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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Ways of encouraging or telling someone to do something
I wish
phrase spoken
used when telling someone what you want them to do 我希望

I wish you'd stop going on about all your problems! 我希望你不要再谈论你那些问题了!

go for
phrasal verb [T]
go for it spoken used for encouraging someone to do something or to try very hard 加油
don't hesitate to do something
phrase spoken
used for encouraging someone to do something 对做某事不要有顾虑

Don't hesitate to call me if you need any help. 你如果需要帮助,尽管给我打电话。

come on
phrasal verb
used for encouraging someone to do something such as make a greater effort or stop being sad (用于鼓励)振作起来

Come on! It's not the end of the world. 振作点!这又不是世界末日。

used for trying to make someone fight you (用于挑衅)来呀,动手呀
(do you) understand?
phrase spoken
used for emphasizing that someone should do what you are telling them 听懂了吗?听清楚了没有?(用于强调要按照所说的去做)

Don't ever try that again! Do you understand? 不要再干那种事了!知道吗?

go on
phrasal verb
used for encouraging someone to do something 来呀,继续吧(用于鼓励某人做某事)

Go on, try it – it's really good. 来,试一下嘛,这真的不错。

be to do something
phrase formal
used for telling someone what to do 要做某事;应该做某事

You are to stay here until I send for you. 你就在这里呆着,直到我让人来叫你。

used for saying what has been arranged 安排做某事

The ceremony is to take place in the palace grounds. 庆典安排在王宫举行。

used for saying or asking what should be done 应该(用于说或问应该做什么)

What are we to do? 我们该做什么?

You are to be congratulated on your wise decision. 应该祝贺你作出了明智的决定。

used in an ‘if' clause for suggesting a possible aim when you are saying what must happen in order to achieve it (用在if引导的条件句中,表示某个可能的目标)

If we are to compete successfully in world markets, we must invest more money in education and training. 如果我们要在世界市场的竞争中取得成功,我们必须在教育和培训上投入更多资金。

used about someone or something in the past to say what would happen at a later time (用来指过去的某人或某事将来会怎样)

the boy who was to become king 那个后来成为国王的男孩

someone would be well/better advised to do something
phrase formal
used for saying what someone should definitely do 某人应该做某事

He would be well advised to practise a bit harder before the next game. 在下次比赛之前他应该练得更刻苦点儿。

get away from
phrasal verb [T]
[get away from someone/something] used for telling someone to move away from a person or place 离开(某人或某物)

Get away from there! It's hot! 快走开!那里很热!

interjection /ʃuːt/
used for telling someone to say what they want to say 说吧

‘I've got a fantastic idea.' ‘OK, shoot!' “我有个好主意。”“好啊,你说吧。”

More Synonyms
all the more reason
used for emphasizing that what someone has said or done is another reason why they should do a particular thing 更主要的原因

‘But some of those kids can hardly read or write!' ‘All the more reason why they should get the best education on offer.' “但是那些孩子中有些几乎不会读写!”“那更有理由让他们接受最好的教育。”

all together now
used for saying that you want people to do, say, or sing something at exactly the same time 现在大家一起来
be a devil
phrase British spoken
used for encouraging someone to do something when they are not sure if they should do it, especially when it is not very bad or serious 勇敢点;别顾虑

Go on, be a devil. Come out tonight. 来呀,别顾虑。今晚出去吧。

be sure to do something
phrase spoken
used for reminding someone to do something (用于提醒某人)一定要做某事

Be sure to fasten your seat belt. 务必系好安全带。

buck up
phrasal verb [I/T]

buck up


buck your ideas up

British spoken used for telling someone to try harder 加把劲;加油
can/could I interest you in something
used as a polite way of persuading someone to do or try something 我能给您推荐一下某物吗

Could I interest you in something from our range of beauty products? 我能给您推荐一下我们的美容产品系列吗?

chak de
interjection Indian English /ˌtʃæk ˈdiː/
used for encouraging your team to do well

Go for it, chak de India!

don't go doing something
phrase spoken
used for telling someone not to do something 不要做某事

Take your time and don't go rushing into anything. 慢慢来,不要鲁莽行事。

don't look now
phrase spoken
used for telling someone to look at someone else, but not immediately because you do not want the other person to know you are talking about them 这会儿别看

