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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 132 COCA: 132


Word family
ldoce_733_zneed1 /niːd/ ●●● S1 W1 verb   knead
1 NEED[transitiveT] to have to have something or someone, because you cannot do something without them, or because you cannot continue or cannot exist without them 需要〔某人或某物〕 SYN require
 You don’t really need a car.
 Plants need light in order to survive.
 The camcorder needs a new battery.
 Are you sure that you have everything you need?
need something for something
 I need glasses for reading.
need somebody to do something
 I need you to help me with the cooking.
need something desperately/badly/urgently
 More blood donors are urgently needed.
much needed/badly needed
 a much needed boost to the local economy
2 [transitiveT] to feel that you want something very much 需要〔做某事〕
 I need a drink.
 If you need anything, just say.
need to do something
 She needed to go out for a walk.
3 need to do something used when saying that someone should do something or has to do something 有必要做某事
 He needs to see a doctor straightaway.
 I need to catch up on my office work.
 You need to let me know by Monday if you want to take part.
Examples from the Corpus
4 [modal] British EnglishBrENEED used in negative sentences when saying that something is not necessary or not always true 需要〔在否定句中表示不必,未必 have to
need not/needn’t
 You needn’t stay long.
 Going to the dentist need not necessarily be a painful experience.
need not have done something/need not do something
 You needn’t have spent all that money.
 I needn’t have worried.
need I/we etc do sth? British EnglishBrE old-fashioned
 Need we leave so soon?
somebody need never do something
 Jim need never find out what I said.
5 [transitiveT] used when saying that something should have something done to it, or has to have something done to it 需要〔对某物做某事〕
6 [transitiveT] if a job needs a quality or skill, you must have that quality or skill in order to do it well 要求,需要〔某种素质或技能〕
7 I need hardly say/tell/remind etc British EnglishBrE used when you think people should already know what you are going to say 不用我说/告诉/提醒等
Examples from the Corpus
8 you need only do something/all you need do is ... British EnglishBrENEED used when saying that you only have to do something in order to do something else 你只需要做某事/你所要做的只是
9 need I ask/need I say more/need I go on etc? British EnglishBrE used to say that it is not necessary to ask or say more about something, because the rest is clear 这还用问?我还有必要说下去吗?
10 that’s all I need/that’s just what I didn’t need spoken used when saying that you did not want something to happen, especially when it seems annoying 真是时候〔尤用于不喜欢的事偏偏发生之时〕
11. need something like a hole in the head informal used when saying that you definitely do not need something 肯定用不着某物
12 who needs it/them? spoken
Examples from the Corpus
5GRAMMAR 语法: Verb patterns 动词句型
You can say that you need to do something. 可以说need to do something
I need to clean (NOT不说I need clean) the house.
If someone else is going to do something for you, you can say that you need something done. 如果别人要为你做某事你可以说need something done
I need my car fixed urgently.
When you are talking about the object that is going to have something done to it, you can say that it needs cutting, cleaning etc or needs to be cut, cleaned etc. 当说到需要对某物做某事时可以说it needs cutting,cleaning等或needs to be cut,cleaned
My hair needs cutting.
You can say that you don’t need to do something or need not/needn’t do something. 可以说don’t need to do somethingneed not/needn’t do something
That box needs to be moved (NOT 不说needs moved).
Need not means that it is not necessary to do something. Do not use it to mean must not (= should not, or are not allowed to ).  need not 的意思是不必做某事不能表示must not (不准)的意思
I don’t need to leave (NOT 不说don’t need leave) until 10.
我不必在10点以前走 。
If you say that someone needn’t have done something, you mean that it was not necessary for them to do it although they did it anyway.  need’t have done 意为某人本不该做某事虽然已经做了
You needn’t apologize (NOT 不说needn’t to apologize).
Do not use it when something was not necessary and was not done. Use didn’t need to. 如果某事不需要做也没有做不要用needn’t have done , didn’t need to
You needn’t take any money.
你不必带钱 。
You mustn’t take any sharp objects on the plane.
不准携带任何尖锐物品上飞机 。
We needn’t have ordered so much food.
我们本不该点这么多吃的 。
I didn’t need to tell him who I was – he already knew.
我没有必要告诉他我是谁——他已经知道了 。
Patterns with need
You say that you need something:
You’ll need some warm clothes.
You say that you need to do something: 可以说need to do something
I need to clean the house.
You say that something needs cutting/cleaning etc (=it needs to be cut, cleaned etc):
My hair needs cutting.
You say that you need something done (=you want someone to do it for you): 如果别人要为你做某事,你可以说need something done
I need my car fixed urgently.
You say that you do not need something: 肯定用不着某物
You don’t need a jacket.
You say that you don’t need to do something or you need not/needn’t do something (=it is not necessary): 可以说don’t need to do somethingneed not/needn’t do something
I don’t need to leave until 10.
You needn’t apologize.
Don’t say: I don’t need leave. | You needn’t to apologize.
You say that someone didn’t need to do something (=it was not necessary):
I didn’t need to tell him who I was – he already knew.
You say that someone needn’t have done something (=although they have done it, it was not necessary):
We needn’t have ordered so much food.
Using the progressive
Need is not used in the progressive. You say:
I need a break.
Don’t say: I’m needing a break.
need if you need something, you must have it, because you cannot do something without it
I need your help.
The people desperately need food and clean water.
require formal to need something
Children require a lot of attention.
The game requires great skill.
can’t do without something to be unable to do something without something
A lot of people can’t do without their mobile phones.
could do with something/could use something informal to need or want something
Shall we stop? I could do with a rest.
be desperate for something to need something urgently
Liz was desperate for a cigarette.
The people are desperate for food.
be dependent on something/somebody to be unable to live or continue normally without something or someone
The refugees are dependent on outside food supplies.
demand formal if one thing demands another, it needs that thing in order to happen or be done successfully
The situation is urgent and demands immediate action.
Examples from the Corpus
need2 ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 [singular]MUST a situation in which something is necessary, especially something that is not happening yet or is not yet available 需要,需求
2 [singular, uncountableU] a strong feeling that you want something, want to do something, or that you must have something 特别需要,迫切需求
3 [countableC usually plural]NEED what someone needs to have in order to live a normal healthy comfortable life 生活必需品
4 there’s no need (for somebody) to do something 
Examples from the Corpus
5 be in need of something 
Examples from the Corpus
6 have no need of something NEEDto not need something 不需要某事物
Examples from the Corpus
7 [uncountableU]POOR when you do not have enough food or money 〔食物或金钱的〕短缺;困窘
8 in your hour of need PROBLEMwhen you are in trouble and need someone to help you 处于困境时,患难时
Examples from the Corpus
9 needs must (when the devil drives) British EnglishBrE used to say that you must sometimes do things that you do not like doing (情势所逼)迫不得已
special needs
a real/clear need (=one that really exists) 真正的需要
There is a real need for after-school care in our area.
an urgent need (=one that must be dealt with quickly) 迫切的需要
The most urgent need was for more teachers.
a pressing/crying need (=a very urgent need) 紧迫的需要
There’s a crying need for more doctors and nurses.
a desperate need (=an extremely urgent need) 非常急迫的需要
There is a desperate need to build more housing.
a growing/increasing need 越来越强烈的需要
She emphasized the growing need to deal with environmental problems.
stress/emphasize/underline the need for something (=say how important it is) 强调某事物的必要性
He stressed the need for better training courses.
eliminate the need for something (also obviate the need for something formal) (=make something unnecessary) 使做某事没有必要
The new drug treatment eliminates the need for surgery.
a need exists 有需求存在
New teaching materials must be created if a need exists for them.
there is a need for something 有必要做某事
Clearly there is a need for more research.
there is no need for something 没有必要做某事
They felt that there was no need for a formal contract.
as/if/when the need arises (=if or when something becomes necessary) 如有必要;在必要时
Team members move from job to job as the need arises.
if need be (=if it is necessary) 如有需要
I can work during my lunch break if need be.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin need2
Old English nied, ned
BNC: 132 COCA: 132


