doubt2 ●●● S2 verb [transitiveT not in progressive] 1 DON'T THINK SO/DOUBT ITto think that something may not be true or that it is unlikely 怀疑,不确信 Kim never doubted his story. 金对于他讲的事情从不怀疑。
doubt (that) I doubt we’ll ever see him again. 我想我们再也见不到他了。
doubt if/whether You can complain, but I doubt if it’ll make any difference. 你可以投诉,但是我看未必有用。
‘Do you think there’ll be any tickets left?’ ‘I doubt it (=I don’t think so).’ “你认为还会有余票吗?” “我看是没有了。”
2 DON'T THINK SO/DOUBT ITto not trust or have confidence in someone 不信任〔某人〕,对〔某人〕没有信心 I never doubted myself. I always knew I could play tennis at this level. 我从来都相信自己,一向都知道我网球能打出这个水平。
She loved him, and had never doubted him. 她爱他,对他从来没有产生过怀疑。
I have no reason to doubt his word (=think that he is lying). 我没有理由不相信他的话。
—doubter noun [countableC]
n GrammarPatterns with doubt
You doubt whether someone can do something: I doubt whether we can afford a new car.
She doubted whether she could trust him again.
You doubt whether something will happen: I doubt whether the plan will work.
He doubted whether this would happen.
You can also say doubt if with the same meaning as doubt whether: I doubt if we can afford a new car.
I doubt if the plan will work.
You can also say doubt that: I doubt that we can afford a new car.
I doubt that the plan will work.
✗Don’t say: doubt about Using the progressive
The verb doubt is not usually used in the progressive. You say: I doubt he’ll come to the party.
✗Don’t say: I am doubting he’ll come to the party. THESAURUSdoubt to think that something may not be true or that it is unlikely 怀疑,不相信‘Do you think she really is eighteen?’ ‘I doubt it.’ “你觉得她真是18岁吗?” “我怀疑。”
There was so much noise that I doubt if anyone slept. 声音那么吵,我怀疑有没有人睡得着。
be doubtful/dubious /ˈdjuːbiəs $ ˈduː- / to doubt that something will happen, is true, or is a good idea 不确定Economists are doubtful that the situation will improve this year. 经济学家不能肯定今年形势会好转。
‘You can eat the whole fish including the head.’ Janey looked dubious. “你可以把鱼连头整个都吃下去。” 珍妮看上去有些疑惑。
nWhen my husband suggested emigrating, I was dubious at first.
nMum looked doubtful when I suggested having a party for all my friends.
have reservations to feel that a plan or idea may not be good because you think there may be some problems with it 持保留意见Health care professionals had reservations about giving both vaccines together. 医疗保健专业人士对同时注射两种疫苗持保留意见。
have misgivings to feel worried about doing something, because it may have a bad result 有疑虑Ralph had serious misgivings about changing his career at the age of 50. 拉尔夫对于50岁改行有很大的顾虑。
have mixed feelings to be unsure exactly how you feel about something or someone because there are both good and bad things about them 心情复杂[矛盾]I have very mixed feelings about moving house – it’s exciting but I’ll miss this area. 对于搬家我心情很复杂——搬家是令人兴奋的,但我又会怀念这个地方。
have second thoughts to start having doubts about whether a decision you have just made is the right one 〔对先前的决定〕产生怀疑;改变想法I liked the dress in the shop, but when I got it home I had second thoughts. 在商店的时候我喜欢那条连衣裙,可是买回家后,我的想法变了。