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IELTS BNC: 1174 COCA: 1855


Word family
Related topics: Horses, Swimming, Measurement
length /leŋθ/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 size 尺寸 [countableC, uncountableU]LONG the measurement of how long something is from one end to the other 长,长度 breadth, width
 We measured the length and width of the living room.
a length of 1 metre/2 feet etc
 Some fish can grow to a length of four feet.
2 feet/10 metres etc in length
 The hotel pool is 15 metres in length.
 You’ll need several pieces of string of different lengths.
5 see picture at 见图 dimension
2 time 时间 [countableC, uncountableU]TIME/HOW LONG the amount of time that you spend doing something or that something continues 时间长度 duration
length of
 Your pension will depend on your length of employment.
 What’s the average length of stay in hospital?
(not) for any length of time (=not for very long) 没有多长时间
 He wasn’t left alone for any length of time.
In everyday English, people usually talk about how long something is in space or time, rather than using the noun length: 在日常英语中,人们在提及某事物的长度或持续时间时一般用 how long,而不用名词 length
We need to know the length of the table. → We need to know how long the table is.
我们得知道桌子有多长。 | He was annoyed by the length of time he had to wait. → He was annoyed by how long he had to wait. 他得等那么长时间,这让他很生气。
3 books/films etc/电影等 [countableC, uncountableU]LONG the amount of writing in a book, or the amount of time that a film, play etc continues 〔书的〕篇幅;〔电影、戏剧等的〕长度
length of
 We had to cut the length of the book by one third.
of this length
 Films of this length (=as long as this) are pretty unusual.
4 run/stretch/walk etc the (full) length of something ALL/EVERYTHINGto go or move from one end to the other of something 横跨/延伸/走过某物的整个长度
 The wall ran the full length of the garden.
 They walked the length of the pier.
Examples from the Corpus
5 shoulder-length/knee-length etc reaching down as far as your shoulders etc 齐肩/齐膝等的
 shoulder-length hair
 an ankle-length dress
6 go to some/great/any lengths (to do something) TRY TO DO OR GET somethingDETERMINEDto try very hard or to do whatever is necessary to achieve something that is important to you 千方百计/竭尽全力(做某事)
 He went to great lengths to keep their name out of the papers.
 Bella would go to any lengths to fulfil her ambition.
Examples from the Corpus
7 at (some/great etc) length 
a) LONG TIMEif you talk at length about something, you talk about it for a long time 长时间地
speak/talk etc at length
 The young people spoke at length about their experiences.
 We’ve already discussed the subject at great length.
b) literaryAFTER after a long time 长时间后,最后,最终
 ‘I don’t agree, ’ she said at length.
Examples from the Corpus
8 the length and breadth of the area/country/land etc EVERYWHEREin or through every part of a large area 各处,到处
Examples from the Corpus
9 piece 段、根 [countableC]LONG a piece of something long and thin 细长的一段[一根,一条]
10 in races 在比赛中 [countableC]DSH the measurement of a horse, boat etc from one end to the other – used when saying how far the horse, boat etc is ahead of another 一马位;一艇位〔比赛中超出对手的长度〕
11 swimming 游泳 [countableC]DSS the distance from one end of a swimming pool to the other 游泳池的长度
hold something at arm’s length at arm1(8), → keep/hold somebody at arm’s length at arm1(9), → full-length1
measure the length of something
The children measured the length of their shadows at three different times of day.
have a length of 1 metre/2 feet etc
These leaves have a length of about 7 cm.
grow to/reach a length of 2 metres/8 feet etc
A blue whale can reach a length of 100 feet.
run the length of something (=exist along the whole length of something)
A long corridor ran the length of the building.
the total length
The total length of the completed railway line will be almost 650 kilometres.
an average length
These worms grow to an average length of about 1 metre.
the whole/full/entire length of something
The camera looks down the full length of the street.
medium length
All the girls had short or medium length hair.
equal/unequal length
She drew two lines of equal length.
a maximum/minimum length
This species of fish can reach a maximum length of 12 inches.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin length
Old English lengthu, from lang; → LONG1
IELTS BNC: 1174 COCA: 1855


1distance from one end to the other長度ADJECTIVE | VERB + LENGTH | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEentire, full, maximum, whole整個長度;全部長度;最大長度;全長There is a maximum length of 2 500 words.篇幅不得超過 2,500 個單詞。A long veranda runs the whole length of the building.一條長廊貫通整棟建築。great非常長的長度a ditch of great length and width又長又寬的溝medium中等長度overall, total總長度average平均長度VERB + LENGTHestimate, measure估計/測量長度He measured the length and width of the table.他量了桌子的長和寬。have有⋯長The vehicle has an overall length of 12 feet.這輛車總長 12 英尺。grow to, reach增加到/達到⋯長度These fish can reach a length of over five feet.這些魚身長可超過 5 英尺。double in, increase in長度加倍;增加長度cut sth to將⋯減到⋯長度Measure the size of the window and cut the cloth to length.量好窗戶的尺寸,然後按尺寸裁布。drive, extend, run, swim, travel, walk, etc.行駛、延伸、跑、游、旅行、走等某一距離The fence runs the length of the footpath.籬笆沿整條小路延伸。PREPOSITIONalong the length of沿着There were lights along the whole length of the street.整條街上都有燈。in length長度為The pipe was six feet in length.管道長 6 英尺。PHRASESat arm's length以一臂之距;以一定距離He has to hold newspapers at arm's length to focus on the print.他必須將手臂伸直拿着報紙才能看清上面的字。She kept him at arm's length until he stopped smoking. (figurative) 在他戒煙以前,她一直與他保持一定距離。double, twice, three times, half, etc. the length of sth⋯兩倍、三倍、一半等的長度The queen bee is twice the length of a worker bee.蜂王的體長為工蜂的兩倍。