1situation where sth is needed/necessary需要ADJECTIVE | VERB + NEED | NEED + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, considerable, great, strong大的需要;相當大的需要;極大的需要;殷切的需求There is a great need for English language classes.英語課的需求量很大。special特別的需要There is a special need for well-trained teachers.特別需要訓練有素的老師。overriding, overwhelming, paramount高於一切的需要;壓倒一切的需要;最高需求burning, compelling, critical, crying, desperate, dire, driving, immediate, pressing, serious, urgent強烈的/迫切的/危急的/緊急的/極大的/急切的/緊迫的/迫在眉睫的/急迫的/重大的/刻不容緩的需要a crying need for skilled workers急需技術工人These children are in dire need.這些孩子亟需救助。real真正的需要clear明顯的需要basic, essential, fundamental基本的需求;根本的需要sudden突然的需求constant, continuing經常的/持續的需要He's in constant need of treatment.他需要持續的治療。growing, increased, increasing越來越大的需求;更加迫切的需要reduced減少的需要possible不時之需perceived意識到的需要common共同的需要our common need for self-preservation人人都需要的自我保護individual個人的需要human人的需要the human need to order existence人類有序生存的需要political, social政治/社會需要VERB + NEEDfeel, have覺得有必要;有需要I felt the need to do something.我覺得需要做些事。express表達需要Several governments have expressed the need for a cautious approach to the conflict.幾國政府都表示需要審慎處理這一衝突。demonstrate, indicate, prove, show, suggest表明/說明/證明/顯示/暗示需要The incident proved the need for a continuing military presence in the area.這一事件證明該地區需要繼續駐軍。reflect反映需要a law reflecting a need for better social conditions反映需要改善社會環境的法規create創造需要The war created a need for national unity.這場戰爭使人們渴求國家統一。address, fill, fulfil/fulfill, meet, satisfy應對/填補/迎合/實現/滿足需要be driven by受需要驅動Research is currently driven by the need to reduce pollution.研究是針對時下減少污染這一需要展開的。avoid, eliminate, obviate, remove避免需要;排除⋯的需要Early intervention frequently eliminates the need for surgery.早期干預經常可以免除手術。reduce降低⋯的需要be aware of, be sensitive to意識到⋯的需求;對需求敏感accept, acknowledge, perceive, recognize, see認可⋯的需要;承認⋯的需要;察覺到⋯的需要;認識到⋯的需要I see no need to do anything hasty.我看沒有必要倉促行事。emphasize, heighten, highlight, reaffirm, stress, underline, underscore (especially NAmE) 強調⋯的必要;提高⋯的必要;突出⋯的必要;重申⋯的必要She stressed the need for cooperation with the authorities.她強調了同當局合作的必要性。support支持必要性I understand and support their need to make a living.我理解並支持他們維持生計的需要。ignore, overlook忽視需要;忽略需求deny否認必要The government has denied the need for economic reform.政府不承認經濟改革的必要性。understand理解⋯的需要consider考慮⋯的需要NEED + VERBexist需要存在A need exists to bridge the gap between theory and practice in nursing.需要消除護理理論與實踐脫節的現象。arise需要出現The system can be switched to emergency power should the need arise.需要時該系統可以啟用緊急供電。PREPOSITIONin need (of)需要(⋯)a campaign to help children in need幫助貧困兒童的活動The room was sorely in need of a fresh coat of paint.這間屋子很有必要重新粉刷一次。need for對⋯的需要the need for change變革的需要PHRASESany, little, no, etc. need任何/幾乎沒有/沒有必要There's no need to worry.不必擔心。


