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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 2827 COCA: 2928


com·fort1 /ˈkʌmfət $ -ərt/ ●●○ W3 noun  
1 physical 身体的 [uncountableU]COMFORTABLE a feeling of being physically relaxed and satisfied, so that nothing is hurting you, making you feel too hot or cold etc 舒适感,满足感 comfortable, discomfort
built/made/designed for comfort
 All our sports shoes are designed for comfort and performance.
too hot/high/tight etc for comfort (=physically unpleasant for a particular reason) 热得/高得/紧得等不舒服
 The temperature was too low for comfort.
 I dress for comfort, not fashion.
 Alan was very reluctant to leave the warmth and comfort of the fire.
in comfort
 Upstairs is a more intimate bar where guests can relax in comfort.
 Now you can watch your favorite movies in the comfort of your own home.
2 emotional 情感的 [uncountableU]COMFORT/MAKE somebody FEEL BETTER if someone or something gives you comfort, they make you feel calmer, happier, or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy 安慰,慰藉 comforting
 Whenever he was upset, he would turn to her for comfort and advice.
give/bring/provide/offer comfort
 a book which offers comfort and help to the parents of children with cancer
 The knowledge that Cara was safe gave him some comfort.
great/much/little comfort
 My faith has been a source of great comfort over the years.
take/draw/derive comfort from (doing) something
 He drew comfort from her warm support.
find/take comfort in (doing) something
 You can take some comfort in the fact that you did your best.
it’s no/some comfort
 It was no comfort to think he might be as frightened as she was.
if it’s any comfort (=used to introduce a statement that you think may make someone feel slightly less worried or unhappy) 就当是安慰吧
 Well, if it’s any comfort, I don’t think he’ll try again.
3 SB/STH that helps 有用的人/ [countableC]COMFORT/MAKE somebody FEEL BETTER someone or something that helps you feel calmer, happier, or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy 安慰者;慰藉物 comforting
be a comfort (to somebody)
 Louisa’s been a great comfort to me since Mary died.
 It’s a comfort to know there’s someone to keep an eye on the kids.
4 money/possessions/财产 [uncountableU]COMFORTABLE a way of living in which you have all the money and possessions that you need or want 舒适,安逸 comfortable
in comfort
 When Dad died, he left us both enough to live in comfort for the rest of our lives.
 He was used to a life of comfort.
5 comforts [plural]COMFORTABLE the things that make your life nicer and more comfortable, especially things that are not necessary 使生活舒适之物;奢侈品
Examples from the Corpus
6 too close/near for comfort DANGEROUSsomething that is too close for comfort makes you feel worried, unhappy, or uncomfortable, because it is dangerous in some way 近得使人担忧[不快,不适]
Examples from the Corpus
7 cold/small comfort COMFORT/MAKE somebody FEEL BETTERa small piece of good news that does not make you feel better about a bad situation 不起作用的/小小的安慰
Examples from the Corpus
comfort food, comfort zone
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: if someone or something gives you comfort, they make you feel calmer, happier, or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy
take comfort from something
The family has taken comfort from the support of friends.
draw/derive comfort from something formal (=take comfort from something)
Economists have been quick to draw comfort from the latest figures.
find/take comfort in something
He had been through a similar experience and she found comfort in that.
offer (somebody) comfort
Volunteers are available to offer comfort and advice.
give (somebody) comfort
It was impossible to give her any comfort.
bring (somebody) comfort
Religious belief can bring comfort during times of stress.
provide comfort
Talking about your problems may provide some comfort.
seek comfort (=look for comfort)
People come to us seeking comfort and guidance.
great comfort
Your letters have been a great comfort to me.
cold/small comfort (=not much comfort)
The tax changes will provide cold comfort to people living on a pension.
a word of comfort
He tried to find some words of comfort that would help her.
a source of comfort
Some people eat as a source of comfort.
a crumb of comfort (=a very small amount)
‘You’re no worse than the rest, ’ the football coach said, trying to offer me a crumb of comfort.
if it’s any comfort (=used to say something that may make someone less worried or unhappy)
If it’s any comfort, you very nearly passed the exam.
comfort + NOUN
comfort food (=food that you eat to make you feel relaxed and happy)
I find pasta and cheese is a great comfort food.
comfort2 ●●○ verb [transitiveT]  
COMFORT/MAKE somebody FEEL BETTERto make someone feel less worried, unhappy, or upset, for example by saying kind things to them or touching them 安慰,抚慰 comforting
 Within hours of the news, Helen arrived to comfort her heartbroken friend.
 He longed to take her in his arms and comfort her.
 Mr Aston’s father was last night being comforted by relatives.
comfort yourself
 She comforted herself with the thought that it would soon be spring.
Examples from the Corpus
Comfortn trademark  
na type of fabric conditioner (=liquid for making clothes feel soft), sold in the UK
Examples from the Corpus
Origin comfort2
(1100-1200) Old French conforter, from Late Latin confortare to strengthen, from Latin com- ( → COM-) + fortis strong
BNC: 2827 COCA: 2928


