solution to/for• Its credibility has been severely damaged and its attempts to find a solution to the problem have resulted in abjectfailure.• One day Russell presents Baldwin with a solution to both of their dilemmas.• A solution to this dilemma is not on the horizon since it is in reality a matter of individualsensitivity.• Most find the easiestsolution to the problem is to avoid it wherever possible.• Instinctively, it seemed that there must be an easy solution to a prob-lem made of mud.• A single system for all seemed an obvious solution to such problems.• More than half the builders offered other solutions to the fee problem.• Mr Holt is keen to find a practicalsolution to better protect the environment.• City council members are still seekingsolutions to the problem of unemployment.
solution to• The solution to last week's puzzle is on page 12.
(1300-1400)Old FrenchLatinsolutio, from solvere; → SOLVE