2sth that sb requires需要的事物ADJECTIVE | VERB + NEED | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbasic, essential, fundamental基本需要;根本的需要particular, special, specific, unique某種/特殊的/具體的/獨特的需要a school for children with special educational needs為需要特殊教育的兒童開辦的學校immediate, pressing當前的/緊迫的需要long-term長期的需要future將來的需要changing變化的需要conflicting相互衝突的需要unmet未滿足的需要local當地的需要individual, personal個人的/私人的需要community, public社區的/公眾的需要customer, patient, user, etc.顧客、病人、用戶等的需要customers', patients', users', etc.顧客、病人、用戶等的需要human人類的需要Energy for cooking is a basic human need.做飯用的能源是人類的一項基本需要。humanitarian人道主義的需要material, physical物質需要;實物的需要material needs of food and shelter對食物與住所的物質需要dietary飲食的需要health, health-care, medical健康的/保健的/醫療的需要biological, bodily, emotional, physical, psychological, sexual, spiritual生物上的/身體上的/感情上的/生理上的/心理上的/性方面的/精神上的需要educational教育的需要political, social政治的/社會的需要business, economic, financial商業需求;經濟需要;財務需要operational操作需求energy能源需求information信息需求VERB + NEEDbe responsive to, be sensitive to對需要反應積極;對需要敏感address, cater for, cater to, cover, fill, fit, fulfil/fulfill, meet, provide for, respond to, satisfy, serve, supply應對需要;滿足需要;迎合需求a new union set up to address the needs of seasonal workers針對季節性工人的需求而新設立的工會€25 a day was enough to cover all his needs.一天 25 歐元足夠支付他的各種花費。We have now met most of the humanitarian needs of the refugees.我們現在已經滿足了難民的大部份人道主義需要。suit, tailor sth to迎合需要;使⋯迎合需要The coaching is informal and tailored to individual needs.這種訓練不拘形式,按個人的需要制訂。identify確定需要assess, consider評估/考慮需要balance平衡需求We try to balance the needs of all our customers.我們盡力平衡所有顧客的需求。PHRASESneeds and desires需求與渴望sb's every need某人的所有需要Our staff will cater to your every need.我們的員工會滿足您的所有需要。


