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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 1753 COCA: 1924


Word family
Related topics: Telephone, telegraph
bus·y1 /ˈbɪzi/ ●●● S1 W2 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp busier, superlativesupl busiest)  
1 personBUSY/NOT AVAILABLE if you are busy, you are working hard and have a lot of things to do 忙碌的,忙的
 She’s busy now – can you phone later?
 a busy mother of four
busy with
 Mr Haynes is busy with a customer at the moment.
busy doing something
 Rachel’s busy studying for her exams.
 There were lots of activities to keep the kids busy.
You are busy with something:
I’m very busy with work at the moment.
Don’t say: busy for something | busy on something
2 time 时间BUSY/HAVE A LOT TO DO a busy period of time is full of work or other activities 繁忙的
 December is the busiest time of year for shops.
 a busy day
 He took time out of his busy schedule to visit us.
3 place 地方BUSY PLACE a busy place is very full of people or vehicles and movement 热闹的,熙来攘往的
 We live on a very busy road.
4 TCTtelephone 电话 especially American EnglishAmE if a telephone you are calling is busy, it makes a repeated sound to tell you that the person you are calling is talking on their telephone 〔电话〕占线的,被占用的 SYN British English engaged
 I called Sonya, but her line was busy.
 I keep getting a busy signal.
5. pattern 图案DETAIL a pattern or design that is busy is too full of small details – used to show disapproval 〔图案或设计〕繁杂的,复杂的〔含贬义〕
busy if you are busy, you have a lot of things you need to do 忙碌的
Sorry I haven’t called you, but I’ve been really busy.
a busy housewife
nAngela was becoming more and more unhappy, but her husband was too busy to notice.
nNot now Stephen, I’m busy.
nAlex is busy studying for his exams.
rushed/run off your feet [not before noun] British EnglishBrE spoken very busy and in a hurry, because you have too many things to do 忙得脚不沾地
We’ve been absolutely rushed off our feet getting ready for our son’s birthday party.
snowed under [not before noun] so busy that you can hardly deal with all the work you have to do 忙得顾此失彼
I can’t stop for lunch today – I’m completely snowed under.
nWe’ve been snowed under with applications for the job.
up to your ears/neck in something [not before noun] informal extremely busy because you have a lot of work to deal with 埋头忙于某事
Teachers say they are up to their ears in paperwork and don’t have enough time for teaching.
tied up [not before noun] busy in your job, so that you cannot do anything else 忙得腾不出手
I’m sorry, but he’s tied up at the moment. Could you call back later?
nI can’t see you tomorrow: I’m tied up all day.
have a lot to do especially spoken to have to do a lot of things, so that you need to hurry or work hard 有许多事要做
Let’s get started – we have a lot to do.
have a lot on British EnglishBrE, have a lot going on American EnglishAmE spoken to be busy, especially because you have arranged to do a lot of things during a particular period 〔尤指某个时期〕有很多事等着要做
I’ve got a lot on this weekend.
nHe says he’ll try and see you as soon as possible, but he has a lot going on this afternoon.
time 时间
busy use this about times when you have a lot of things you need to do 忙碌的,繁忙的
We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow.
nJuly and August are our busiest times.
hectic a hectic time or situation is extremely busy, so that you are always in a hurry and often feel excited or worried 繁忙的,忙乱的
It was really hectic at work today.
nThe band had a hectic recording schedule.
the rush hour the time in the morning and evening when a lot of people are travelling to or from work 〔上下班的〕高峰时间
The buses are so crowded during the rush hour you never get a seat.
nIn most British cities the rush hour does not start until about 8 o’clock.
Examples from the Corpus
busy2 verb (busied, busying, busies) [transitiveT]  
busy yourself with something SPEND MONEYto use your time dealing with something 使自己忙于某事
 He busied himself with answering letters.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
busybus·y /ˈbɪzi/ adjectiveadj
1American EnglishAmE a telephone that is busy is being usedSYN BrE engaged
2someone who is busy is working and is not available
Mr Bullon is busy right now - can you phone back after lunch?
busy with
I’ve been busy with customers all morning
3COMMERCEa busy period is full of work
Christmas is one of Oxford Street’s busiest times of the year.
Origin busy1
Old English bisig
BNC: 1753 COCA: 1924


VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSbe, look, seem忙碌;看上去很忙;好像很忙become, get變得很忙keep, remain, stay (especially NAmE) 總是很忙;一直很忙She needed to keep busy.她需要一直有事幹。keep sb使某人不得空閒I have enough work to keep me busy.我有足夠的工作,閒不下來。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常忙碌awfully, incredibly, terribly忙得不可開交;極忙;忙壞了especially, exceptionally, particularly, unusually異常忙;特別忙frantically, insanely忙得不可開交a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/稍有些忙PREPOSITIONwith忙於⋯She was busy with her make-up.她忙着化妝。
BNC: 1753 COCA: 1924
busy adj.
busy1 (a busy woman) busy2 (a busy weekend) crowded (a busy airport)


a busy woman 忙碌的女人a busy weekend 繁忙的周末crowdeda busy airportbusy ♦︎ active ♦︎ engaged ♦︎ involved ♦︎ occupied ♦︎ hard-pressed ♦︎ at workThese words all describe people doing a lot or having a lot to do. 这些词均表示忙碌的、工作中的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配busy / involved / occupied with sthactive / engaged / involved / occupied in sthengaged / at work on sthto keep sb busy / active / involved / occupiedvery / particularly / quite busy / active / involvedcurrently busy / active / engaged / involved / occupied / at workconstantly busy / engaged / involved / occupied / at workactively engaged / involved in sth busy having a lot to do; not free to do sth else because you are working on sth; spending a lot of time on sth 忙碌的;无暇的;忙于(做某事)Are you busy tonight?你今晚忙吗?I'm afraid the doctor is busy at the moment. Can he call you back?抱歉,医生现在没空。让他给你回电话行吗?The principal is a very busy woman.校长她可是个大忙人。She was always too busy to listen.她总是很忙,无暇听我说话。James is busy practising for the school concert.詹姆斯正忙着为学校音乐会排练。 busily


