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IELTS BNC: 368 COCA: 684


Word family
or·der1 /ˈɔːdə $ ˈɔːrdər/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 for a purpose 为了某一目的
a) in order to do something for the purpose of doing something 为了做某事
 Samuel trained every day in order to improve his performance.
 In order to understand how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry.
b) in order for/that formal so that something can happen or so that someone can do something 为了,以便
 Sunlight is needed in order for the process of photosynthesis to take place in plants.
2 arrangement 安排 [countableC, uncountableU]ORDER/SEQUENCE the way that things or events are arranged in relation to each other, so that one thing is first, another thing is second etc 顺序,次序 SYN sequence
in the right/correct order
 Make sure that you put the books back in the right order.
out of order/in the wrong order
 The files are all out of order.
in order (=one after another, according to a plan) 依次
 Then they call out our names in order and we answer yes or no.
in alphabetical order
 Their names are arranged in alphabetical order.
in order of importance/difficulty etc
 The cities are listed in order of importance.
 Students learn the verbs in order of difficulty.
in ascending/descending order (=starting with the lowest or highest number) 按升序/降序
 The prices are given in ascending order.
in reverse order
 She read out the names in reverse order.
 There seemed to be no logical order to the sections.
3 instruction 指示 [countableC usually plural]TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO something an instruction to do something that is given by someone in authority 命令;指示
order to do something
 The captain had to give the order to abandon ship.
under orders (from somebody) (to do something)
 She is under orders to have a complete rest.
on somebody’s orders
 He was thrown into the river on the emperor’s orders.
by order of somebody
 The company cannot be identified by order of the court.
4 controlled situation 被控制的局势 [uncountableU]OBEY a situation in which rules are obeyed and authority is respected 秩序,治安
 the breakdown of law and order
 The riots are a threat to public order.
keep order/keep somebody in order (=stop people from behaving badly) 维持秩序/迫使某人遵守秩序
 The physics teacher couldn’t keep order in any class.
 She had trouble keeping her teenage sons in order.
 The army was called in to restore order.
5 well-organized state 秩序良好的状态 [uncountableU]ORGANIZE a situation in which everything is controlled, well organized, and correctly arranged 有条理,整齐
6 for food or drink 购买食物或饮料BBTASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something [countableC]
7 for goods 购买货物 [countableC]DFBBT
8 be out of order 
Examples from the Corpus
9 be in order 
Examples from the Corpus
10 be in (good) working/running order WORKING/NOT BROKENin good condition or working well 状况良好,运转良好
Examples from the Corpus
11 social/economic situation 社会/经济形势 [singular]PSS the political, social, or economic situation at a particular time 秩序
12 be the order of the day 
Examples from the Corpus
13 the order of things BEthe way that life and the world are organized and intended to be 自然而然的事,理所当然的事
Examples from the Corpus
14 of a high order/of the highest order  (also of the first order)GOOD/EXCELLENTBEST of a very good kind or of the best kind 优秀的/一流的
15. withdraw/retreat in good order to move away from the enemy in war in an organized way 〔打仗时从战线上〕有序地撤退
16 in the order of something/of the order of something  (also on the order of something American EnglishAmE)APPROXIMATELY a little more or a little less than a particular amount, especially a high amount 大约 SYN approximately
17 religious group 宗教团体 [countableC]RR a society of monks or nuns (=people who live a holy life according to religious rules) 修道会,修士[修女]
18. take (holy) orders RRCto become a priest 担任圣职
Examples from the Corpus
19. secret society 秘密社团 [countableC]SSO an organization or a society whose members meet for secret ceremonies 秘密组织[社团]
20 official honour 官方颁发的荣誉 [countableC]PGO a group of people who have received a special official reward from a king, president etc for their services or achievements 获得勋位的一批人,勋爵士团
21. money [countableC]BFBMONEY an official piece of paper that can be exchanged for money 汇票,汇单 money order, postal order
22. the lower orders British EnglishBrE old-fashionedCLASS IN SOCIETY people who belong to the lowest social class 低下阶层,下层阶级
Examples from the Corpus
23. animals/plants 动物/植物 [countableC] technicalHBAHBP a group of animals or plants that are considered together because they evolved from the same plant or animal 〔动植物分类中的〕目 class1(5), species
