
Examples from the Corpus
9 keep your nose clean spokenBEHAVE to make sure you do not get into trouble, or do anything wrong or illegal 遵纪守法;行为检点;不卷入是非
 Sid’s got to keep his nose clean or he’ll end up back in prison.
Examples from the Corpus
10 on the nose American EnglishAmE spokenEXACT exactly 确切地,精确地
 He gets up at 6 a.m. on the nose every morning.
Examples from the Corpus
11 keep your nose to the grindstone informalWORK HARD to work very hard, without stopping to rest 努力工作,一刻不停地苦干
 Jim had decided he was going to keep his nose to the grindstone.
12 have your nose in a book/magazine/newspaper READto be reading a book etc, especially with a lot of interest 专心致志地看书/杂志/报纸
 She always had her nose in a book.
13. by a nose DSHif a horse wins a race by a nose, it only just wins 〔赛马〕以微弱优势〔获胜〕
Examples from the Corpus
14. have a nose around British EnglishBrE spokenFIND OUT to look around a place in order to try to find something, when there is no one else there 〔当某处无其他人时〕四处观看;四处寻找
15 put somebody’s nose out of joint informal to annoy someone, especially by attracting everyone’s attention away from them 〔尤指通过抢夺众人的注意力〕使某人气歪鼻子,使某人眼红
 His nose has been put a bit out of joint ever since Marion got here.
16 nose to tail especially British EnglishBrETTCTTR cars, buses etc that are nose to tail are in a line without much space between them 〔车辆〕首尾相接
 Traffic was nose to tail for three miles.
Examples from the Corpus
17. plane 飞机 [countableC]TTA the pointed front end of a plane, rocket etc 〔飞机、火箭等的〕头部,前锥体
18. smell 气味 [singular] the smell of a wine or tobacco 〔酒或烟的〕气味 SYN bouquet
hard-nosed, brown-nose, → cut off your nose to spite your face at cut (10), → nose job, → lead somebody by the nose at lead1(16), → look down your nose at somebody/something at look1(8), → pay through the nose at pay1(16), → as plain as the nose on your face at plain1(1), → poke your nose into something at poke1(7), → powder your nose at powder2(2), → rub somebody’s nose in it/in the dirt at rub1(9), → thumb your nose at somebody/something at thumb2(2)
big 大的
See that guy over there, the one with the big nose?
small 小的
She had high cheekbones and a small nose.
long 长的
His nose was long and his chin square.
straight 很挺的
Her nose was long, straight and elegant.
runny (=with liquid coming out) 流鼻涕的
A runny nose may be the result of an allergic reaction.
nsnotty (=with unpleasant thick liquid coming out)
a group of dirty children with snotty noses
blocked (=so that you cannot breathe easily) 堵塞的
My nose is really blocked and I can't smell anything.
red (=because you are cold or drunk, or have a cold) 红红的
His nose was red from the cold.
a snub/turned-up nose (=one that curves up at the end) 翘鼻子
nShe had big eyes and a turned-up nose.
a hooked nose (=one that curves down at the end) 鹰钩鼻
nan old man with a hooked nose
a Roman/aquiline nose formal (=one that curves out near the top) 鹰钩鼻
nHe had a thin face with an aquiline nose.
a broken nose (=one that is not straight because the bone has been broken by a hit or fall) 鼻骨骨折
na boxer with a broken nose
blow your nose (=clear your nose by blowing strongly into a piece of soft paper or cloth) 擤鼻涕
She blew her nose on a large white handkerchief.
wipe your nose (=wipe liquid away from your nose) 擦鼻子
The boy wiped his nose on his sleeve.
pick your nose (=remove substances from inside your nose with your finger) 抠鼻子
Stop picking your nose, Freddy.
wrinkle your nose (=move the muscles near your nose when you do not like something) 皱起鼻子
Susan looked at the meal and wrinkled her nose.
hold your nose (=so that you cannot smell a bad smell) 捏住鼻子
The smell was so revolting that I had to hold my nose.
breathe through your nose 用鼻子呼吸
Close your eyes and breathe through your nose.
somebody's nose is running (=liquid is coming out) 某人的鼻子在流鼻涕
She was crying hard and her nose was running.
the bridge of your nose (=the upper part, between your eyes) 鼻梁
Sam pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.
Examples from the Corpus
nose2 verb  
1[intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]TT if a vehicle, boat etc noses forward, or if you nose it forward, it moves forward slowly 〔车辆、船只等〕缓慢地前行;将〔车辆、船只等〕缓慢地向前开 SYN edge
nose its way along/through etc something
 The bus nosed its way along the street.
 She carefully nosed the car forward through the traffic.
