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IELTS BNC: 2598 COCA: 2384


Word family
luck1 /lʌk/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [uncountableU]  
1 success 成功LUCKY (also good luck) good things that happen to you by chance 好运,幸运
 You’re not having much luck today, are you?
 He’s had good luck with his roses this year.
 It was an incredible piece of luck.
by luck
 It was only by luck that they managed to avoid hitting the rocks near the shore.
2 bad luck the bad things that happen to someone by chance, not because of something they did 厄运,噩运
 I’ve had nothing but bad luck since I moved to this town.
Examples from the Corpus
3 chance 机会CHANCE/BY CHANCE when good or bad things happen to people by chance 运气
 Roulette is a game of luck.
4 with (any) luck/with a bit of luck spokenHOPE if things happen in the way that you want 要是走运的话 SYN hopefully
 With a bit of luck, you might get a flight tomorrow.
5 wish somebody (the best of) luck to tell someone that you hope they will be successful in something they are going to do 祝某人好运
 She wished me luck in the exam, then left.
Examples from the Corpus
6 good luck/best of luck spoken used to tell someone that you hope they will be successful in something they are going to do 祝好运
5Good luck with the project.
n Good luck in this enormous project you are undertaking.
Examples from the Corpus
7 good luck to somebody spokenUNIMPORTANT used to say that you do not mind what someone does because it does not affect you 祝某人好运〔用于表示不介意某人所做的事,因为不会影响到自己〕
 I say, good luck to him.
Examples from the Corpus
8 any luck?/no luck? spokenSUCCEED IN DOING something used to ask someone if they have succeeded in doing something 运气好吗?/运气不好吗?
 ‘Oh, there you are. Any luck?’ ‘No, I didn’t catch a single fish.’
噢,是你呀。运气怎么样?” “不好,我一条鱼都没有钓到。
Examples from the Corpus
9 be in luck LUCKYto be able to do or get something, especially when you did not expect to 〔尤指出乎意料地〕走运
 You’re in luck – it’s stopped snowing.
Examples from the Corpus
10 be out of luck to be prevented from getting or doing something by bad luck 不走运
 The team were out of luck again at Scarborough on Saturday.
Examples from the Corpus
11 do something for luck LUCKYto do something because you think it might bring you good luck 为带来好运而做某事,为求吉利而做某事
 She crossed her fingers for luck.
Examples from the Corpus
12 just my luck spokenUNLUCKY used to say that you are not surprised something bad has happened to you, because you are usually unlucky 我总是不走运
 I didn’t get to the phone in time. Just my luck!
Examples from the Corpus
13 no such luck spokenDISAPPOINTED used to say you are disappointed because something good that you hoped would happen did not happen 没这样的运气〔表示失望〕
 ‘Have you got Sunday off?’ ‘No such luck.’
你星期天休息吗?” “哪有这样的好事啊。
Examples from the Corpus
14. better luck next time SUCCEED IN DOING somethingused to say that you hope someone will be more successful the next time they try to do something 祝下次好运
Examples from the Corpus
15 as luck would have it UNLUCKYused to say that something happened by chance 碰巧,幸而
 As luck would have it, my best friend is the most wonderful cook in the world.
Examples from the Corpus
16 try/chance your luck HOPEto do something because you hope you will be successful, even though you know you may not be 碰碰运气
Examples from the Corpus
17 be down on your luck POORto have no money because you have had a lot of bad luck over a long period of time 〔因不走运而〕穷困潦倒
Examples from the Corpus
18. the luck of the draw CHANCE/BY CHANCEthe result of chance rather than something you can control 碰运气的事
Examples from the Corpus
19. some people have all the luck spokenLUCKYJEALOUS used to say that you wish you had what someone else has 有些人就是运气好
Examples from the Corpus
20. bad/hard/tough luck British EnglishBrE spokenSYMPATHIZE used to express sympathy when something unpleasant has happened to someone 真不幸〔用于表示同情〕 tough luck at tough1(7)
Examples from the Corpus
21 with/knowing somebody’s luck spoken used to say that you expect something bad to happen to someone because bad things often do happen to them 就凭某人的运气,知道某人的运气〔用于表示料想某人身上会有坏事发生,因为此人经常不走运〕
Examples from the Corpus
22 worse luck British EnglishBrE spokenPITY/IT'S A PITY unfortunately 真倒霉,遗憾
Examples from the Corpus
23 luck is on somebody’s side LUCKYif luck is on someone’s side, things go well for them 某人走运[交好运]
Examples from the Corpus
24. (one) for luck spokenADD used when you take, add, or do something for no particular reason, or in order to say that you hope good things happen 祈求好运;但愿运气好
Examples from the Corpus
hard-luck story, → push your luck at push1(12)
COLLOCATIONSMeanings 1,2, & 3
good luck 好运
These birds are said to bring good luck.