24. TDcomputer 计算机 [countableC] American EnglishAmE a list of jobs that a computer has to do in a particular order 〔计算机的〕任务排序,等待队列 SYN British English queue
25. Order! Order! spoken used to ask people to stop talking in a meeting or parliament 〔会议或议会开会时要求人 们停止说话时说的〕安静!安静!
pecking order, point of order, standing order, → call somebody/something to order at call1(16), → set/put your own house in order at house1(7), → be given/get your marching orders at march1(5), → in short order at short1(22), → under starter’s orders at starter, → tall order at tall
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: the way that things or events are arranged in relation to each other, so that one thing is first, another thing is second etc 顺序,次序
the right/correct order
Of course, the notes must be played in the right order.
the wrong order
The pages had been put in the wrong order.
the same order
He always closed the windows in the same order.
reverse order
They announced the results in reverse order, starting with the last.
alphabetical order
List the names in alphabetical order.
numerical order
The dogs are given numbers, and stand in numerical order while the judge looks at them.
chronological order (=the order that things happened in time)
The paintings are arranged in chronological order.
ascending/descending order (=with the lowest or highest number first)
The films are ranked in ascending order of profitability.
a logical order
Put the events of the story into a logical order.
put/arrange something in order
Decide what points you want to talk about, and put them in order.
in order of importance/priority/preference etc
The country’s main exports were, in order of importance, coffee, sugar, and soya beans.
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 3: an instruction to do something that is given by someone in authority 命令;指示
give/issue an order 发出/颁布命令
Do not fire until I give the order.
obey an order 服从命令
He refused to obey this order.
follow orders/carry out orders (=obey them) 服从命令/执行命令
The men argued that they had only been following orders.
take orders from somebody (=be given orders by them and obey them) 受某人指挥
I don’t take orders from you!
disobey/ignore an order 不服从/无视命令
Anyone who disobeys these orders will be severely punished.
have orders to do something 按命令做某事
The soldiers had orders to shoot anyone on the streets after 10 o'clock.
receive an order 接到命令
nThe general says he received no order to withdraw.
nmake an order (=used of a court)
The court made an adoption order.
a direct order (=a clear order) 直接命令
What happens to a soldier who disobeys a direct order?
strict orders 严格的命令
They had strict orders not to allow anyone through.
a court order (=when a judge in a court says you must do something) 法院命令
nNow they’re faced with a court order that could force them to leave.
an executive order (=an order from a president) 行政命令
nPresident Grant issued an executive order establishing a reservation for the Nez Perce Indians.
doctor’s orders (=when the doctor says you must do something) 医嘱
nShe was to rest as much as possible on doctor’s orders.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Trade
order2 ●●● S2 W2 verb  
1 ask for food/drink 点食物/饮料 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to ask for food or a drink in a restaurant, bar etc 〔在餐厅、酒吧等〕点,要〔食物或饮料〕
2 ask for goods 订购货物 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]BBTASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something to ask for goods or services to be supplied 订购,订货
3 tell SB to do STH 叫某人做某事 [transitiveT]TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO something to tell someone that they must do something, especially using your official power or authority 命令,要求
4 arrange 排列 [transitiveT]ARRANGE A GROUP OF THINGS OR PEOPLE to arrange something in an order 排列,整理
5order somebody around (also order somebody about British English) phrasal verbphr v TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingto give someone orders in an annoying or threatening way 不断地支使〔某人〕,〔专横地〕将〔某人〕差来遣去
Examples from the Corpus
6order somebody ↔ out phrasal verbphr v PMSCPto order soldiers or police to go somewhere to stop violent behaviour by a crowd 下令出动〔军队或警察制止暴乱等〕
Examples from the Corpus
THESAURUSMeaning 3: to tell someone that they must do something, especially using your official power or authority 命令,要求
to tell someone they must do something 告诉某人必须做某事
order to tell someone that they must do something, using your official power or authority 命令,要求
A policeman ordered him to stop.
He ordered his men to put down their weapons.