2amount of time that sth lasts持續時間ADJECTIVE | VERB + LENGTH | LENGTH + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, great, inordinate相當長的時間;極長的時間;過長的時間reasonable合適的時長VERB + LENGTHcut, reduce, shorten縮短時間increase延長時間LENGTH + VERBincrease時間延長decrease時間縮短PREPOSITIONat length詳細地He told me at length about his new job.他向我詳細地說了他新工作的情況。in length時長為Each lesson was an hour in length.每節課時長是一小時。PHRASESlength of time時間長度They complained about the inordinate length of time they had to wait.他們抱怨等的時間太長。


3length of a swimming pool泳池長度VERB + LENGTHdo, swim游⋯距離I did 20 lengths today.我今天在游泳池裏游了 10 個來回。
IELTS BNC: 1174 COCA: 1855
length noun
length (the length of the river) piece (a length of rope)


length ♦︎ height ♦︎ depth ♦︎ width ♦︎ diameter ♦︎ thicknessThese are all words for a measurement of distance between two ends or sides of sth. 这些词均表示两端或两侧之间的长度或距离。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sth has a length / height / depth / width / diameter / thickness of 20 cm / 30 m, etc.sth is / measures 20 cm / 30 m, etc. in length / height / depth / width / diameter / thicknesssth is of a particular length / height / depth / width / diameter / thicknessa great length / height / depth / width / thicknessan average length / height / depth / width / diameter / thicknessa standard length / height / widtha maximum / minimum length / height / depth / width / diameter / thicknessthe full length / height / width / thickness of sththe total length / height / depth / width / thickness of sthto measure the length / height / depth / width / diameter / thickness of sthto calculate the length / height / depth / diameter of sth length [uncountable, countable] the distance or measurement along sth from one end to the other 长;长度This room is twice the length of the kitchen.这个房间的长度是厨房的两倍。The river is 300 miles in length.这条河长300英里。The snake usually reaches a length of 100 cm.这种蛇一般可长到100厘米。He ran the entire length of the beach (= from one end to the other).他从海滩的头跑到尾。 long


long hair长发a long corridor / bridge长廊;长桥The table is six feet long.那张桌子长6英尺。 OPP short short 2
height [uncountable, countable] the measurement of how tall a person or thing is (人的)身高;(物体的)高度Please state your height and weight.请注明你的身高和体重。He is of medium height and slim build.他中等身材,体形修长。You can adjust the height of the chair.你可以调节椅子的高度。The table is available in several different heights.这款桌子有几种不同的高度可供选择。 see also high high 2 depth [uncountable, countable] the distance or measurement from the top or surface to the bottom of sth 向下的距离;深(度);纵深What's the depth of the water here?这儿的水有多深?Water was found at a depth of 30 metres.在30米深处找到了水。They dug down to a depth of two metres.他们挖到了两米深。 Depth can also be the distance from the front to the back of sth. * depth也可表示向里的距离或进深The depth of the shelves is 30 centimetres.这些书架的深度为30厘米。 deep


a deep hole / well / river很深的洞/井/河deep water / snow深水;厚雪a deep cut / wound / space很深的刀口/伤口;深邃的空间The water is only a few inches deep.这水只有几英寸深。 OPP shallow The opposite is shallow. * deep的反义词是shallowThey were playing in the shallow end (= of the swimming pool).他们在游泳池的浅水区玩耍。These fish are found in shallow waters around the coast.这些鱼生长在海边的浅水水域。
width [uncountable, countable] the distance or measurement across sth from one side to the other 宽度;广度It's about 10 metres in width.宽约10米。The terrace runs the full width of the house.露台和房子一般宽。The carpet is available in different widths.这款地毯有各种宽度可供选择。 see also wide wide 2 diameter daɪˈæmɪtə(r) [uncountable] the length of a straight line going from one side of a circle or any other round object to the other side, passing through the centre 直径;对径The radius of a circle is half its diameter.圆的半径是直径的一半。The dome is 42.3 metres in diameter.这个穹顶直径为42.3米。 thickness [uncountable, countable] the distance through sth between its closest opposite surfaces or sides 厚;厚度;粗Use wood of at least 12 mm thickness.使用至少12毫米厚的木材。Roll the pastry to a thickness of about 5 mm.将油酥面皮擀成大约5毫米厚。The board is available in four thicknesses.有四种不同厚度的木板可供选择。 see also thick wide 2
IELTS BNC: 1174 COCA: 1855
Length, width and depth: length, width, depth...
General words relating to frequency and duration: frequency, rate, irregularity...
Units for measuring length or width: bore, centimeter, centimetre...
Long and thin objects: line, strip, stick...
IELTS BNC: 1174 COCA: 1855
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
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0_0: Translations of length
  • # n.
    梴: length
    長: length, head
    長度: extent, length
    長短: accident, duration, extent, gossip, length, rumor
    範圍: ambit, area, bailiwick, bound, circumscription, length
    截: length, section
    袤: distance from north to south, length
    篇幅: length, space

0_0: Definitions of length
  • # noun.
    - the measurement or extent of something from end to end; the greater of two or the greatest of three dimensions of a body.
    * it can reach over two feet in length
    - the amount of time occupied by something.
    * delivery must be within a reasonable length of time
    - a piece or stretch of something.
    * a stout length of wood
    - an extreme to which a course of action is taken.
    * they go to great lengths to avoid the press
    - (in bridge or whist) the number of cards of a suit held in one's hand, especially when five or more.
  • # combining form.
    - reaching up to or down to the place specified.
    * knee-length

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