revenuerev·e·nue /ˈrevənjuː-nuː/ noun [uncountableU]1 (also revenues)ACCOUNTINGFINANCE money that a business or organization receives over a period of time, especially from selling goods or servicesThe company has an annual revenue of about $8 million.
We earn about £3000 a month in advertising revenue.
a 10% fall in revenue from sales
→ average revenue → marginal revenue2 (also revenues)TAX money that a government receives from taxa government plan to help boost revenue
The pensions are a good source of income tax revenue.
3the RevenueTAXORGANIZATIONS used to refer to the government organization in Britain that collects taxesThe Revenue will not regard a backlog of work as a reasonable excuse for the late delivery of a tax return.
→ see also Inland Revenue, Internal Revenue Service