n‘Don’t move, ’ he ordered.
tell to say to someone that they must do something 命令,指示
Stop telling me what to do!
The headmaster told me to wait outside his office.
give orders/instructions to tell someone exactly what they must do 发出命令/指示
The police chief gave orders to shoot.
The doctor gave instructions that she should rest as much as possible.
command used about a high-ranking person such as a general, captain, or king ordering someone to do something 命令〔用于将军、船长、国王等高级别人物〕
The general commanded the troops to fall back.
n They believe that the Lord has commanded them to do this.
instruct formal to tell someone to do something, especially when you tell them exactly how it should be done 指示,命令
The architect was instructed to keep the plans simple.
She took three tablets every day, as instructed by her doctor.
direct to give someone an official or legal order to do something 指示,命令
The judge directed the jury to find her not guilty.
subpoena /səˈpiːnə, səb-/ to officially order someone to appear in a court of law in order to answer questions 传唤出庭
Another three of the president’s advisors were subpoenaed.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
orderor·der1 /ˈɔːdəˈɔːrdər/ noun
1[countableC] a request by a customer for goods or services
To place your order by telephone, call this number between 8 am and 6 pm.
order for
The company has received an order for 1,500 machines.
It has three firm orders (=definite ones) for its latest twin-jet aircraft.
advance order back order buy limit order buy order copy order day order delivery order discretionary order job order market order purchase order repeat order rush order sell order stop order
2[countableC]COMMERCE goods that someone has ordered from a company
Your order has arrived - you can collect it from the store any time.
part order
3advance orders [plural]COMMERCE the number of requests by customers to buy a new product, book, or record before it has been put on sale
His new album had been released to advance orders in the UK of 100,000.
4on orderCOMMERCE if goods are on order, a customer has asked for them but has not yet received them
America’s airlines alone have more than $130 billion-worth of aircraft on order.
5to orderCOMMERCE if something is made or supplied to order, it is made or supplied especially for a particular customer who has asked for it
Our exclusive conservatories are still handmade to order, using traditional skills.
6[countableC]LAW an official statement from a court of law or other authority stating that something must be done
The decision removed a temporary restraining order that prevented the New York Department of Insurance from releasing the reports.
administration order bankruptcy order compulsory purchase order court order gagging order judge's order receiving order
7[uncountableU] the condition of goods or property when they are bought or sold
The documents state the quantity of goods and their apparent order and condition when received.
The property is in good decorative order.
8be in (good/perfect) working/running order if equipment, a machine etc is in good working order, it is working well
Our standards ensure a BMW bought from us is in perfect running order.
9be out of order if equipment or a machine is out of order, it is not working
I tried to ring him yesterday but his phone was out of order.
10[singular, uncountableU] the way that several things are arranged, showing which comes first, second etc
Place the proposals in order of priority.
pecking order
11the order of business the arrangement of different subjects for discussion at a meeting
As clerk to the committee, your main task is to establish the order of business.
12the first/top order of business American EnglishAmE the most important thing to be discussed at a meeting or dealt with
House Democratic leaders plan to make the proposed tax the top order of business when Congress returns.
see also banker's order, international money order, mail order, money order, point of order, postal order, standing order
orderorder2 verb [transitiveT]
1COMMERCEto ask a company to supply goods or services
Dealers have been reluctant to order new cars in the face of weak sales.
You can order computer games or DVDs that aren’t in stock.
2to tell someone to do something, using your authority or power over them
A federal appeals court in Philadelphia overturned the verdict and ordered a new trial.
order somebody to do something
Congress has ordered businesses to comply with the new regulations.
Origin order1
(1200-1300) Old French ordre, from Latin ordo arrangement, group
IELTS BNC: 368 COCA: 684


