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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 171 COCA: 156


Word family
keep1 /kiːp/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp kept /kept/)  
1 not change 不改变 [linking verb, transitiveT]CONTINUE/NOT STOP to stay in a particular state, condition, or position, or to make someone or something do this (使)保持,(使)处于
keep (somebody/something) warm/safe/dry etc
 We huddled around the fire to keep warm.
keep calm/awake/sane etc
 I was struggling to keep awake.
keep something clean/tidy
 Keep your room tidy.
keep somebody busy/amused/occupied
 some toys to keep the kids amused
 You won’t be able to keep it secret forever.
 Peter cycles to work to keep fit.
 Don’t keep us in suspense any longer!
keep (somebody/something) away/back/off/out etc
 The police put up barriers to keep the crowds back.
 If I were you, I’d keep away from that area at night.
 a sign saying ‘Danger: Keep Out’
 The little boy kept close to his mother.
keep (somebody) out of something
 Keep him out of trouble.
 You keep out of this, Mother (=do not get involved). It’s no concern of yours.
 How can I cut your hair if you won’t keep still!
keep left/right (=stay to the left or right of a path or road as you move) 靠左侧/右侧〔行走〕
keep somebody/something doing something
 Jane kept the engine running.
nGRAMMAR: Linking verbs
Keep is used as a linking verb in this meaning. It links the subject of the sentence with an adjective:
I try to keep busy.
The fruit will keep fresh for several weeks.
2 continue doing STH 继续做某事 [intransitiveI] (also keep on)KEEP DOING something to continue doing something or to do the same thing many times 继续;重复
keep (on) doing something
 I keep thinking about Joe, all alone in that place.
 I keep telling you, but you won’t listen!
 She pretended not to hear, and kept on walking.
5Do not say keep up doing something. Say keep doing something or keep on doing something.
不要说 keep up doing something. 而要说 keep doing something keep on doing something.
Keep is followed by an -ing form, not an infinitive. You say:
He kept talking to me.
Don’t say: He kept to talk to me.
3 not give back 不归还 [transitiveT]KEEP/CONTINUE TO HAVE to have something and not give it back to the person who had it before 保留,留下,留着
4 not lose 不丢失 [transitiveT]KEEP/CONTINUE TO HAVE to continue to have something and not lose it or get rid of it 保留,留着
5 store STH 存放某物 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]KEEP/STORE to leave something in one particular place so that you can find it easily 存放,储存
6 make SB stay in a place 让某人留在某处 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to make someone stay in a place, especially a prison or hospital 监禁,关押,拘留〔尤在监狱或医院里〕
7 delay SB 耽搁某人 [transitiveT]DELAY to delay someone 耽搁,延误
8 do what you promised 遵守诺言 [transitiveT]PROMISE to do what you have promised or agreed to do 遵守,笃守,恪守
9 keep a secret TELL A SECRETto not tell anyone about a secret that you know 保守秘密
Examples from the Corpus
10. keep something quiet/keep quiet (about something) to not say anything in order to avoid telling a secret or causing problems 别把某事说出去/(对某事)保密
11. keep a record/account/diary etc REGULARto regularly record written information somewhere 定期记录/记账/写日记等
Examples from the Corpus
12 keep going 
Examples from the Corpus
13 food 食物 [intransitiveI]LAST FOR A PERIOD OF TIMESAME if food keeps, it stays fresh enough to be eaten 保鲜,保持不坏
14 animals 动物 [transitiveT]OWN to own and look after animals 饲养
15 stop other people from using STH 不让别人使用某物 [transitiveT] to stop other people from using something, so that it is available for someone 保留,留下 SYN save
16 keep somebody waiting to make someone wait before you meet them or see them 让某人等候
Examples from the Corpus
17. keep guard/watch PROTECTCAREFULto guard a place or watch around you all the time 守护/监视
Examples from the Corpus
18. shop 商店 [transitiveT] British EnglishBrE old-fashionedOWN to own a small business and work in it 开设,经营〔小商店〕
19 provide SB with things 为某人提供东西 [transitiveT]LOOK AFTER somebody to provide someone with money, food etc 供养,抚养,养活
20 protect 保护 [transitiveT] formalPROTECT to guard or protect someone 护卫,保护
21. keep goal/wicket to be the player in a team whose job is to protect the goal or wicket 守门/防守三柱门 goalkeeper, wicket keeper
Examples from the Corpus
nTHESAURUSMeaning 5: to leave something in one particular place so that you can find it easily
keep to leave something in one particular place so that you can find it easily
Where do you keep the scissors?
The keys are kept in my office.
store to put things away and keep them until you need them
Villagers have begun storing wood for the winter.
save to keep something so that you can use or enjoy it in the future
He had been saving the bottle of champagne for a special occasion.
We can save the rest of the pie for later.
file to store papers or information in a particular order or a particular place
All the contracts are filed alphabetically.
collect to get and keep objects of the same type because you think they are attractive or interesting
Kate collects old postcards.
hold to keep something to be used when it is needed, especially something that many different people may need to use
Medical records are now usually held on computers.
reserve formal to keep part of something for use at a later time during a process such as cooking
Reserve some of the chocolate so that you can use it for decorating the cake.
hoard to keep large amounts of food, money etc because you think you may not be able to get them in the future – used when you do not approve of people doing this because it is not necessary or not fair to other people
People have been hoarding food and fuel in case there is another attack.
Rationing of basic food products was introduced to prevent hoarding.
Examples from the Corpus
keep2 noun  
1 somebody’s keep EARNthe cost of providing food and a home for someone 某人的生活费用
Examples from the Corpus
2 for keeps informalALWAYS/EVERY TIME forever 永远,永久
Examples from the Corpus
3. [countableC]PM a large strong tower, usually in the centre of a castle 〔城堡的〕主楼
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
keepkeep /kiːp/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp kept) /kept/
1[transitiveT] to store something that will be useful
The Credit Reference Agency keeps files on individuals’ debt records.
You shouldkeep a supply of forms.
2keep a record/log/account etc to regularly record written information somewhere
Origin keep1
Old English cepan
IELTS BNC: 171 COCA: 156


