HBBa small bird with long legs and a long beak that lives near the shore 鹬〔一种生活在岸边的腿和喙较长的小鸟〕
Examples from the Corpus
sandpiper• Buoyant as a duck, slender as a sandpiper, small as a dunlin.• Lightly as sandpipers marking the shorelineboats at the jettysprang and rocked upon the green water.• As we taxied to a halt on the coastalgrassyrunway, we disturbed parties of curlew, sandpipers and greyplover.• They were like sandpipers at the edge of the surf-they lived inches from the water and their feet Were never wet.• A flock of sandpipers running at the edge of the waves lures me from the point.• In winter it is given over to turnstones, purplesandpiper, oystercatchers and other shellfish-eating birds.• Purple sandpipersarc the most self-effacing of birds.• For a while he stood on the softsand, watching the waves break and the sandpipersscatter under them.