1way in which people/things are arranged排序ADJECTIVE | VERB + ORDER | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcorrect, proper, right正確的/適當的/正當的排序wrong錯誤的順序logical合乎邏輯的順序The paragraphs are not in a logical order.這些段落的排列不合邏輯。ascending升序arranged in ascending order of size按從小到大的次序排列descending降序alphabetical, chronological, numerical, random, reverse字母/時間/數字/隨機/相反順序pecking等級排序the pecking order among the hospital staff醫院職員的等級次序rank級別次序the top ten groups, in rank order排名前十的小組word詞序running上場順序Where am I in the running order?我排在第幾位上場?batting (sport體育) 擊球順序VERB + ORDERchange改變順序I think you should change the order of these paragraphs.我覺得你應該重新排列這幾個段落的順序。PREPOSITIONin order按順序The winners were announced in reverse order.獲勝者名單按從後向前的順序公佈。in order of按⋯的順序I've listed the tasks in order of priority.我已按輕重緩急列出了任務清單。out of order不按順序The episodes were shown out of order.這幾集未按順序播放。


2organized state井然有序的狀態ADJECTIVE | VERB + ORDER | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEapple-pie (= perfect) (old-fashioned, especially NAmE) 井然有序The accounts were in apple-pie order.賬目井井有條。VERB + ORDERbring, create, impose帶來/創造/推行秩序to bring order out of chaos化無序為有序She attempted to impose some order on the chaos of her files.她試圖把雜亂的文件整理好。put sth in, set sth in把⋯整理得井井有條PREPOSITIONin order有條理地My notes are in order.我的筆記很有條理。PHRASESin good order井井有條The house is in good order.這所房子佈置得井井有條。


3when laws, rules, authority, etc. are obeyed秩序ADJECTIVE | VERB + ORDER | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcivil, public社會/公共秩序VERB + ORDERkeep, maintain, preserve維持秩序restore恢復治安keep sb/sth in使⋯有秩序Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order.有些老師覺得很難維持課堂秩序。call sth to要求⋯遵守秩序The argument continued until the chairman called the meeting to order (= ordered them to obey the formal rules).爭論持續不休,直到主席要求雙方遵守議事規則。PREPOSITIONin order (= acceptable) 符合規則Would it be in order for us to examine the manuscript?按規定我們可以檢查原稿嗎?Is everything in order, sir?一切都正常嗎,先生 ?I think a drink would be in order.我想可以喝杯飲料了吧。Is your work permit in order?你的工作許可證符合規定嗎?out of order違反規定The objection was ruled out of order (= not allowed by the rules).他的反對被判違規。He accepted that he'd been out of order (= he had behaved unacceptably). (BrE, informal) 他承認自己行為不當。PHRASESlaw and order治安a point of order議事程序的問題One of the committee members raised a point of order.一名委員會成員提出了議事程序問題。


4way a society is arranged社會秩序ADJECTIVEestablished, existing, old已有的秩序;現存的秩序;舊秩序He was seen as a threat to the established order.他被看作是對已有秩序的威脅。new新秩序natural自然秩序the natural order of things事物的自然秩序economic, moral, political, social經濟/道德/政治/社會秩序international, world國際/世界秩序a new world order新的世界秩序