VERB + KEEPearn謀生It's time you did a job to earn your keep.該是你找份工作自謀生活的時候了。


ADVERBwell保存好Milk and cream should keep well in a refrigerator.牛奶和奶油應該放在冰箱裏保鮮。
IELTS BNC: 171 COCA: 156
keep verb
keep1 (Where do you keep the sugar?) keep2 (I've kept all her letters.) keep3 (keep a diary) keep4 (keep chickens/bees) keep5 (keep a promise) continue2 (Keep smiling!) hold sb/sth up (What kept you?) provide for sb (keep a family) remain (keep warm) reserve (keep sb a seat) keep sth going maintain1 keep going persist


Where do you keep the sugar? 你把糖放哪儿了?I've kept all her letters. 我保留着她的所有来信。keep a diary 记日记keep chickens/bees 养鸡;养蜜蜂keep a promise/an appointment 遵守承诺;按时赴约continue2Keep smiling!hold sb/sth upYou're an hour late-what kept you?maintain1keep sth goingpersistkeep goingkeep ♦︎ store ♦︎ hoard ♦︎ stock up ♦︎ stash ♦︎ stockpileThese words all mean to put sth somewhere or get sth so that it can be used later. 这些词均表示存放或贮存。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to store / stash sth awayto keep / store / hoard / stock up on / stockpile food (somewhere)to keep / store / stockpile weapons (somewhere)to keep / hoard / stash money (somewhere) keep (kept, kept) [transitive] to put sth in a particular place so that you can use it later, especially if you use it regularly (尤指为经常使用而)放,存放,贮存Keep your passport in a safe place.把你的护照放在安全的地方。Where do you keep the sugar?你把糖放哪儿了?The documents are all kept under lock and key (= locked up safely somewhere).文件都锁起来收好了。 store [transitive] to put sth somewhere and keep it there, especially for a long time, to use later (尤指长时间地)储存,储藏,保存The squirrels are storing up food for the winter.松鼠正在储存过冬的食物。You can store coffee beans in the freezer to keep them fresh.你可以把咖啡豆放在冰箱里保鲜。He hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away.他希望那些电子设备得到妥善保存。 see also store supply noun storage