ADVERB | VERB + NEED ADVERBbadly, desperately, really, sorely, urgently非常/迫切/着實/十分/急切需要She needed some money badly.她急需一些錢。Research is urgently needed into the causes of this illness.急需對這種病的起因進行研究。certainly, definitely肯定需要probably可能需要clearly, obviously顯然/明顯需要just, only, simply只需要;僅僅需要I just need some information.我只需要一些信息。hardly幾乎不需要You hardly need me to tell you that your father is still very frail and must not be upset.不用我說你也知道,你父親還很虛弱,一定不能讓他生氣。not necessarily不一定需要These people require 24-hour attention, but they do not necessarily need to be in the hospital.這些人需要 24 小時看護,但不一定非得住院。no longer不再需要still仍然需要VERB + NEEDbe going to將會需要be expected to, be likely to, may well預計會/或許/很可能需要You may well need to look outside your preferred area to find an affordable hotel.你很可能需要到你心儀地區以外的地方去看看是否有能住得起的旅館。
BNC: 132 COCA: 132
need noun
need (children with special needs) desire (the need to talk) poverty (people in need) reason (no need to do sth)


need ♦︎ requirement ♦︎ necessity ♦︎ essential ♦︎ wantThese words are all words for sth that you need, or a situation in which sth is necessary. 这些词均表示必需品或必要、需要。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a need / requirement / necessity for sthbasic needs / requirements / necessities / essentialsa / an pressing / urgent / immediate / absolute / fundamental need / requirement / necessitya political / social / physical need / requirement / necessityhuman / bodily needs / wantsthe bare necessities / essentialsto have a need / a requirement / wantsto meet / satisfy sb's needs / requirements / wantsto understand / be aware of / remove / reduce the need / requirement / necessity for sth need [singular, uncountable] the fact that sth must happen or be done 必要;需要;必须There is an urgent need for qualified teachers.迫切需要合格教师。There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.你明天不必早起。I had no need to open the letter-I knew what it would say.我没必要拆开那封信-我知道里面会说些什么。The house is in need of a thorough clean.这房子需要来个大扫除。Your needs [plural] are the things that you must have in order to live in a comfortable way or achieve what you want. 复数形式的needs指达至生活舒适或成就某事所需要的事物First we will assess your financial needs.我们首先会评估你经济上的需要。Your role will be to support children with special educational needs.你的职责是帮助有特殊教育需要的儿童。 see also need desire noun requirement [countable] (formal) something that you need or want 所需的(或想要的)东西Our immediate requirement is extra staff.我们急需增加人手。These goods are surplus to requirements (= more than we need).这些货物超过了我们的需要。 necessity nəˈsesəti [countable] (rather formal) the fact that sth must happen or be done; sth that you must have and cannot manage without 必要;需要;必需的事物;必需品There had never been any necessity for her to go out to work.她从来就没有出去工作的必要。Many people cannot even afford basic necessities such as food and clothing.许多人甚至买不起食物和衣服之类的基本必需品。Air-conditioning is an absolute necessity in this climate.这样的气候绝对需要有空调。 see also necessitate mean verb 3 essential [countable, usually plural] something that you must have in a particular situation or in order to do a particular thing 必不可少的东西;必需品I only had time to pack the bare essentials (= the most necessary things).我只来得及装上最基本的用品。The studio had all the essentials like heating and running water.工作室里备有基本设施,如暖气装置和自来水。Essentials are often described as bare or basic. 常用bare或basic描述essentials。 see also essential essential adj. want [countable, usually plural] something that you must have and cannot manage without, especially in order to live (尤指维持生存所需的)必需品;需要的东西The snail does not need to travel far to satisfy all its bodily wants.蜗牛不必爬远就能满足身体的所有需要。 see also want desire noun NOTE 辨析 Necessities, essentials or wants? Wants are usually the most basic and physical of these: things that your body needs in order to go on living; the most common collocates are human and bodily. Essentials are usually more practical: the basic things that you need in order to do a particular thing or activity. Necessities is a more general word and can cover both physical and practical needs. 这些词中,wants通常是最基本和最实质的东西,即身体为维持生存所需的东西,最常见的搭配词是human和bodily。essentials通常更实际一些,指做特定的事或活动所需要的基本东西。necessities含义更广,既可指身体的需要,也可指实务上的需要。 need