5instruction/demand指令ADJECTIVE | VERB + ORDER | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdirect, specific, strict直接的/具體的/嚴格的指令executive行政命令sealed密封的命令He opened his sealed orders.他打開了密令。court庭諭gag, gagging (BrE) 禁言命令exclusion, maintenance, preservation, restraining (especially NAmE) 禁令;供養令;保護令;限制令a wildlife preservation order野生動物保護令The court issued a restraining order against Pearson.法院發出了對皮爾遜的限制令。VERB + ORDERgive, issue, make (law法律, especially BrE) 下令;發出指令The captain gave the order to fire.上尉下令開火。The judge made an order for the costs to be paid.法官發出了支付費用的指令。sign簽署命令slap突然下達指令The building has had a preservation order slapped on it. (BrE) 突然下達了對這座大樓的保護令。enforce強制執行命令await待命get, receive得到/接到命令obtain取得指令His lawyer had to obtain a court order to get access to her client.他的律師須得到法院同意才能與她的當事人接觸。carry out, execute, follow, obey, take執行/遵照/貫徹/服從/接受命令The local civilians don't take orders from the military.地方百姓不接受軍方命令。disobey, ignore, violate不服從/無視/違反命令cancel取消指令countermand, rescind, revoke (especially BrE, all formal) 解除/撤銷/廢除命令bark, bark out, shout, shout out大聲下達命令He barked out orders as he left.他離開時大聲下達命令。PREPOSITIONby order of (formal) 奉⋯之命by order of the police奉警方之命on sb's orders根據某人的命令The ship was to set sail at once, on the admiral's orders.根據艦隊司令的命令,這艘船將立即起航。under orders from按照⋯的命令A group of soldiers, under orders from the president, took control of the television station.一群軍人奉總統之命控制了電視台。orders for⋯的命令The colonel had given orders for the spy's execution.上校已下令處決間諜。PHRASESdoctor's orders醫囑I'm not to drink any alcohol-doctor's orders!我不得沾酒 - 這是醫生的吩咐!get your marching orders (= be ordered to leave) , give sb their marching orders得到離開的命令;命令某人離開


6request for sth to be made/supplied/delivered訂貨ADJECTIVE | VERB + ORDER | ORDER + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbulk, large, record (especially BrE) 批量訂貨;大訂單;創紀錄的訂單small小訂單firm確定的訂單advance預訂單back, outstanding (especially BrE) 待發貨的訂單repeat重複的訂單tall (= difficult to fulfill; unreasonable) 過高的要求That's a tall order!那個訂單要求過高!mail, money, postal, standing郵購;郵政匯票;長期訂單purchase採購單export出口訂單VERB + ORDERplace, put in, send訂購I've placed an order for the CD.我已訂購了這張激光唱片。cancel取消訂單get, receive, win得到/收到/贏得訂單The company won a $10 million order for oil-drilling equipment.這家公司得到了 1,000 萬美元石油鑽井設備的訂單。have有訂單complete, fill, fulfil/fulfill, meet完成訂單We're trying to fill all the back orders.我們正努力將所有積壓的訂單交貨。make sth to按訂單做⋯kitchen cupboards made to order按訂單製作的櫥櫃ORDER + NOUNform訂貨單book (usually figurative) 日程We have a full order book for the coming year.我們下一年的日程已排滿了。PREPOSITIONon order訂購中的We have ten boxes on order.我們已訂購了 10 箱。to order根據訂單The chairs can be made to order (= when a customer orders one).這些椅子可以訂做。order for訂購⋯We have a firm order for ten cases of wine.我們已確定訂購 10 箱葡萄酒。


7request for food, etc. in a restaurant, etc.點菜ADJECTIVE | VERB + ORDER | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEside配菜a side order of mixed salad另點的什錦色拉short (= that can be prepared quickly) 小菜a short-order cook做小菜的廚師last orders (especially BrE) 最後一次點酒Last orders at the bar now, please!各位,酒吧打烊前最後一輪點酒了!VERB + ORDERtake記下點的菜The waiter finally came to take their orders.侍者終於過來請他們點菜。give sb給某人點菜PREPOSITIONorder for點⋯an order for steak and fries點的牛排和炸薯條


8group of people living in a religious community宗教團體ADJECTIVEmonastic, religious修會;宗教團體contemplative默觀修會closed (= with little or no contact with the outside world) 隱修會Benedictine, Cistercian, etc.本篤會、西多會等