[uncountable] tables that fold flat for storage可折叠存放的桌子There's lots of storage space in the attic.阁楼上有很大的存放空间。
hoard [transitive] to collect and keep large amounts of sth such as food or money, especially secretly (尤指秘密地)大量贮藏,囤积(食物、金钱等)The prisoners used to hoard scraps of food in secret places.过去囚犯常把残羹剩饭存放在隐秘的地方。 see also hoard supply noun ˌstock ˈup

phrasal verb

to buy a lot of sth so that you can use it later 贮备;备足We ought to stock up on film before our trip.我们应该在旅行前备足胶卷。I go shopping once a week to stock up with essentials.为了备足必需品,我每周购物一次。The store was full of families stocking up for Christmas.商店里挤满了采购圣诞商品的家庭。 see also stock supply noun
stash [transitive] (rather informal) to store sth in a safe or secret place 存放,贮藏,隐藏(在安全或秘密的地方)She's probably got loads of cash stashed away.她很可能藏匿了大量现金。 see also stash fund noun stockpile ˈstɒkpaɪl; NAmE ˈstɑːkpaɪl [transitive] to collect and keep a large supply of sth, especially arms, food or fuel 大量贮备(尤指武器、食物或燃料)Consumers began to stockpile fuel amid fears of a shortage.消费者因担心燃料紧缺而开始大量贮备。 see also stockpile supply noun keep2


Where do you keep the sugar? 你把糖放哪儿了?I've kept all her letters. 我保留着她的所有来信。keep a diary 记日记keep chickens/bees 养鸡;养蜜蜂keep a promise/an appointment 遵守承诺;按时赴约continue2Keep smiling!hold sb/sth upYou're an hour late-what kept you?maintain1keep sth goingpersistkeep goingkeep ♦︎ retain ♦︎ hold on to sth ♦︎ saveThese words all mean to continue to have sth. 这些词均表示保留、保存。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to keep / retain control (of sth)to retain / hold on to your leadto still keep / retain / hold on to sth keep (kept, kept) [transitive] to continue to have sth and not give it back or throw it away 保留;保存;留着She handed me a ten dollar bill. 'Here-keep the change.'她递给我一张10元的钞票,说:“给,零头不用找了。”I've kept all her letters.我保留着她的所有来信。 retain rɪˈteɪn [transitive] (formal) to keep sth 保留;保存;留着Please retain your ticket stub during the event.赛事期间请保留入场券的票根。The house retains much of its original charm.房子保存了许多它原有的迷人风貌。She has retained her title (= won the competition again) for the third year.这是她第三年卫冕成功。NOTE 辨析 Keep or retain? Retain is formal and is used especially in official writing. It is not often used in spoken English. It sometimes suggests that the thing you keep will be necessary or useful in the future. Keep is a more general word and can be used in almost all situations. * retain是正式用词,尤用于公文,不常用于口语。该词有时暗示所保存之物将来会有用。keep更宽泛,几乎可用于所有场合。 ˌhold ˈon to sth ˌhold ˈonto sth

phrasal verb

(held, held) [no passive] to keep sth that is an advantage for you; to not give or sell sth to sb else 保住(优势);保留某物(不送人或不卖掉)You should hold on to your oil shares.你应该继续持有你的石油股票。She took an early lead in the race and held onto it for nine laps.赛跑一开始她便领先,并在头九圈一直保持领先。
save [transitive] to keep sth to use or enjoy in the future 保留,保存(以备后用)He's saving his strength for the last part of the race.他在为最后阶段的比赛保存体力。We'll eat some now and save some for tomorrow.我们现在吃一些,留一些明天吃。keep3