bad luck 噩运
His bad luck continued.
sheer/pure luck (=chance, and not skill or effort) 全凭运气
She managed to catch hold of the rope by sheer luck.
dumb luck American EnglishAmE (=sheer good luck, not influenced by anything you did) 碰巧的运气
nSometimes I think my success was really just dumb luck.
beginner’s luck (=good luck that happens when you first try something) 新手的运气
nHe’d hit the center of the target. ‘Beginner’s luck, I guess, ’ he said.
have good/bad luck 交好运/走背运
I’ve had a bit of bad luck.
have more/less luck 有更多的运气/缺少点运气
I hope you have more luck in the next competition.
have no luck (also not have much/any luck) (=not be lucky or successful) 没有运气
I’d been looking for a job for weeks, but had had no luck.
can’t believe your luck 不敢相信自己的运气
I couldn’t believe my luck as my number was called out!
nhave the (good/bad) luck to do something
He had the good luck to meet a man who could help him.
somebody’s luck holds (=they continue having good luck) 某人连交好运
nOur luck held, and the weather remained fine.
somebody’s luck runs out (=they stop having good luck) 某人的好运到头了
nFinally my luck ran out and they caught me.
bring somebody (good/bad) luck 给某人带来(好/坏)运气
nHe always carried the stone in his pocket; he reckoned it brought him luck.
a piece/stroke of luck (=something good that happens by chance) 好运,碰巧
What a piece of luck that he arrived when he did!
a run of good/bad luck (=a series of good or bad things) 好运/噩运连连
The team has had a run of bad luck lately, losing their last five games.
a matter of luck (=something that depends on chance) 运气问题
Winning is a matter of luck.
an element of luck (=an amount of luck that is involved in something) 一点好运
There is always an element of luck when hiring someone for a job.
luck noun [uncountableU] when good or bad things happen to people by chance
The game involves an element of luck as well as skill.
chance noun [uncountableU] the way that some things happen without being planned or caused by people
I met her by chance on a plane to Tokyo.
Like all top athletes, he leaves nothing to chance, and trains harder than anybody.
fortune noun [uncountableU] luck and the effect it has on your life
I had the good fortune to work with some great people.
The tour was dogged by ill fortune (=it had a lot of bad luck) from the start.
Fortune has shone on the team so far this season (=they have been lucky).
fate noun [uncountableU] a power that some people believe controls what happens to people and which cannot be changed or stopped
Fate dealt him a cruel blow with the death of his wife at the age of 32.
It must have been fate that brought them together, and fate that tore them apart.
We can’t just leave it to fate.
providence noun [uncountableU] a power which some people believe controls what happens in our lives and protects us
Do you believe in divine providence (=God’s power to make things happen)?
Her life was mapped out for her by providence.
fluke noun [countableC usually singular] informal something good that happens because of luck
Their second goal was a fluke.
They won by a fluke.
Examples from the Corpus
luck2 verb  
1luck out phrasal verbphr v American EnglishAmE informalLUCKY to be lucky 走运,运气好
 Yeah, we really lucked out and got a parking space right in front.
