Word familynouncontractabilitycontractednesscontractibilitycontractilitycontractioncontractorcontracturecontract bridgeadjectivecontractablecontractedcontractiblecontractilecontractionalcontractivecontractualcontracturaladverbcontractedlycontractuallyverbcontract
contractual obligation• All across the country I found promoters who were not willing to meet their contractual obligations.• Can an employeehandbookserve as a basis for contractual obligation?• Similarly, a requirement that the expert observe the rules of natural justice could be made a contractual obligation.• At that point, stars and studios fulfill their initial contractual obligation and are free to negotiate with other parties.• In Washington, for example, a teacher was discharged from his contractual obligation because of his deterioratingeyesight.• Liability for contractual obligations is joint.• A contractual obligation, such as an exchange rule gives rise on the face of it to strict liability.• But Virginexecutives are privately convinced that meeting this contractual obligation will be impossible because so many majorissuesremainunresolved.