2nose around (something) (also nose about (something) British EnglishBrE) phrasal verbphr v informal to look around a place in order to try to find something, when there is no one else there 〔当某处无其他人时〕探查,打探,搜寻(某事物)
Examples from the Corpus
3.nose into something phrasal verbphr v informal to try to find out private information about someone or something, especially in a way that is annoying 打听;干预
Examples from the Corpus
4nose something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v informal 
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin nose1
Old English nosu
BNC: 1887 COCA: 1735


ADJECTIVE | VERB + NOSE | NOSE + VERB | NOSE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, bulbous, huge, large, long, prominent, strong大鼻子;蒜頭鼻;長鼻子;高鼻子;有型的鼻子little, small, tiny小鼻子straight筆直的鼻子aquiline, Grecian, Roman鷹鈎鼻;懸膽鼻(鼻梁筆直的鼻子);高鼻梁鷹鈎鼻crooked, hooked歪鼻子;鷹鈎鼻pug, snub, turned-up, upturned獅子鼻(扁平的鼻子);短平而上翹的鼻子;朝天鼻button, flat塌鼻子;扁平的鼻子pointed, sharp尖鼻子The sharp nose and thin lips gave his face a very harsh look.他的尖鼻子和薄嘴唇使他的模樣看起來很嚴厲。narrow, thin窄鼻子;瘦削的鼻子She had dark eyes and a long narrow nose.她長着黑色的眼睛和細長的鼻子。aristocratic高貴的鼻子cute, perfect好看的/標致的鼻子red, shiny紅鼻子;發亮的鼻子She dressed up as a clown with a white face and red nose.她打扮成小丑, 雪白的臉,紅紅的鼻子。blocked, stuffy (especially NAmE) 阻塞的/不通氣的鼻子runny, snotty (informal) 流鼻涕的鼻子a child with a runny nose流着鼻涕的孩子bleeding, bloodied, bloody, broken, swollen流血的/帶血的/血淋淋的/弄破的/腫脹的鼻子wet濕潤的鼻子The dog pushed its wet nose into my palm.小狗用它濕濕的鼻頭蹭我的手心。sensitive靈敏的鼻子Cats have very sensitive noses and rely heavily on scent markings.貓的鼻子非常靈敏,十分依賴氣味標記。pierced穿洞眼的鼻子fake, false假鼻子She had to wear a false nose for the role.為扮演這個角色,她必須戴一個假鼻子。VERB + NOSEbreathe through用鼻子呼吸blow, wipe擤鼻子;擦鼻子pick, rub, scratch摳鼻子;揉鼻子;抓鼻子pinch揑鼻子tap輕叩鼻子He tapped his nose in a knowing gesture.他輕輕地敲着鼻梁,一副了然於心的樣子。crinkle, wrinkle皺起鼻子She wrinkled her nose as if she had just smelled a bad smell.她皺着鼻子,好像剛聞到臭味。break打破鼻子NOSE + VERBwrinkle鼻子皺起His nose wrinkled with distaste.他嫌惡地皺起鼻子。twitch鼻子抽動run鼻涕流出She was weeping loudly and her nose was running.她大聲哭着,鼻涕也流了下來。bleed鼻子流血NOSE + NOUNjob (informal) 鼻部整形手術She wasn't happy with her appearance so she had a nose job.她對自己的外貌不滿意,因此做了鼻部整形手術。ring鼻環bleed (usually nosebleed) 鼻出血PREPOSITIONthrough the nose用鼻子Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.用鼻子吸氣,用嘴呼氣。up your nose在鼻子上面The boy sat there with his finger up his nose.男孩坐在那兒,一根指頭放在鼻子上。PHRASESthe bridge of the nose鼻梁He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.他把眼鏡往鼻梁上面推了推。with your nose in the air (often figurative) 鼻孔朝天;目中無人She walked in with her nose in the air, ignoring everyone.她傲慢地走進來,誰也不理。look down your nose at sb (figurative) 蔑視某人They tend to look down their noses at people who drive small cars.他們往往看不起開小型汽車的人。poke your nose in/into sth, stick your nose in/into sth (both figurative) 管⋯閒事;干預⋯Stop poking your nose into my business!你少管我的事!press your nose against sth把鼻子貼在⋯上Charlie pressed his nose against the window.查利把鼻子貼在窗玻璃上。thumb your nose at sb/sth (figurative) 對⋯嗤之以鼻They thumb their noses at all of our traditions.他們對我們所有的傳統都嗤之以鼻。turn up your nose at sth (figurative) 看不起⋯The children turn up their noses at almost everything I cook.孩子們幾乎瞧不上我烹製的任何東西。
BNC: 1887 COCA: 1735
nose noun
under sb's nose open adj.

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