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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 3535 COCA: 3056


Word family
Related topics: Human
heel1 /hiːl/ ●●○ noun [countableC]   heal, he'll
1. shoes.jpg of your foot 脚的HBH the curved back part of your foot 脚后跟 toe
2 of a shoe 鞋的DCC the raised part on the bottom of a shoe that makes the shoe higher at the back 后跟,鞋跟
 black boots with high heels
high-heeled/low-heeled/flat-heeled etc
 her low-heeled blue shoes
4  See picture of 见图 FOOTWEAR5 see picture at 见图 shoe1
3. of a sock 袜子的DCC the part of a sock that covers your heel (袜子的)后跟
4 of your hand 手的HBH the part of your hand between the bottom of your thumb and your wrist 〔近腕处的〕手掌根
 Using the heel of your hand, press the dough firmly into shape.
5 heels [plural]DCC a pair of women’s shoes with high heels 〔一双〕高跟鞋
 Whenever she wore heels she was taller than the men she worked with.
Examples from the Corpus
6 at somebody’s heels NEARif a person or animal is at your heels, they are following closely behind you 紧跟着某人,紧随某人之后
 He could hear the dog trotting at his heels.
a) (hard/hot/close) on the heels of somethingFOLLOW very soon after something 紧接着某事,在某事后不久
 The decision to buy Peters came hard on the heels of the club’s promotion to Division One.
b) (hard/hot/close) on somebody’s heels following closely behind someone, especially in order to catch or attack them 〔尤指为捉拿或袭击而〕紧跟某人
 With the enemy army hard on his heels, he crossed the Somme at Blanche-Taque.
8. bring somebody to heel FORCE somebody TO DO somethingto force someone to behave in the way that you want them to 使某人就范,使某人顺从
Examples from the Corpus
9 come to heel British EnglishBrE
a) if a dog comes to heel, it comes back to its owner when the owner calls it 〔狗被召唤时〕来到主人跟前
b) if someone comes to heel, they start to behave in the way that you want them to 〔某人〕服从,就范
Examples from the Corpus
10 take to your heels writtenESCAPE to start running away 拔腿逃走
 As soon as he saw me he took to his heels.
Examples from the Corpus
11 turn/spin on your heel writtenTURN to suddenly turn away from someone, especially in an angry or rude way 〔尤指生气地、无礼地〕突然转身
 Before anyone could say a word, he turned on his heel and walked out of the room.
Examples from the Corpus
12 under the heel of somebody/something CONTROLcompletely controlled by a government or group 任由摆布;被操纵
 a people under the heel of an increasingly dictatorial regime
Examples from the Corpus
13. bad man 坏人 old-fashionedBAD PERSON a man who behaves badly towards other people 坏蛋,坏家伙
Achilles' heel, down-at-heel, well-heeled, → click your heels at click1(1), → cool your heels at cool2(4), → dig your heels in at dig1(4), → drag your heels at drag1(8), → be/fall head over heels in love at head1(36), → kick your heels at kick1(9)
Examples from the Corpus
heel2 verb  
n1. heel!
2. [transitiveT]DCC to put a heel on a shoe 给〔鞋子〕钉后跟
3heel over phrasal verbphr v TTWFALLif something heels over, it leans to one side as if it is going to fall 倾斜(要倒)
 The ship was heeling over in the wind.
Examples from the Corpus
1.spokenDHP used to tell your dog to walk next to you 跟上!〔唤狗用语〕
Origin heel1
Old English hæla
heel1 nounheel2 verbheel!
LDOCE Online

See also: ldoce4183jpg

TOEFL BNC: 3535 COCA: 3056


1back part of the foot足跟VERB + HEEL | HEEL + VERB | HEEL + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERB + HEELlean back on, sit back on, squat onShe took a potato from the fire and sat back on her heels.她從火堆裏掏出一個馬鈴薯,蹲下身來。rock (back) on趔趄The punch rocked him back on his heels.那一拳打得他向後趔趄了幾步。He rocked back and forth on his heels as he laughed.他笑得前仰後合。pivot on, spin on, turn on突然轉身He turned on his heel and marched away angrily.他猛地轉過身,憤怒地大步離開了。click, click together咔嗒一聲併攏腳跟The officer clicked his heels together and saluted.軍官咔嗒一聲併攏腳跟,敬了個禮。HEEL + VERBclick腳跟相碰HEEL + NOUNinjury腳跟受傷PREPOSITIONat your heels緊跟某人She came up the path with two little dogs at her heels.她沿着小路走來,兩隻小狗緊隨其後。under the heel (figurative) 遭到踐踏For years the nation had been under the heel of a dictatorial regime.多年來這個國家一直被獨裁政權統治着。PHRASESclose on sb's heels, hard on sb's heels, hot on sb's heels (all figurative) 緊緊尾隨某人;緊追某人They reached the border with the police hot on their heels.他們到了邊境,警察緊追其後。


2part of a shoe/sock鞋或襪的後跟ADJECTIVE | VERB + HEEL | HEEL + NOUN ADJECTIVElow低跟high, spike, spiked, stiletto, wedge高跟;細高跟;坡跟three-inch, etc. * 3 英寸等高的鞋跟boot靴子後跟VERB + HEELcatch絆住腳跟She caught her heel and tripped on the step.她腳跟絆了一下,在台階上打了個趔趄。HEEL + NOUNbar (BrE) 修鞋店I took my shoes to a heel bar to have them repaired.我把鞋送到修鞋店去修。
TOEFL BNC: 3535 COCA: 3056

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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