intestine• The villagepaths soon became covered with a mass of bodies, brains, blood and intestines.• Montgomery etal isolatedcells from 18 day fetalratintestine by trypsin dissociation.• In agreement with our findings, they showed that the rat intestinesecretedfluid on day 5 after parasiteadministration.• Each day, 7-10 litres of water enter the small intestine.• The degree of amyloid deposition, however, was greatest in the small intestine.• So far two of 10 patients with a diagnosis of Crohn's disease have already developed recurrence in the small intestine.• As the wall of the small intestine comes into view, you notice that it looks furry.• The ultrastructure of the intestine was examined in seven patients.
(1400-1500)Frenchintestin, from Latinintestinum, from intus“inside”