1tell sb to do sth命令ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBspecifically明確吩咐immediately立即下令personally親自指揮The general had personally ordered the raid.將軍親自下令發動這次襲擊。formally正式下令about, around差來遣去Stop ordering me around!不要再支使我了!back, home, off, out下令退後;召回國;勒令退出比賽;命令離開He was ordered off for bringing down the striker. (BrE, sport體育) 他因放倒前鋒被罰出場。PREPOSITIONoff, out of勒令離開All foreign journalists have been ordered out of the country.所有外國記者都已被勒令離境。


2ask for sth要求ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBdirect, directly直接訂購online網上訂購All our products can be ordered online.我們的所有產品都可以網上訂購。PREPOSITIONfor為⋯訂購We can order the book for you, if you like.如果你喜歡,我們可以為你訂購此書。from向⋯訂購You can order the book direct from the publisher.你可直接向出版商訂購此書。


3organize/arrange sth組織;整理ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBalphabetically, chronologically, hierarchically, logically按字母/按時間/按等級/按邏輯排序The entries are ordered alphabetically.詞條是按字母順序排列的。PREPOSITIONaccording to按照⋯排列Different senses of a word are ordered according to frequency.詞的不同義項是按照使用頻率排列的。PHRASEShighly ordered, well ordered安排得很好She led a highly ordered existence, with everything having its own time and place.她的生活井然有序,處理事情有條不紊。
IELTS BNC: 368 COCA: 684
order noun
order (obey orders) efficiency (create order out of chaos) peace (keep order) request (an order for ten copies) series (in alphabetical order) in order fine law and order peace out of order unacceptable adj.
order verb
order1 (order sb to do sth) order2 (order goods/a meal) rank (ordered alphabetically) rule2 (order that sth must happen)


order ♦︎ instruction ♦︎ injunction ♦︎ directive ♦︎ decree ♦︎ commandThese are all words for sth that sb is told to do, especially by sb in authority. 这些词均表示指示、命令。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配under sb's orders / sb's instructions / an injunction / a directive / a decreein accordance with an order / instructions / a directive / a decreeby order / decree(a) written order / instructions / directive(a) clear order / instructions / directive / command(a) direct / final order / instructions / commandto issue an order / instructions / an injunction / a directive / a decree / a commandto obey / ignore an order / instructions / an injunction / a directive / a commandto sign an order / an injunction / a directive / a decreeto implement / follow / comply with an order / instructions / a directiveto give / receive / carry out an order / instructions / a command order [countable] something that sb is told to do by sb in authority 指示;命令He gave orders for the work to be started.他下令开始工作。The general gave the order to advance.将军下令前进。I'm under orders not to let anyone in.我奉命不准任何人进入。Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank.利率可由中央银行管控。I don't take orders from you!我不听你的吩咐!Under the court order, she is allowed no contact with him.依法庭庭谕,她不得与他接触。 instruction [countable, usually plural] something that sb tells you to do 指示;命令;吩咐She called you on my instructions.她遵照我的指示给你打电话。He left strict instructions that the box should only be opened after his death.他严格吩咐,那个盒子必须在他死后才能打开。She carried out his instructions to the letter (= followed them in every detail).她一丝不苟地执行他的命令。 injunction ɪnˈdʒʌŋkʃn [countable] (law 法律) an official order given by a court which demands that sth must or must not be done (法院的)强制令,禁制令The court granted an injunction against the defendants.法庭对被告发出了禁制令。She took out an injunction to prevent the press from publishing the information.她拿到了一份阻止新闻媒体发布这条消息的禁制令。It was agreed that the temporary injunction should be lifted.大家一致同意应该解除临时强制令。In formal English, injunction can also have the more general meaning of 'a warning from sb in authority'. 在正式英语中,injunction还有更一般性的意义为“警告、指令、命令”The rank and file members will follow the injunction of the party leadership.普通党员一定要遵循党领导的指示。 directive dəˈrektɪv, dɪrektɪv, daɪrektɪv [countable] an official instruction, especially about how sth should be done (尤指关于某事应该怎么做的)指示,命令The EU has issued a new set of directives on pollution.欧盟发布了一系列关于污染的新指令。Don't start anything without a clear directive from management.没有管理层的明确指示,不要着手做任何事情。 decree dɪˈkriː [countable, uncountable] an official order from a ruler or government that becomes law 法令;政令In an emergency decree, the government banned all political gatherings.政府在一项紧急法令中禁止所有政治集会。The general ruled by decree.将军实行专制统治。 see also decree rule verb 2 command [countable] an order given to a person, especially by a military officer, or to an animal (尤指军队长官的或给动物的)命令He issued the command to retreat.他下令撤退。Begin when I give the command.我发命令就开始。She has been teaching her dog simple commands.她一直在教她的狗服从简单的指令。order1


