HAPPENused to say that something did actually happen in the way that you said it would 果真,果然(如此)〔表示發生的事與預料的相符〕
Sure enough, Mike managed to get lost.
Examples from the Corpus
sure enough• This also predates the advent of the 486 and, sure enough, it gets the identitywrong too.• Well, sure enough, it turns out that Terra Nova is really only pseudo-new.• Sure enough, Mikemanaged to get lost.• And sure enough, the signatures did look personalized.• And sure enough, there it was once more, evidence of how smart they were.• And sure enough, there was Thomas in the readingcorner, soundlessly turning blue and clutching at his throat.• There, sure enough, was a neatly shod foot, and a hand just visible close to it.• When X-rays were taken there sure enough was a needle.• But, sure enough, when Swansea's money ran out, so did the players.