Word familynounspheresphericalitysphericalnessspheristerionspherocytespherocytosisspheroidspheroidicityspheroidizationspherometerspherulespheruliteadjectivesphericalspheralspheredspherelessspherelikesphericspheroidalspherularspheruliticspheryadverbsphericallyverbspheroidize
spherical• The earth is not quite spherical, because it is slightly flat at the poles.• La Geode, in Paris, is a uniquespherical building with a cinema inside.• In practicenaturalsediments are rarely composed of sphericalgrains, and most contain assemblages of many shapes.• Edamcheeses are small and spherical in shape.• Edam cheeses are small and spherical in shape.• The sphericalpressurehull formed the head of a flimsy, arrow-shaped structure more than a hundred yards long.• It was probably coincidence that Amy was taken with spherical shapes at this time.• The cylinder is therefore called intrinsically flat, although not planar, and the sphericalsurface is intrinsically curved.• How did these ringsfit into a sphericaluniverse?