Don't look now, but that man standing by the desk is Emma's new boyfriend. 这会儿别看,站在书桌旁的那个男人是埃玛的新男友。

get off your arse
phrase British impolite
used for telling someone to do something and not be lazy 屁股别赖着不动;勤快点
get over
phrasal verb [T]
used for telling someone to come or go somewhere 来这里/去那里
get your butt in/out of/over here
phrase mainly American spoken
used for telling someone rudely to go somewhere or do something 别老坐着;起来做事

Get your butt over here right now! 你马上给我起来!

give it some wellie
phrase spoken
used for telling someone to use more physical effort 多用点力气;使劲儿干
go and do something
phrase spoken
used for telling someone to do something, especially when you are annoyed 去做某事(尤指说话人很生气)
grow a pair
phrase very informal
used for saying that someone should become brave and deal with a difficult situation
had best do something
used for saying that someone should do something 最好做某事;应当做某事

You'd best come with me if you don't know the way. 如果你不认识路最好跟我一起来。

We'd best not disturb him when he's working. 他工作时我们最好不要打扰他。

(had) better do something
phrase mainly spoken
used for saying that someone should do something 还是做某事好;最好还是做某事

You'd better take an umbrella – it's going to rain. 你最好带上雨伞,要下雨了。

I'd better not waste any more of your time. 我最好别再浪费你的时间了。

have a heart
phrase spoken
used for asking someone to be more reasonable, because they are asking you to do something that is too difficult or unpleasant 发发慈悲吧;行行好吧
how would you like...?
phrase spoken
used for telling someone to consider how they would feel if something bad happened to them, especially if it has already happened to you (如果遇上坏事,尤指已发生于自己身上的坏事)你会怎么样?

How would you like someone insulting you in public? 如果有人当众羞辱你,你将作何感想?

How would you like it if I stayed out all night without telling you where I was? 如果我整晚都呆在外面不回家而又不告诉你我在哪里,你会怎么想?

if at first you don't succeed, (try, try, and try again)
used for telling someone not to stop trying if they do not achieve what they want the first time 若一次不成功,要再接再厉
if you can't stand/take the heat (get out of the kitchen)
used for telling someone that they should not do something if they cannot deal with the difficult or unpleasant aspects of it 怕热就别呆在厨房里(用于表示倘若无法应付做某事的困难或由此产生的各种令人不快的问题,就不要做某事)
I'll thank you to do something
phrase spoken formal
used for telling someone to do something so that they stop annoying you 请你做某事;请你…好不好

I'll thank you to be quiet. 请你安静点。

is that clear?/do I make myself clear?
used for emphasizing your authority over someone when you are telling them to do something 清楚了吗?/我这样说你能明白吗?

You are not to see him again. Is that clear? 你不许再见他。听明白了吗?

it won't hurt you to do something
phrase spoken
used for telling someone that they should do something 你不妨做某事;做某事应该没坏处

It won't hurt you to be polite for a change. 你不妨有礼貌一点,这对你没坏处。

it wouldn't do (someone) any harm
phrase mainly spoken
used for saying what you think someone should do 某人不妨(做某事)

It wouldn't do you any harm to listen to her advice. 你不妨听听她的意见。

it wouldn't harm someone to do something
phrase mainly spoken
used for saying what you think someone should do, especially when you are angry 做某事对某人不会有害处

It wouldn't harm you to listen once in a while! 偶尔听听对你没有坏处!

knock 'em dead
phrase spoken
used for encouraging someone to impress people 露两手给他们瞧瞧
more power to someone/someone's elbow
phrase spoken
used for telling someone to do what they want, even though you doubt whether they can or should do it 尽管去做吧(虽然对某人能否做到、是否该做表示怀疑)

If you want to go to Peru alone, more power to you. 如果你想独自去秘鲁,那你就尽管去吧。

adverb, determiner, pronoun /mɔː(r)/
no more excuses/questions/secrets etc spoken used for telling someone that they must stop making excuses/asking questions etc 不要再找借口/不要再提问题/不要再隐瞒等

