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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To remove something
verb [T] /rɪˈmuːv/
to take something or someone away from a place 移走;搬动;去掉

Sally looked down at her sleeve and removed a small speck of dirt. 萨莉低头看了看她的袖子,掸掉了一个小泥点。

remove someone/something from something :

Medical crews removed two people from the collapsed building. 医疗人员从坍塌的建筑物中救出了两个人。

Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool. 把锅从火上移开,让它冷却。

The area has now been removed from the list of dangerous destinations. 该地区现已从危险去处的名单中被划掉了。

 Synonyms and related words
sweep away
phrasal verb [T]
to destroy or to completely remove something 摧毁;肃清

Many people died when floods swept their homes away. 许多人在洪水冲毁他们的家园时丧生。

Your reassurances have swept away any doubts I had. 你的安慰消除了我心中有过的一切疑虑。

 Synonyms and related words
To destroy or severely damage something: destroy, ruin, devastate...
 Synonyms and related words
take off
phrasal verb
[T] to remove something, especially a piece of clothing 脱去(尤其是衣服)

I'd better take my shoes off. 我最好把鞋子脱了。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
To remove clothes and not wear clothes: bare, change, disrobe...
verb /klɪə(r)/
[T] to remove people or things from a place where they are not wanted 清除;清理;移走

Millions of acres of tropical forest have been cleared. 几百万英亩的热带森林被一砍而光。

clear something from something :

Julia began to clear the dishes from the table. 朱莉娅开始收拾桌上的餐具。

clear something of something :

The ground should first be cleared of weeds. 首先得把这块地上的野草除掉。

clear a space for someone/something :

He cleared a space on his desk for a cup of coffee. 他在书桌上腾出一个放咖啡的地方。

 Synonyms and related words
[T] to remove something that is blocking a place such as a road or passage 给…排除障碍;清理

The police cleared a way through to the front of the building. 警察清理出一条通到楼前的路。

 Synonyms and related words
weed out
phrasal verb [T]
to remove a person or thing that is not suitable or good enough, especially from a group or collection (尤指从一组中)清除,剔除,淘汰(不合适或不好的人或物)

We need a process that weeds out corrupt police officers. 我们需要一种剔除腐败警官的程序。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /dɪsˈlɒdʒ/
to force something out of its position or out of the position where it is fixed (从固定位置上)强行去除,强行移动

Rescue crews were unable to dislodge the ice. 营救队员们无法移开坚冰。

 Synonyms and related words
flush out
phrasal verb [T]
to remove something by pouring a lot of water through the place where it is 冲掉;清除

Use plain water to flush out the debris. 用清水冲掉碎片。

flush something out of something :

Drinking plenty of water helps to flush harmful substances out of your body. 喝大量的水有助于把有害物质从体内清除出去。

 Synonyms and related words
get out
phrasal verb
[T] to remove something that is inside or mixed with something else 去除

I washed the shirt twice, but I couldn't get the stain out. 这件衬衫我洗两次了,可还是除不掉那处污渍。

get something out of something :

Mike got a splinter of glass out of Jenny's toe. 迈克从珍妮的脚趾里取出了玻璃片。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /teɪk/
[T] to remove something 除去;移走;拿走
take something away from someone/something :

Take the knife away from her! 把她手里的刀拿走。

These drugs should take the pain away. 这些药应该能止痛。

take something out of something :

Will you take the plates out of the cupboard? 把盘子从碗柜里拿出来好吗?

Government officials came to take soil samples from the factory site. 政府官员来取工厂厂址的土壤样本。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /ɪkˈstrækt/
formal to remove something from a particular place 取出;抽出

He opened a drawer and extracted a file. 他打开抽屉,取出一份档案。

 Synonyms and related words
More Synonyms
verb [T] formal /æbˈstrækt/
to remove something from somewhere (从某处)分离

They got permission to abstract water from the river. 他们获准从河里取水。

 Synonyms and related words
break off
phrasal verb
[T] if you break a piece off something, you remove it from the main part 折断;使断开

Each child broke off a piece of bread. 每个孩子都掰了一片面包。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /brʌʃ/
[T] to remove something by moving your hands quickly over a surface (用手)拂,擦
brush something away :

Maggie brushed away her tears as she listened. 玛吉边听边擦眼泪。

brush something from/off something :