need ♦︎ require ♦︎ rely on/upon sb/sth ♦︎ want ♦︎ call for sth ♦︎ demandThese words all mean to want to have sb/sth that is essential or very important. 这些词均表示需要、必需。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to really need / require / want / call for / demand sthto just need / require / want sthto still need / require / rely on / call for sthto urgently need / require / want sb / sthto clearly / obviously need / require / call for / demand sth need [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to want to have sb/sth because they are/it is essential or very important, not just because you would like to have them/it 需要;必需Do you need any help?你需要帮忙吗?Don't go-I might need you.别走,我可能需要你帮忙。They badly needed a change.他们迫切需要一场变革。Food aid is urgently needed.迫切需要食物援助。This shirt needs washing.这件衬衫该洗了。I need to get some sleep.我需要睡会儿觉。 see also need desire noun require [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (formal) to need sth; to depend on sb/sth 需要;依靠;依赖This condition requires urgent treatment.这种情况得紧急处理。These lentils do not require soaking before cooking.这些小扁豆在烹调前无须浸泡。The situation required that he be present.这种情形需要他在场。 reˈly on/upon sb/sth

phrasal verb

to need or depend on sb/sth, especially in order to be able to continue doing sth (尤指为继续做某事)依赖,依靠As babies, we rely entirely on others for food.在婴儿时期,我们完全依赖别人喂食。These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.现在,我们在很大程度上依赖电脑来安排我们的工作。The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low.这一产业靠的是原料便宜,不涨价。Rely upon sb/sth is more formal than rely on sb/sth. * rely upon sb/sth较rely on sb/sth正式。 see also rely on/upon sb/sth trust
want [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (rather informal, especially spoken) to need sth 需要What this house wants is a good clean.这房子需要好好打扫一下。The plants want watering daily.这些花草需要天天浇水。If a person is wanted somewhere, they are needed to be present in the place or for the purpose mentioned. * sb is wanted指需要某人在场She's wanted immediately in the director's office.她得马上到主任办公室去。Excuse me, you're wanted on the phone.对不起,有你的电话。 ˈcall for sth

phrasal verb

(not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (of a situation) to need sth or cause sb to need sth (形势)需要The situation calls for prompt action.目前的形势需要立即采取行动。'I've been promoted.' 'This calls for a celebration!'“我升职了。”“那得庆祝一下!”Call for sth is mainly used to talk about what is needed as a result of a particular situation, especially in the phrase This calls for a celebration/a drink/patience/new ways of thinking. * call for sth主要指在特定的形势下需要做某事,尤用于短语This calls for a celebration/a drink/patience/new ways of thinking(那得庆祝一下/喝一杯;那需要耐心/新的思维方式)。
demand [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (rather formal) to need sth in order to be done successfully (为顺利完成)需要This sport demands both speed and strength.这项运动既需要速度也需要体力。 Demand is typically used to talk about situations which need qualities in people which relate to strength, hard work or high moral standards. * demand通常指需要人的体力、勤奋或道德水准达到一定要求This demands commitment / skill / courage / mental effort / maturity / respect / honesty.这需要献身精神/技巧/勇气/努力思考/成熟/尊重/诚实。
BNC: 132 COCA: 132
To need something: need, require, cry out for...
Necessary: necessary, essential, vital...
Important thing or detail: feature, priority, element...
BNC: 132 COCA: 132
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of need
  • # n.
    必須: must, need
    需要: demand, demands, need, requirement, want
    意: aspiration, clue, connotation, consequence, craving, need
    意願: aim, ambition, aspiration, craving, desire, need
    用: expenses, need, outlay, use, usefulness
  • # v.
    得: allow, gain, get, obtain, permit, need
    需: need, require, want
    需要: demand, need, want
    要有: need, require

0_0: Definitions of need
  • # verb.
    - require (something) because it is essential or very important.
    * I need help now
    - expressing necessity or obligation.
    * need I say more?
    - be necessary.
    * lest you, even more than needs, embitter our parting
  • # noun.
    - circumstances in which something is necessary, or that require some course of action; necessity.
    * the basic human need for food
    - a thing that is wanted or required.
    * his day-to-day needs
    - the state of requiring help, or of lacking basic necessities such as food.
    * help us in our hour of need

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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