1LOOK AFTER somebodysomeone whose job is to look after or help customers in a public place 服务员
a car park attendant
2.LOOK AFTER somebodysomeone who looks after a very important person, for example a king or queen 侍从,随从
Examples from the Corpus
attendant• The middle-aged sleeping-car attendant was dozing but dressed.• My work as a flightattendant also provedvaluable.• Kim, 31, is a flight attendant for Delta Air Lines.• He then gave them the choice of apologizing to the flight attendant or taking another flight.• Londoner Richard Tompkins worked as a petrolpumpattendant before starting the stamp company in 1956.• Suddenly the pump attendant wanted nothing to do with this.• a gasstationattendant• The petrol station attendant told her to apply for more at the Kommandatur which turned out to be the old townhall.• Disheartened, Santa Anna separated from his large escort and planned to slip through the mountainous country with three attendants.
attendant problems/difficulties/dangers etc• This would throw up a host of attendant problems.• And it does have its attendant problems which it is only sensible to recognise.