2[singular] spokenCHILDMAN used by an older person as a way to address a boy or young man 孩子〔年长者对男孩或年轻男子的称呼〕
What’s your name, son?
3.the SonRRCJesus Christ, the second member of the group from the Christianreligion that also includes the Father and the HolySpirit 圣子〔指耶稣基督,圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体中的第二位〕
4[countableC] writtenALMAN a man, especially a famous man, from a particular place or country 〔来自某个地方或国家的,尤指有名望的〕男士,人士
Frank Sinatra, New Jersey’s most famous son
5.my sonRRCMANused by a priest to address a man or boy 我的孩子〔神父对男子或男孩的称呼〕
Examples from the Corpus
my son• And my son will probably be just like you.• What about it, Gabriel my son?• I had my son, yet I was lonely.• I often read aloud to my sons the nonfiction books that support their school studies.• How much compassion would I have toward Duncan Fleming if it were my son who was killed?• However, in the spring of 1977 an offer was made, which my sonaccepted.• Mr Shepherdappeared in my office with my son - said he'd found him roaming about the factory.
son• The family business has now been taken over by Anderson's eldest son.• Sophie will marry one day, and perhaps she will send her sons to you.• She so much wanted to avoid another pitchedbattle with her son.• Her son used to work in Texas.• The figures of two parents stooped over their 13-year-old son who would dietomorrow.• Our son Jamie is five years old.• We have two teenagesons.• So Demeter nursed Demophoon, the son that Metaneira had borne to wise Celeus.• members of the Sons of Italy