trilobite• For example, you never find horse fossils among trilobiteremains.• There are a number of Paradoxides species, which include some of the largest trilobites.• This is one of the most primitivetrilobites known.• The differences among the trilobites of different ages can be used by paleontologists to date these rocks.• As the trilobitesspread through the seas of the world, they diversified into a great number of species.• The externalshell gives the crustaceans the problem it gave the trilobites.• The trilobitesproduced the mosaic eye which has been retained by the insects.• Trinucleid trilobites are blind, and with a greatly inflated mid-part of the head region.
(1800-1900)Modern LatinGreektrilobos, from tri-“three” + lobos ( → LOBE)