No more excuses! If you're late again, you're sacked. 不要再找借口!如果下次再迟到,你会被解雇。

no pain, no gain
phrase spoken
used for saying that you have to work hard if you want to achieve something 不劳无获
 Synonyms and related words
Progress and development: progress, development, advance...
 Synonyms and related words
nothing ventured (nothing gained)
phrase spoken
used for saying that it is worth trying to do something, even if success is unlikely 不入虎穴(,焉得虎子)
out with it
phrase spoken
used for telling someone to say what they have been unwilling or unable to say (将不愿或不能说的事)说出来;想什么说什么

Come on, what's the problem? Out with it! 赶快,什么事?说出来吧!

put your money where your mouth is
phrase informal
used for saying that someone should do something, especially spend money, to show that they mean what they say instead of just talking about it 说话算数;兑现承诺;说给钱就给钱

The company claims to care about the environment, but it should put its money where its mouth is.

rules are rules
phrase spoken
used for telling someone that they have to obey a rule, even if they do not want to 规定就是规定(用于告诉某人必须遵守规定)
someone had better/best do something
phrase mainly spoken
used for saying what someone should do 某人最好做某事

You'd better be careful. 你最好小心一些。

We'd best not say anything to my parents. 我们最好什么都不要告诉我父母。

that's a good boy/clever girl etc
phrase British spoken
used for praising or encouraging a child or an animal 这才乖,真乖(用于表扬或鼓励儿童或动物)
there is no excuse for something
used for saying that someone should definitely do something 没有理由拒绝做某事

She only lives five minutes away, so there's really no excuse for not visiting her. 她住的地方离这儿才5分钟路程,所以没有理由不去看看她。

there's a good boy/clever girl etc
phrase British spoken
used for praising or encouraging a child or an animal 真乖,真是好样的(用于表扬或鼓励儿童或动物)
(there's) no time like the present
phrase spoken
used for saying that someone should do something now, and not wait until later 就现在;拣日不如撞日

‘When do you want to meet?' ‘Well, there's no time like the present. How about today?' “你打算什么时候碰头?”“这个嘛,拣日不如撞日。今天如何?”

while you're about it
phrase British spoken
used when telling someone to do something at the same time as they are doing something else 同时;顺便

Clear up all that mess, and you can clean the windows while you're about it. 把那一片狼藉清理一下,顺便可以擦擦窗户。

while you're at it
phrase spoken
used for telling someone to do something while they are doing something else 当你做这事时

‘I'm just going to clean my boots.' ‘Well, you can clean mine too while you're at it.' ’“我要洗洗我的靴子。”“噢,你洗的时候把我的也洗洗。”

the world is your oyster
used for emphasizing that you can go anywhere or do anything that you want to 你可以随心所欲
would be better doing something
phrase British spoken
used for saying that someone should do something else rather than what they are in fact doing 应该做某事

Why does he waste his time studying poetry? He'd be better getting some practical experience of business. 为什么他把时间浪费在学习诗歌上?他应该获取一些做生意的实际经验。

you haven't lived
used for telling someone that they should try something (用于告诉某人应该去尝试某事)你白活了

You haven't lived until you've ridden the new roller coaster. 坐过这种新式的过山车你才算没有白活一场。

fish or cut bait
phrase American spoken
used for telling someone to do something they have been talking about or else admit that they do not intend to do it
go do something
phrase spoken
used for telling someone to do something, especially when you are annoyed 去做某事(尤指说话人很生气)

If you hate this job so much, go get another one!

more power to someone
phrase spoken
used for telling someone to do what they want, even though you doubt whether they can or should do it 尽管去做吧(虽然对某人能否做到、是否该做表示怀疑)

If you want to go to Peru alone, more power to you. 如果你想独自去秘鲁,那你就尽管去吧。

no more excuses/questions/secrets etc.
phrase spoken
used for telling someone that they must stop doing making excuses, asking questions, etc. 不要再找借口/不要再提问题/不要再隐瞒等

No more excuses! If you're late again, you're fired. 不要再找借口!如果下次再迟到,你会被解雇。

put some muscle into it
phrase spoken
used for telling someone to make more effort to do something 再加把劲;再用点力
someone would be well advised to do something
phrase formal
used for saying what someone should definitely do 某人应该做某事

He would be well advised to practice a little harder before the next game. 在下次比赛之前他应该练得更刻苦点儿。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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