phrasal verbphr vTREAT/BEHAVE TOWARDSto treat someone badly by always making them do what you want them to do 苛刻地对待〔某人,指对其随意驱使〕
It’s terrible – she lets her kids just walk all over her.
Examples from the Corpus
walk over • Maisha goes to get him and he is looking at me as he walks over.• In the evening, Hussa and Shama walked over from their house which is battened against the front wall of the compound.• Once off you walk over the mountains to the next town, and over again to another.• I can rememberwalking over to his office, and I was not that upset.• He could just see her face as he walked over to the pavement beneath.• He walked over to the shelf between the windows.• I walked over to the truck.• Hickswalked over to where Eddie Peace was sitting and waved.