chieftain• Upon the death of his father, Sigmar became chieftain and began to draw the human tribes together under his leadership.• They strongly urge the assorted presidents, primeministers and corporatechieftains to come without their staffs and guards.• Arturo Silvio, the modelling agency's Milan chieftain, was bustling across the floor towards her.• The provinces are based upon the ancienttribalhomelands whose people were ruled by their own chieftains.• She and her confessor ran away from her incestuous father, a paganchieftain.• Mile Ilic, the local Socialistchieftain, was fired by Milosevic in the early days of the protests.• At last Achilles called an assembly of the chieftains.
(1200-1300)Old Frenchchevetain, from Late Latincapitaneus; → CAPTAIN1