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BNC: 668 COCA: 602


Word family
Related topics: Human, Hair & beauty
hair /heə $ her/ ●●● S1 W1 noun   hare
1 [uncountableU]HBH the mass of things like fine threads that grows on your head 头发
 Her hair was short and dark.
 a short fat man with no hair on his head
fair-haired/dark-haired/long-haired etc
 He’s a tall fair-haired guy.
nGRAMMAR: Countable or uncountable?
Hair is only used as an uncountable noun in this meaning: hair表示这个意思时是不可数名词
He has black hair.
Don’t say: He has black hairs.
2 [countableC]HBHHBA one of the long fine things like thread that grows on people’s heads and on other parts of their bodies, or similar things that grow on animals 〔人的〕头发,毛,汗毛;〔动物的〕茸毛,毛()
 The cat has left white hairs all over the sofa.
 I’m starting to get a few grey hairs.
 long-haired cats
3 be tearing/pulling your hair out to be very worried or angry about something, especially because you do not know what to do 〔尤因不知怎么办而〕极其担忧[愤怒];〔因焦急、愤怒而〕撕扯自己的头发
 Anyone else would have been tearing their hair out trying to follow these instructions.
Examples from the Corpus
4 let your hair down informalRELAXED to enjoy yourself and start to relax, especially after working very hard 玩乐放松〔尤指在辛勤工作之后〕
 The party gave us all a chance to really let our hair down.
Examples from the Corpus
5 bad hair day a day when your hair does not look tidy or neat even when you try to arrange it carefully – used humorously 不如意的一天,不顺利的一天〔幽默用法〕
 I’m having a bit of a bad hair day.
Examples from the Corpus
6 keep your hair on British EnglishBrE spokenCALM used to tell someone to keep calm and not get annoyed 保持冷静,别发火
 All right, all right, keep your hair on! I’m sorry.
7. get in somebody’s hair informalANNOY to annoy someone, especially by always being near them 〔尤指因不断烦扰而〕惹恼某人
Examples from the Corpus
8. make somebody’s hair stand on end FRIGHTENEDto make someone very frightened 使某人毛发直竖
Examples from the Corpus
9 make somebody’s hair curl if a story, experience etc makes your hair curl, it is very surprising, frightening, or shocking 〔故事、经历等〕使人大吃一惊[毛骨悚然]
 tales that would make your hair curl
Examples from the Corpus
10. not have a hair out of place TIDYto have a very neat appearance 十分整洁
Examples from the Corpus
11. not turn a hair CALMto remain completely calm when something bad or surprising suddenly happens 处之泰然,面不改色,从容不迫
12. not harm/touch a hair of/on somebody’s head HARM/BE BAD FORto not harm someone in any way 不伤/碰某人一根头发
13. the hair of the dog (that bit you) DFDalcohol that you drink to cure a headache caused by drinking too much alcohol the night before – used humorously 解宿醉的酒〔幽默用法〕
have a good/fine/thick etc head of hair at head1(14), → not see hide nor hair of at hide2(5), → split hairs at split1(8)
colour 颜色
dark 深色的,黑色的
He’s about six feet tall, with dark hair and blue eyes.
black 黑色的
nhis long black hair
jet black literary (=completely black) 乌黑的
nShe had shiny jet black hair, and skin as white as snow.
fair 浅色的
Her long fair hair fell untidily over her shoulders.
blond/blonde (=yellowish-white in colour) 金黄色的
nlong blonde hair and blue eyes
golden 金色的
nthe beautiful girl with the long golden hair
brown 棕色的,褐色的
Her hair was pale brown.
chestnut literary (=dark brown) 栗色的
nShe had a fine head of chestnut hair.
sandy (=yellowish-brown) 浅黄褐色的
nHe wore his long, sandy brown hair in a ponytail.
mousy (=an unattractive dull brown) 灰褐色的
nI have pale, mousy hair that is dull and lacks shine.
red 红色的
The whole family had red hair.
ginger British EnglishBrE (=orange-brown in colour) 姜黄色的
na cheeky little boy with ginger hair
auburn literary (=orange-brown in colour) 红褐色的,茶色的
nHe gazed at her long neck and beautiful auburn hair.
white 白色的
an old man with white hair
grey British EnglishBrE, gray American EnglishAmE 灰色的
nShe was about 70, with grey hair.
silver 银色的
nHer father’s hair was starting to turn silver.
length 长度
short 短的
I like your hair when it’s short like that.
long 长的
A few of the boys had long hair.
shoulder-length/medium-length 齐肩的/中等长度的
He had shoulder-length reddish hair.
type 类型
straight 直的
a girl with long straight hair
curly 卷曲的
When he was young, his hair was thick and curly.