Origin luck1
(1400-1500) Middle Dutch luk
IELTS BNC: 2598 COCA: 2384


ADJECTIVE | ... OF LUCK | VERB + LUCK | LUCK + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbetter, good, great更好的運氣;好運;極好的運氣blind, dumb, plain, pure, sheer撞上的運氣;純粹的運氣;全憑好運It was sheer luck that we met like that.我們能那樣相遇全憑運氣。random偶然的運氣amazing, extraordinary, incredible令人驚喜的/非同尋常的/難以置信的好運bad, cruel, hard, ill, poor, rotten, terrible, tough, unfortunate噩運;霉運It was rotten luck to be sick on the day of the interview.面試當天生病,真倒霉。... OF LUCKpiece, stroke一樁幸事By a stroke of luck I came across it in a local bookshop.我幸運地在當地一家書店發現了它。VERB + LUCKhave有運氣I haven't had much luck recently.我最近有點兒時運不濟。bring (sb), give sb(給某人)帶來運氣This ring has always brought me good luck.這枚戒指一直帶給我好運。wish sb祝某人好運I wished her luck for the future.我祝她未來走運。need需要好運chance, try碰運氣I decided to try my luck at the roulette wheel.我決定到輪盤賭那兒試試運氣。ride (BrE) 一路好運We rode our luck (= our luck continued) towards the end of the game.我們一路好運直到比賽結束。press, push繼續碰運氣;再次冒險Don't push your luck!別貪心不足!bemoan (especially BrE) 哀歎運氣LUCK + VERBdesert sb, run out運氣拋棄某人;運氣已盡It looks as though our luck's finally run out.看來我們的運氣好像是到頭了。continue, hold運氣繼續;好運不變If our luck holds, we should win.如果我們運氣還在,應該能贏。change, turn運氣好轉He went on gambling, sure his luck was about to change.他繼續賭博,堅信自己會時來運轉。strike運氣降臨More bad luck struck last week.上星期又發生了更多倒霉事。PREPOSITIONby... luck因為運氣By sheer luck we managed to get out in time.萬幸的是,我們總算及時逃了出來。for luck為了討吉利I always carry it with me, just for luck.為討吉利,我總是隨身帶着它。in luck走運You're in luck-there are just two tickets left.您真走運 - 就剩兩張票了。out of luck不走運I had hoped there would be another train, but I was out of luck.我原本想着還能有一趟火車,但我不太走運。with luck有好運With luck, we'll get there before it closes.走運的話,我們會在關門之前趕到。PHRASESas luck would have it碰巧As luck would have it, my brother offered me his apartment.碰巧,我哥哥提出把他的公寓給我住。beginner's luck新手的好運氣I don't know why I did so well-it must be beginner's luck.我不知道自己怎麼做得這麼好,這肯定是新手的好運氣吧。better luck next time下次好運If you didn't win a prize, better luck next time.如果沒獲獎,願你下次好運。can't believe your luck簡直不能相信運氣這麼好He couldn't believe his luck when the other candidate for the job withdrew.該職位的另一名應徵者退出了競爭,他簡直不能相信自己運氣這麼好。just my luck我總是那麼倒霉Just my luck to get the broken chair!我這把椅子是壞的,我總是那麼倒霉!luck is on your side交好運I thought I was going to miss the train but luck was on my side.我以為要趕不上火車了,還好我運氣不錯。make your own luck自己創造好運You make your own luck in business.商機是自己創造出來的。
IELTS BNC: 2598 COCA: 2384
luck noun
luck (good/bad luck) in luck lucky adj.