order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事order goods/a taxi/a meal 订货;叫出租车;点餐arrangeorder your thoughtsrankordered alphabeticallyrule2order that sth must happen See also the entry for rule verb 2 另见rule动词词条第2义order ♦︎ tell ♦︎ instruct ♦︎ direct ♦︎ commandThese words all mean to use your position of authority to say to sb that they must do sth. 这些词均表示命令、指挥、要求。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to order / tell / instruct / direct / command sb to do sthto order / tell / instruct / direct / command sb that...to order / instruct / direct / command that...to do sth as ordered / told / instructed / directed / commandedto specifically / expressly order / tell / instruct / direct / command (sb to do sth) order [transitive] to use your position of authority to tell sb to do sth 命令;指挥;要求The officer ordered them to fire.军官命令他们开火。The government has ordered an investigation into the accident.政府下令调查事故。They were ordered out of the class for fighting.他们因打架被勒令离开课室。'Come here at once!' she ordered.“马上过来!”她命令道。Stop trying to order me around!别老是对我呼来喝去的! tell (told, told) [transitive] to say to sb that they must or should do sth 命令;指示;吩咐He was told to sit down and wait.有人吩咐他坐下等着。There was a sign telling motorists to slow down.有一个让汽车司机减速的指示牌。I kept telling myself to keep calm.我不断叮嘱自己要保持冷静。The doctor told me (that) I should lose some weight.医生嘱咐我要减肥。Don't tell me what to do!别支使我做事!Do as you're told!照吩咐的做! instruct [transitive] (rather formal) to tell sb to do sth, especially in a formal or official way (尤指以正式或官方的方式)指示,命令,吩咐The letter instructed him to report to headquarters immediately.那封信指示他立即去总部报到。You will be instructed where to go as soon as the plane is ready.飞机一准备好就会通知你去何处。She arrived at ten o'clock as instructed.她依照指示于10点钟到达。 direct [transitive] (formal) to give an official order (正式)指示,命令The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.法官指示陪审团作出无罪裁决。 command kəˈmɑːnd; NAmE kəˈmænd [transitive] to use your position of authority to tell sb to do sth 命令;指挥;要求He commanded his men to retreat.他命令手下撤退。She commanded the release of the prisoners.她下令释放囚犯。 see also command control noun NOTE 辨析 Order or command? Order is a more general word than command and can be used about anyone in a position of authority, such as a parent, teacher or government telling sb to do sth. Command is slightly stronger than order. It is the normal word to use about an army officer giving orders, or in any context where it is normal to give orders without any discussion about them. It is less likely to be used about a parent or teacher. * order含义较command宽泛,可指任何有权威的人命令他人,如父母、老师或政府下命令。command的语气稍强于order,一般用于部队长官发布命令,或指发布通常没有商量余地的命令,不大用于父母或老师下命令的情况。order2


