CRUELunreasonably cruel and unfair towards someone who has harmed you 报复 (性)的;怀恨在心的
a bitter and vindictive old man
—vindictiveness noun [uncountableU]
Examples from the Corpus
vindictive• After the divorce Joan's ex-husband became increasingly vindictive.• Depriving our police force of a cup of tea is astronomically vindictive and silly.• A conservativecolumnist, George Will, provides a more vindictive answer.• Humans are specialized in vindictive behavior.• He never destroyed a witch simply on the say-so of vindictive enemies.• What vindictiveirony, to force Digby to sacrifice his entire career in transport over a railwaysannouncement!• "I'll pay her back for this.'' "Don't be so vindictive. It doesn't help anyone.''• Accurately, though unfairly, contemporarycritics of the Futurists denounced them with the vindictivelabels: photographic, cinematic.• He's not a vindictive person.• She was vindictive, vulgar; she wanted to hurt him.• Doug could be nasty and vindictive when he was drinking.
(1600-1700)Latinvindicta“revenge”, from vindicare; → VINDICATE