luck ♦︎ chance ♦︎ coincidence ♦︎ accident ♦︎ fortune ♦︎ fate ♦︎ destiny ♦︎ providenceThese are all words for things that happen or the force that causes them to happen. 这些词均表示机遇、命运、运气。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配by ...luck / chance / coincidence / accidentIt's no coincidence / accident that...pure / sheer luck / chance / coincidence / accidentgood / bad / ill luck / fortunea / an happy / unfortunate / strange chance / coincidence / accidentto bring sb good / bad luck / fortuneto have the ... luck / fortune to do sthto leave sth to chance / fate / providenceto believe in luck / coincidences / fate / destiny / providenceto tempt fate / providencesb's luck / fortune changes / turnsfate / providence decides / decrees...a stroke of luck / fortune / fate luck [uncountable] the force that causes good or bad things to happen to people 机遇;命运;运气The best of luck with your exams.祝你考试成功!Bad luck, Helen, you played very well.海伦,你表现得很出色,只是运气欠佳。Never mind-better luck next time.没关系,祝你下次好运。It was his hard luck that he wasn't chosen.他未被选中,真不走运。 (BrE) It's hard luck on him that he wasn't chosen.他未被选中,真不走运。Just my luck to arrive after they had left (= used to show you are not surprised sth bad has happened to you, because you are not often lucky).我总是这样倒霉,他们离开后我才赶到。 see also lucky timely chance [uncountable, singular] the way that some things happen without any cause that you can see or understand 偶然;碰巧;意外We met by chance at the airport.我们碰巧在机场相遇。Chess is not a game of chance.国际象棋不是靠运气取胜的。We'll plan everything very carefully and leave nothing to chance.我们要非常周密地筹划这一切,确保万无一失。By a happy chance he bumped into an old friend on the plane.他在飞机上开心地巧遇一个老朋友。 coincidence kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns; NAmE koʊˈɪnsɪdəns [countable, uncountable] the fact of two things happening at the same time by chance, in a surprising way (令人吃惊的)巧合,巧事They met through a series of strange coincidences.他们因一连串不可思议的巧合而相见了。It's not a coincidence that none of the directors is a woman.董事中没有一位女性,这并非偶然。It was pure coincidence that they were both in Paris on the same day.他们俩同一天都在巴黎,纯属巧合。 coincidental


I suppose your presence here today is not entirely coincidental.我认为你今天来这里不完全是碰巧。


Coincidentally, they had both studied in Paris.碰巧的是,他们俩都曾在巴黎求学。
accident [countable, uncountable] something that happens unexpectedly and is not planned in advance 意外;偶然的事It is no accident that men fill most of the top jobs in the profession.这个行业中最重要的工作大多由男人担任绝非偶然。an accident of birth / fate / history (= describing facts and events that are due to chance or circumstances) 出生/命运/历史的偶然性It happened, whether by accident or design (= by accident or on purpose), that Steve and I were the last two people to leave.不知是巧合还是有意安排,我和史蒂夫两个人是最后离开的。 accidental


I didn't think our meeting was accidental-he must have known I would be there.我认为我和他相遇不是偶然的-他肯定早就知道我会在那里。
fortune [uncountable] (rather formal) luck or chance, especially in the way it affects people's lives (尤指影响人生的)机会,运气I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors.我有幸与一些出色的主管人员共事。The team had a dramatic reversal of fortune in the second half.下半场球队的命运发生了戏剧性的逆转。 see also fortunate timely fate [uncountable, singular] the power that is believed to control everything that happens and that cannot be stopped or changed 命运;天数;定数;天意Fate was kind to me that day.那天我受到命运的眷顾。By a strange twist of fate, Andy and I were on the same plane.由于命运的奇特安排,我和安迪乘坐了同一架飞机。She felt it would be tempting fate (= being too confident in a way that might bring her good luck to an end) to try the difficult climb a second time.她觉得再次尝试这种高难度的攀岩就如同玩儿命了。He believed that the universe was controlled by the whims of a cruel fate.他相信宇宙是由变幻莫测而残酷的宿命主宰的。 destiny ˈdestəni [uncountable] the power that is believed to control events 主宰事物的力量;命运之神I believe there's some force guiding us-call it God, destiny or fate.我相信有某种力量在引导着我们-称之为上帝也罢,天意也罢,或是命运也罢。She was spurred on by a strong sense of destiny.一种强烈的使命感激励着她。 see also destined certain providence ( Providence) ˈprɒvɪdəns; NAmE ˈprɑːvɪdəns [uncountable] (formal) God, or a force that some people believe controls our lives and the things that happen to us, usually in a way that protects us 上帝;苍天;天佑He trusted in divine providence.他相信上苍。She believed her suffering was sent by providence.她相信她的苦难是上天安排的。NOTE 辨析 Fate, destiny or providence? Providence is usually seen as being kind: even when it sends suffering, this is accepted as being part of God's plan. Fate can be kind, but this is an unexpected gift; just as often, fate is cruel and makes people feel helpless. Destiny is more likely to give people a sense of power: people who have a strong sense of destiny usually believe that they are meant to be great or do great things. * providence通常被看作是善意的安排,即使苦难降临也是天意。fate可以是善意的,但那只是意外的恩赐;同样,fate又常是残酷的,会使人感到无能为力。destiny更多给人以力量的感觉。a strong sense of destiny指强烈的使命感,有使命感的人认为自己注定出人头地或成就伟业。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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