He was busily engaged in repairing his bike.他正忙着修他的自行车。
active (rather formal) giving a lot of time or attention to sth; making a determined effort and not leaving sth to happen by itself 忙于;积极的They were both politically active.他们两人在政治上都很积极。She takes an active part in school life.她积极参加学校活动。The parents were active in campaigning against cuts to the education budget.学生家长积极参加反对削减教育预算的活动。They took active steps to prevent the spread of the disease.他们采取积极措施,防止疾病蔓延。 OPP inactive , passive The opposite of active in this meaning is inactive or passive. 表达此义时,active的反义词是inactive或passiveThe area has a large, but politically inactive population.该地区人口虽多,但对政治并不热衷。He played a passive role in the relationship.他在那段关系中处于被动地位。 see also passive passive see also active energetic actively


She was actively looking for a job.她在积极找工作。
engaged [not before noun] (formal) giving a lot of time or attention to sb/sth; not free to do sth 忙于;没有空They were engaged in conversation.他们正谈得起劲。He is now engaged on his second novel.他正埋头写他的第二部小说。I can't come to dinner on Tuesday-I'm otherwise engaged (= I have already arranged to do sth else).我星期二另有安排,不能来参加宴会。 see also engagement meeting 2 involved [not usually before noun] giving a lot of time or attention to sb/sth 忙于;专注于She was deeply involved with the local hospital.她曾全心投入当地医院的工作。I was so involved in my book I didn't hear you knock.我全神贯注在看书,没听到你敲门。He's a very involved father (= he spends a lot of time with his children).他是个很投入的父亲。 see also involvement involvement occupied [not before noun] (rather formal) giving a lot of time or attention to sb/sth 忙于;专注于He's fully occupied looking after three small children.照顾三个小孩让他忙得不可开交。Only half her time is occupied with politics.她只用一半的时间从事政治活动。The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.最重要的是别让自己闲着。NOTE 辨析 Involved or occupied? Involved usually suggests that sb has a personal or emotional connection with the person or thing mentioned; occupied simply suggests that sb has a lot to do. * involved通常意味着与所关注的人或所忙之事有个人或情感上的联系,occupied仅表示很忙。 ˌhard-ˈpressed having a lot of problems, especially too much work, and too little time or money 处于强大压力下的(尤指工作重、时间紧迫、资金少)Hard-pressed junior doctors want shorter working hours.实习医生压力太大,希望缩短工作时间。 at ˈwork [not before noun] busy doing sth 忙着(做某事)He is still at work on the painting.他仍在忙着画那幅画。Danger-men at work.危险-有人施工。


a busy woman 忙碌的女人a busy weekend 繁忙的周末crowdeda busy airportbusy ♦︎ hectic ♦︎ full ♦︎ eventful ♦︎ livelyThese words all describe a period of time that is full of work or activity. 这些词均表示繁忙的、有很多活动的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a busy / a hectic / a full / an eventful day / weekend / weeka busy / hectic / full / lively programmea busy / hectic / full schedule / timetablea busy / a hectic / a full / an eventful lifevery busy / hectic / full / eventful / lively busy full of work and activity 工作忙的;有很多活动的Have you had a busy day?你今天忙了一天吗?This is one of the busiest times of the year for the department.这是该部门一年中最忙的时期之一。OPP quiet quiet 1 hectic very full of work and activity; too busy 忙碌的;繁忙的I don't want to lead such a hectic life any more.我再也不想过这种忙得团团转的生活了。We were involved in the hectic last-minute preparations.我们手忙脚乱地做着最后关头的准备工作。 full (often approving) busy; involving a lot of activities 忙的;有很多活动的He'd had a very full life.他度过了经历丰富的人生。Her life was too full to find time for hobbies.她的生活太忙,无暇顾及业余爱好。NOTE 辨析 Busy, hectic or full? Busy is the most general of these words. Full often describes a period of time, especially sb's life, that is busy in a good way. Hectic usually describes a period of time or an activity that is too busy. * busy是这些词中含义最广的。full常指在一段时间里忙碌而充实,尤指某人的生活。hectic通常指一段时间或某个活动过于忙碌紧张。 eventful full of things that happen, especially exciting, important or dangerous things 充满大事的;多事故的;多变故的It had been a long and eventful journey.那是一个漫长而又多姿多彩的旅程。 OPP uneventful predictable 2 lively (especially BrE) busy and active 繁忙活跃的;兴旺的They do a lively trade in souvenirs and gifts.他们经营纪念品和礼品生意,做得红红火火。In this meaning, lively is mainly used to describe trading, business, bidding and the market (= the activity of buying and selling things). 表达此义时,lively主要用来形容trading、business、bidding和the market。
BNC: 1753 COCA: 1924
Busy and working: busy, active, tied up...
Full of people or things: full, crowded, packed...
Using a telephone: answer, busy, call...
Words used to describe decoration: beaded, bedecked, bejewelled...
To work hard: work at, forge, overwork...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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