SUFFERto be experiencing a very unpleasant situation that cannot be controlled or stopped 处于某种困境
a country in the grip of famine
Examples from the Corpus
be in the grip of something• Arizona is in the grip of one of its most severedryspells of the past century.• Berlin is in the grip of a heatwave.• He had only a tinyparliamentarymajority, and Britain was in the grip of another economiccrisis.• The country was in the grip of economic depression, and in June 1921 there were more than two million out of work.• He was in the grip of severe constipation and was only eatingfruit in an effort to clear himself out.• To hear some people talk you might imagine that the Republicanpartyis in the grip of rightwing conservative zealots.• When she spoke of Zbigniew Shapira it was as if she was in the grip of a mania.• You are in the grip of an obsession.