corollary of/to• Here it is necessary to look at it briefly as a corollary of ahi.• One such condition is a corollary of the Principle of Contradiction, and may be stated as follows.• The biologicalcorollary of this is that blockingantibodies against ICAM-1 have been shown effectively to prevent allograft rejection.• Thus the following theorem is a easy corollary to Lemma 3.• One important corollary of this new integration Nietzsche had not mentioned in his letter to Rohde.• The parliament was, in fact, the religiouscorollary of the White City.• Thus was violenceestablished as the corollary of dissidence.• The corollary of that is that a higher proportion of their income is spent on tobacco products.
(1300-1400)Latincorollarium“money paid for a circle of flowers, something additional”, from corolla“circle of flowers”