the British Broadcasting Corporation: an organization that broadcasts television and radio programmes and is owned by the British government. It does not have advertising and is paid for by the licence fee (=money paid every year by people who own a television). 英国广播公司(英国政府所属制作广播和电视节目的机构。它不播放广告,由电视用户支付费用)
[C]an arrangement under which a television or radio company is allowed to broadcast in a particular area of the country, or a railway company is allowed to operate trains in a particular area (允许电视或广播公司在特定地区播放,或允许铁路公司的火车在特定地区运行的)特许,特权
win/lose a franchise:
His company won the London weekday franchise. 他的公司获得了工作日在伦敦播映的特权。