order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事order goods/a taxi/a meal 订货;叫出租车;点餐arrangeorder your thoughtsrankordered alphabeticallyrule2order that sth must happenorder ♦︎ book ♦︎ hire ♦︎ rent ♦︎ charter ♦︎ reserveThese words all mean to ask for sth to be made available for you at a later time, or to pay to use sth temporarily. 这些词均表示预订、预约或租借、租用。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to order / book / hire / rent / charter / reserve sth for sbto book / reserve a place / seat / table / ticketto book / hire / rent / reserve a room / hallto book / rent a DVD / videoto book / charter a flightto hire / rent a bicycle / a boat / a car / equipment / a movie / a van / a vehicleto hire / charter a plane / vessel / yachtto order / book / reserve sth for eight o'clock / this evening / midday, etc. order [transitive, intransitive] to ask for goods to be made or supplied or for sth to be provided; to ask to be served with sth to eat or drink 订购;订货;点(食物或饮料)The furniture can be ordered direct from the manufacturer.这些家具可向厂方直接订货。I'd like to order some books, please.请帮我订几本书可以吗?I'll order you a taxi.我会给你叫辆出租车。I've ordered some sandwiches.我点了一些三明治。The waiter asked if we were ready to order.服务员问我们是否要点菜。 see also order request noun book [transitive, intransitive] (especially BrE) to arrange with a hotel or theatre to have a room or seat on a particular date; to arrange for sb to have a seat on a plane, train or ship (向旅馆或戏院)预约,预订;给某人预订飞机(或火车、轮船)座位The hotel is fully booked that weekend.旅馆那个周末订满了。The seminars get quickly booked up (= have no more places available).研讨会的席位很快就预订一空。I've booked you on the 9.30 flight.我给你订了9点30分的飞机票。Book early to avoid disappointment.及早预订,以免向隅。 see also book schedule verb hire [transitive] (BrE) to pay money to borrow sth for a short time 租用;租借There's a place where you can hire bikes for the day.有个地方可以租自行车用一天。They hired a room above a pub for the wedding reception.他们在酒馆楼上租了一个房间办婚宴。 hire


[uncountable] bicycles for hire, £4 an hour自行车出租,每小时4英镑The costumes are on hire from the local theatre.戏装可向本地剧院租用。
rent [transitive] (especially NAmE) to pay money to borrow sth for a short time 租用;租借She rented a car at the airport.她在机场租了一辆汽车。He had a list of movies they had rented from the local video store.他有一份他们从本地录像带商店租借过的电影清单。NOTE 辨析 Hire or rent?In British English you hire vehicles, rooms or tools, but you rent DVDs or videos. In American English rent is used for all these things. However, for larger vehicles that usually carry paying passengers, use charter. 在英式英语中,租车、租房间或租用工具用hire,但租DVD或录像带用rent。在美式英语中,租所有这些东西都用rent。不过,租用通常载送付费乘客的大型交通工具则用charter。 charter [transitive] to hire a plane, boat, bus or train 包租(飞机、船、公共汽车或火车)The club chartered a special flight from Manchester to Turin.俱乐部包租了一架从曼彻斯特飞往都灵的专机。 charter


[uncountable] a yacht available for charter可供租赁的游艇
reserve [transitive] (rather formal) to ask for a seat, table, room or place on a course to be available for you or sb else at a future time 预订,预约(座位、席位、房间);预留(课程名额)They had reserved seats on the train.他们已经在火车上预订了座位。Please reserve a place for me on the software training day.请在软件培训日那天给我留一个名额。NOTE 辨析 Book or reserve? Book usually means to make a firm arrangement which often includes making a payment at the same time or being charged if you cancel. Reserve means to ask for sth to be kept for you and does not usually require payment in advance, except in the case of seats on a train. You can also say make a reservation, which is the most usual way to express this idea in American English. * book通常指作出确定的安排,常包括在预订的同时付款,又或者如果取消预订也要交一定的费用。reserve指预订、预留某物,通常不要求预先付款,除非是预订火车座位。也可以说make a reservation,这是美式英语中表达此义最常见的用法I'd like to make a reservation for August 14.我想预订8月14日的座位。 see also reserve reserve , reservation request

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