1having all your body needs/a pleasant life舒適;安逸ADJECTIVE | COMFORT + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcomplete, great, maximum, modest, reasonable完全的滿足;非常舒適;極度舒適;較為舒適;相當舒服They live in modest comfort.他們的生活還算舒適。comparative, relative相對舒適added更加舒適a quilted cover for added comfort用於增加舒適度的絮棉被子domestic, personal, physical家庭/個人/身體舒適COMFORT + NOUNlevel舒適度zone舒適區;讓人感到舒適的地方She's willing to venture outside her comfort zone (= try things that are more challenging).她願意走出自己的安逸生活,去嘗試新的挑戰。PREPOSITIONfor comfort為了舒服I dress for comfort rather than elegance.我穿衣服是為了舒服,而不是為了有派。in comfort舒服地I like to travel in reasonable comfort.我喜歡比較舒服的旅行。comfort of⋯的舒服He enjoys dangerous sports from the comfort of his couch.他喜歡舒舒服服地坐在長沙發上,盡情觀看各種危險運動。PHRASESa degree of comfort, a standard of comfort舒適程度/標準The hotel offers a high standard of comfort.這家酒店提供高標準的舒適享受。in the comfort of your own home像在自己家裏一樣舒服Learn a new language in the comfort of your own home.輕鬆自在地學一門新的語言。too close for comfort太近而讓人不舒服The sound of gunfire was too close for comfort.炮火聲太近,讓人很不安。


2help/kindness to sb who is suffering安慰ADJECTIVE | ... OF COMFORT | VERB + COMFORT | COMFORT + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgreat極大的安慰little, small不多的/小小的安慰cold不起作用的安慰A drop in the unemployment rate was cold comfort for those without a job (= not much comfort at all).失業率下降對於沒有工作的人來說意義不大。... OF COMFORTcrumb, word少許安慰;安慰的話VERB + COMFORTbring sb, give sb, offer sb, provide sb with給某人(帶來)安慰His kind words brought some comfort to the grieving parents.他一番體貼的話語給悲傷的父母帶來了一些安慰。derive, draw, find, get, have, seek, take得到安慰;找到安慰;尋找安慰They sought comfort in each other.他們相互尋求慰藉。We took great comfort from the fact that our savings were safe.讓我們感到安慰的是我們的存款是安全的。need需要安慰I need all the comfort I can get right now.我現在非常需要得到別人的安慰。COMFORT + NOUNfood安慰性食品Chocolate is a great comfort food.巧克力是一種很好的舒心食品。PREPOSITIONcomfort in在⋯中得到的安慰She found comfort in music.她在音樂中找到了慰藉。PHRASESa source of comfort慰藉的源泉


3sb/sth that helps when you are suffering, etc.安慰者;慰藉物ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgreat極大的安慰PREPOSITIONcomfort to對⋯的安慰The children have been a great comfort to me through all of this.在整個過程中,孩子們一直是我極大的安慰。


4sth that makes life easier享受ADJECTIVEmodern現代化舒適設施creature, home, material物質享受;家庭享受I hate camping-I miss all my creature comforts.我不喜歡野營,我很想念家裏的所有那些舒適享受。spiritual精神慰藉


ADVERB | PHRASES ADVERBgreatly極大地安慰The idea that he was not alone comforted him greatly.想到自己並不是孤身一人,他舒心多了。PHRASESbe comforted to know知道⋯感到放心He was comforted to know that most people in the class knew even less than he.得知班裏大多數人知道得比他還少,他感覺好多了。being comforted by family, friends, etc.得到家人、朋友等的慰問The victim's widow was today being comforted by family and friends.今天受害者的遺孀得到了親朋好友的慰問。feel comforted感到安慰
BNC: 2827 COCA: 2928
comfort verb
comfort noun
comfort (shoes designed for comfort) relief (offer words of comfort)


comfort ♦︎ easeThese are both words for the state of being relaxed and free from pain or worry. 这两个词均表示舒适、安逸。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配comparative / relative comfort / easea life of comfort / ease comfort [uncountable] the state of being physically relaxed and free from pain; the state of having a pleasant life, with everything that you need 舒服;安逸;舒适These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance.这些网球鞋的设计穿起来舒服,有利于发挥。With DVD, you can watch the latest movies in the comfort of your own home.有了DVD,你就可以在自己家里舒舒服服地观看最新的电影。The hotel offers a high standard of comfort and service.这家旅馆提供高标准的舒适享受和优质服务。They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age.他们有足够的钱舒舒服服地安度晚年。 ease [uncountable] (rather formal, especially written) the state of feeling relaxed or comfortable without worries, problems or pain 舒适;安逸;自在In his retirement he lived a life of ease.他退休后过着悠闲舒适的生活。
BNC: 2827 COCA: 2928
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
Advantages and benefits: advantage, benefit, good...
Pleasant situations: peace, harmony, privilege...
To make someone less nervous or upset: soothe, comfort, reassure...
BNC: 2827 COCA: 2928
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of comfort
  • # n.
    安靜: comfort, stillness
    安慰: comfort, consolation
    便: comfort, excrement, good chance
    舒服: comfort
    甜水: comfort, fresh water, happiness, sugar water
    慰藉: anodyne, balsam, comfort, consolation, relief, solace
  • # v.
    撫: comfort, console, foster, nurture, touch gently with hand
    寬慰: comfort, console
    勸: advise, comfort, encourage, try to persuade, urge
    慰: comfort, console, reassure, relieve

0_0: Definitions of comfort
  • # noun.
    - a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.
    * room for four people to travel in comfort
    - the easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress.
    * a few words of comfort
  • # verb.
    - ease the grief or distress of; console.
    * she broke down in tears and her friend tried to comfort her

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