We had to brush the snow off the windscreen. 我们不得不擦去挡风玻璃上的雪。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T]
to remove the ice from something such as a plane or the windscreen of a car 给(飞机或汽车挡风玻璃等)除冰
 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /dɪsˈpleɪs/
to force something out of its position or space 挤出;排出

The device displaces the air inside the container. 这个装置可排出容器内的空气。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /ɪkˈspel/
formal to force something out of a container or someone's body (从容器或身体里)排出
 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] very formal /ɪkˈspʌndʒ/
to remove something completely, especially from a written record (尤指从书面记录中)删除,除去
 Synonyms and related words
verb /ˈfɪltə(r)/
[T] to pass something through a filter to remove particular things contained in it 过滤

Everything we download from the Internet is automatically filtered through our virus software. 我们从因特网上下载的所有东西杀毒软件都会自动进行过滤。

 Synonyms and related words
filter out
phrasal verb [T]
to remove something that is not wanted using a filter 过滤掉;滤除

Reed beds filter out much of the pollution. 长有芦苇的河床过滤掉许多污染物。

 Synonyms and related words
to remove things from a group 剔除;筛选掉

At the first meeting we filter out all unsuitable candidates. 我们第一次会面时筛选掉所有不合适的候选人。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /piːl/
[T] to remove something from the surface of something else, especially by taking one end or side and pulling it up 剥;撕;抽
peel something from something :

He peeled a £50 note from a big roll of money. 他从一大卷钞票中抽出一张50英镑的纸币。

peel something off/away/back :

To fasten the envelope first peel off the strip of paper along the edge. 要把信封封好,首先要把边沿上的纸条撕掉。

 Synonyms and related words
roll back
phrasal verb [T]
to remove something, or to reduce the influence of something 消除,减少(影响等)

You can't roll back all the reforms of the last ten years. 你无法消除过去10年中所有改革的影响。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
sift out
phrasal verb [T]
to remove one part of something 筛出;滤除

We get a different impression of the economy if we sift out the figures for imports. 如果把进口方面的数字滤除掉,我们对经济的印象就会不同。

 Synonyms and related words
verb /skɪm/
[T] to remove a substance that is floating on the surface of a liquid 撇去(液体面上的浮物)
skim off :

Skim the fat off the soup. 撇去汤面上的油。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /ˈspɪrɪt/
to take someone or something away suddenly but without being noticed 偷偷地带走

Protesters were spirited away before they could cause a disruption. 抗议者们还没有造成混乱就被秘密地带走了。

 Synonyms and related words
steam off
phrasal verb [T]
to remove something from a surface using steam

People used to steam off the stamps.

 Synonyms and related words
verb /strɪp/
to remove everything useful from a room or a vehicle 拿走(室内或车辆上的)一切有用物品;将…洗劫一空

Thieves had stripped the car when police found it. 警察找到这辆汽车时,盗贼已将它洗劫一空。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [I/T] /səbˈtrækt/
to take away a small part of something 减掉;去掉
 Synonyms and related words
take out
phrasal verb [T]
to remove something from a pocket, bag etc 取出;拿出

Henry took out his wallet. 亨利取出了钱包。

The officer started to take her notebook out. 这位官员开始拿出她的笔记本。

 Synonyms and related words
verb [T] /ʌnˈblɒk/
to remove something that is blocking a pipe, tube etc 除去(管道等的)堵塞物;疏通

Can you unblock the sink? 你能疏通洗涤槽吗?

 Synonyms and related words
verb /wɪp/
[T] to remove something or take something from somewhere very fast 快速移开;快速拿走
whip something out/off :

Smiling, he whipped out his wallet. 他微笑着迅速掏出他的钱夹。

They whipped off their shirts and dived into the pool. 他们飞快地脱下衬衣,跳入水池里。

I whipped the film out of the camera. 我迅速地从相机中取出胶卷。

 Synonyms and related words

winkle out

[T] British informal
  1. 1
    to get something such as information from someone when they did not intend to give it to you 费劲地得到,设法搞到(信息等)

    We tried to winkle an apology out of them. 我们试图逼他们道歉。

  2. 2
    to try to make someone or something leave a place 把…弄出,把…赶出(某处)
     Synonyms and related words
     Synonyms and related words
verb /wɪðˈdrɔː/
[T] formal to take something out of something else (从某物中)拿出

She opened the drawer and withdrew a large envelope. 她打开抽屉,拿出一个大信封。

withdraw something from something :

He withdrew the book from his pocket. 他从口袋里拿出书。

 Synonyms and related words

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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