frizzy (=tightly curled) 紧紧卷曲的
nShe had dark frizzy hair which might have been permed.
wavy (=with loose curls) 卷曲的,波浪形的
nHer golden wavy hair fell around her shoulders.
thick 浓密的
nShe had thick hair down to her waist.
fine (=thin) 纤细的
nHer hair is so fine, it’s difficult to style.
spiky (=stiff and standing up on top of your head) 刚硬竖起的,刺猬式的
nBilly had black spiky hair.
condition 状态
in good/bad/terrible etc condition 状况好//极糟等
How do you keep your hair in such perfect condition?
out of condition (=no longer in good condition) 状况不好的
nIf your hair is out of condition, this may be because you are eating the wrong foods.
glossy/shiny 光滑发亮的
She combed her hair until it was all glossy.
lustrous literary (=very shiny and attractive) 光亮的
nher lustrous dark hair flowing on to her shoulders
dull (=not shiny) 无光泽的,暗淡的
na shampoo for dull hair
greasy (=containing too much oil) ()
This shampoo is ideal for greasy hair.
dry (=lacking oil) ()
na shampoo for dry hair
lank especially literary (= thin, straight, and unattractive) 稀疏平直而难看的
na scruffy young man with lank hair
thinning (=becoming thinner because you are losing your hair) 日渐稀疏的
nHis dark hair was thinning on top.
receding (=gradually disappearing, so that it is high on your forehead) 发际线日渐后移的
nThe man was in his late thirties, and his hair was receding slightly.
ndishevelled especially literary (=very untidy)
His face was bright red and his hair looked dishevelled.
ntousled especially literary (=a little untidy, in a way that looks attractive)
his youthfully handsome face and tousled hair that hung untidily over his collar
nwindswept especially literary (=blown around by the wind)
Her hair was all windswept when they came off the beach.
have ... hair 的头发
She has beautiful blonde hair.
brush/comb your hair 梳头发
He cleaned his teeth and brushed his hair.
wash your hair 洗头发
He showered and washed his hair.
do your hair (also fix your hair American EnglishAmE) (=arrange it in a style) 做头发
She’s upstairs doing her hair.
have your hair cut/done/permed (also get your hair cut etc) (=by a hairdresser) 理发/做头发/烫头发
I need to get my hair cut.
cut somebody’s hair 给某人理发
My mum always cuts my hair.
dye your hair (blonde/red etc) (=change its colour, especially using chemicals) 把头发染成(金色/红色等)
nCraig has dyed his hair black.
wear your hair long/in a ponytail etc (=have that style of hair) 留长发/马尾辫等
nHe wore his hair in a ponytail.
grow your hair (long) (=let it grow longer) 把头发留长
nI’m growing my hair long, but it’s taking forever.
lose your hair (=become bald) []
He was a small, round man who was losing his hair.
run your fingers through somebody’s hair (=touch someone’s hair in a loving way) 〔怜爱地〕用手指拢某人的头发
nHe ran his fingers through her smooth silky hair.
ruffle somebody’s hair (=rub it in a kind friendly way) 〔友好地〕捋捋某人的头发
nHe patted me on the back and ruffled my hair.
hair + NOUN
hair loss []
The drug can cause hair loss.
hair colour British EnglishBrE, hair color American EnglishAmE 头发颜色
Genes control characteristics such as hair colour and eye colour.
hair dye 染发剂
nThe survey showed that 75% of women have used hair dye.
a strand/wisp of hair (=a thin piece of hair) 一缕头发
She brushed away a strand of hair from her eyes.
a lock of hair (=a fairly thick piece of hair) 一绺头发
nShe tossed a stray lock of hair back off her forehead.
a mop of hair (=a large amount of thick untidy hair) 一团蓬乱的头发
nHe had an unruly mop of brown hair.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘I cut my hair’ if another person cut your hair for you. Say I had my hair cut.
要是他人给你理了发,不要说I cut my hair’ . 而要说 I had my hair cut.
Examples from the Corpus
na musical (=a play that uses singing and dancing to tell a story) from the 1960s about hippies. When it was first performed it was considered to be very shocking by most people, because it includes scenes in which the actors do not wear any clothes.
