clin·i·cal /ˈklɪnɪkəl/ ●○○ adjectiveadj 1 [only before noun]M relating to treating or testing people who are sick 临床的 The drug has undergone extensive clinical trials (=tests to see if it is effective in treating people). 该药已经过大量的临床试验。
clinical medicine/experience/training etc (=medicine etc that deals directly with people, rather than with research or ideas) 临床医学/经验/培训等
The therapy has helped people with clinical depression (=a strong feeling of sadness, for which you need medical help). 该疗法对临床抑郁症病人有帮助。
2 MHrelating to a hospital or clinic 医院的;诊所的 The program gives the students experience in a clinical setting. 这个计划让学生获得临床经验。
3 EMOTIONALconsidering only the facts and not influenced by personal feelings 冷静的;客观的;没有人情味的 A formal marriage agreement sounds clinical, but it can be a good idea. 签订一份正式的婚姻协议听起来不近人情,却是个不错的主意。
—clinically /-kli/ adverbadv clinically tested drugs 经临床试验的药物