Origin hair
Old English hær
BNC: 668 COCA: 602


ADJECTIVE | ... OF HAIR | VERB + HAIR | HAIR + VERB | HAIR + NOUN ADJECTIVEauburn, black, blond, brown, chestnut, dark, fair, ginger, golden, grey/gray, grizzled, jet-black, light, raven (literary) , red, sandy, silver, silvery, white, yellow褐色/黑色/金色/棕色/栗色/深色/淺色/薑黃色/金色/灰白色/斑白的/烏黑的/淡色/烏亮的/紅色/沙褐色/銀色/白色/黃色頭髮bushy, coarse, curly, fine, flyaway, frizzy, kinky, nappy, shaggy, spiky, straight, thick, wavy, wiry, wispy濃密的/毛糙的/捲曲的/細細的/飄逸的/帶捲兒的/糾結的/很密的/蓬亂的/凌亂的/筆直的/密密的/波狀的/硬直的/梳成一縷縷的頭髮beautiful, glossy, shiny, silky, sleek漂亮的/有光澤的/油光發亮的/絲一般的/光滑的頭髮dishevelled/disheveled, dry, dull, fuzzy, greasy, matted, messy, scruffy, tangled, tousled, unkempt, unruly, untidy, windswept蓬亂的/乾枯的/無光澤的/蓬鬆的/油乎乎的/纏結的/散亂的/髒兮兮的/打結的/亂糟糟的/亂蓬蓬的/不易梳理的/凌亂的/被風吹亂的頭髮a new shampoo for dull or dry hair適合暗啞乾燥髮質的新洗髮劑His hair was tousled and he looked as if he'd just woken up.他頭髮蓬亂,一副剛睡醒的樣子。cropped, long, short, shoulder-length, waist-length平頭;長髮;短髮;齊肩長髮;齊腰長髮She had shoulder-length black hair.她一頭齊肩黑髮。stray散亂的頭髮She pushed a stray hair behind her ear.她將一縷散亂的頭髮攏到耳後。thinning變稀疏的頭髮He ran both hands through his thinning hair.他雙手梳理了一下日益稀疏的頭髮。body, chest, facial, pubic體毛;胸毛;面部毛髮;陰毛cat, dog, etc.貓毛、狗毛等The rug was covered with cat hairs.小地毯上滿是貓毛。... OF HAIRlock, wisp一縷頭髮;一綹毛髮VERB + HAIRhave長着⋯頭髮She had beautiful auburn hair.她長着一頭漂亮的紅褐色頭髮。lose掉頭髮He had turned forty and was beginning to lose his hair.他年過 40,已經開始脫髮了。wear留髮She wore her long hair loose on her shoulders.她留有一頭披散的齊肩長髮。arrange, do, fix, tidy (especially BrE) 做髮型;弄頭髮I don't like the way she's arranged her hair, do you?我不喜歡她的髮型,你呢 ?I'll be down in a minute, I'm just doing my hair.我正在弄頭髮,一會兒就下去。She showered, fixed her hair, and applied make up.她沖了淋浴,整了頭髮,又上了妝。braid, plait, put up, tie back梳辮子;盤髮;把頭髮紮在腦後Why don't you put your hair up for this evening?你為什麼不把頭髮盤起來參加這個晚會?brush, comb梳頭shampoo, wash用洗髮劑洗頭;洗頭cut, trim剪髮;修剪頭髮He went to the barber's to have his hair cut.他去理髮店剪髮去了。blow-dry, dry把頭髮吹乾/弄乾style做髮型They had styled my hair by blowing it out straight.他們給我做了髮型,吹得直直的。curl, gel, perm, relax, straighten捲頭髮;上髮膠;燙髮;鬆開頭髮;拉直頭髮I've decided to have my hair permed.我決定去燙頭髮。bleach, colour/color, dye漂白頭髮;給頭髮上色;染髮grow蓄頭髮I'm trying to grow my hair.我正在留頭髮。shave剃頭His hair was shaved close to his head.他的頭髮被剃到緊貼頭皮。mess up, muss, ruffle把頭髮弄得亂七八糟/弄得一團糟/弄亂smooth, stroke理順/輕撫頭髮Kyle reached out to stroke her hair.凱爾伸出手撫摸她的頭髮。flick, toss輕拂頭髮;甩開頭髮She tossed her long hair out of her eyes.她一甩長髮,亮出眼睛。HAIR + VERBgrow頭髮生長Why don't you let your hair grow?你為什麼不讓頭髮長長呢?curl頭髮捲曲His hair curls naturally.他的頭髮是自然捲。fall, flow, hang, lie, tumble頭髮垂下Her blond hair fell over her eyes.她的金髮遮住了眼睛。gleam, glint, glisten, shine頭髮發亮HAIR + NOUNloss脫髮how to cope with hair loss如何解決脫髮問題salon, stylist髮廊;美髮師colour/color髮色accessory髮飾Her only hair accessory was a headband.她唯一的髮飾就是一條束髮帶。extension接髮a stylist specializing in hair extensions專門從事接髮的美髮師removal脫毛waxing, and the other hair removal methods available for men打蠟等適合男士的脫毛方法
BNC: 668 COCA: 602
hair noun

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