Where do you keep the sugar? 你把糖放哪儿了?I've kept all her letters. 我保留着她的所有来信。keep a diary 记日记keep chickens/bees 养鸡;养蜜蜂keep a promise/an appointment 遵守承诺;按时赴约continue2Keep smiling!hold sb/sth upYou're an hour late-what kept you?maintain1keep sth goingpersistkeep goingkeep ♦︎ hold ♦︎ store ♦︎ retainThese words all mean to continue to have or contain sth, especially information. 这些词均表示保存或存留,尤指保存信息。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to keep / hold / store / retain information / datato keep / hold a record / recordsto store / retain factsto hold / retain land / territoryto still / no longer keep / hold / store / retain sth keep (kept, kept) [transitive] to write sth down as a record 记下;记录;记载She kept a diary for over twenty years.她记了二十多年的日记。Keep a note of where each item can be found.把每样物品的位置记录下来。Separate accounts must be kept for each different business activity.每一笔生意都要分别记账。 hold (held, held) [transitive] to keep sth, especially documents or information, so that it can be used later 保存,存储(尤指文件或信息)Employees do not have access to personal records held on computer.雇员没有机会看到存储在计算机中的个人记录。Our solicitor holds our wills.我们的律师保存着我们的遗嘱。 store [transitive] to keep information or facts in a computer or in your brain (在计算机里)存储;(在脑子里)记住Each department has a different system for storing and retrieving data.每个部门都有不同的数据存储与检索系统。We are conducting research into how information is stored in the brain.我们正在研究大脑是如何存储信息的。 retain rɪˈteɪn [transitive] (formal) to continue to hold or contain sth 保持;保留These plants will need a soil that retains moisture during the summer months.这些植物需要种在能在夏天里保持湿润的土壤里。This information is no longer retained within the computer's main memory.这一信息不再保存在计算机的主存储器中。keep4


Where do you keep the sugar? 你把糖放哪儿了?I've kept all her letters. 我保留着她的所有来信。keep a diary 记日记keep chickens/bees 养鸡;养蜜蜂keep a promise/an appointment 遵守承诺;按时赴约continue2Keep smiling!hold sb/sth upYou're an hour late-what kept you?maintain1keep sth goingpersistkeep goingkeep ♦︎ breed ♦︎ rear ♦︎ raiseThese words all mean to own and care for animals. 这些词均表示饲养。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to keep / breed / rear sth for sthto keep / breed / rear / raise animals / cattle / horses / sheepto keep / breed / raise chickensto keep / breed / rear / raise sth in captivity keep (kept, kept) [transitive] to own and care for animals, especially at home or on a small scale (尤指在家中或小规模地)养,饲养Residents are not allowed to keep pets.禁止居民养宠物。to keep bees / goats养蜜蜂;养山羊 breed (bred, bred) [transitive] to keep animals or plants in order to produce new young animals or plants in a controlled way 饲养,培育(新品种)Greyhounds were originally bred as hunting dogs.灵𤟥起初是被当作猎狗来饲养的。 see also breed produce rear rɪə(r); NAmE rɪr [transitive] to breed or keep animals or birds, for example on a farm 饲养,养殖(动物或鸟)The young crocodiles were reared indoors at a constant temperature of 32°C.小鳄鱼在恒温32摄氏度的室内饲养。 see also rear bring sb up raise [transitive] to keep particular farm animals or grow particular crops in order to sell or make other use of them 饲养;培育;种植Farmers cleared the land in order to raise cattle.农民清理出土地来养牛。 see also raise bring sb up NOTE 辨析 Rear or raise? Raise is more frequent than rear in American English. There is also a slight difference in emphasis: rear is often used when emphasizing information about the animals' treatment and living conditions; raise is often used when talking about an animal or crop as a product, for example in farming. 在美式英语中raise比rear更常用。这两个词的侧重点也有细微差别:强调对待动物的方式和动物的生存条件时常用rear,把动物或作物当作农业经营的产出来看待时则用raise。keep5


Where do you keep the sugar? 你把糖放哪儿了?I've kept all her letters. 我保留着她的所有来信。keep a diary 记日记keep chickens/bees 养鸡;养蜜蜂keep a promise/an appointment 遵守承诺;按时赴约continue2Keep smiling!hold sb/sth upYou're an hour late-what kept you?maintain1keep sth goingpersistkeep goingkeep ♦︎ deliver ♦︎ honour ♦︎ carry sth out ♦︎ follow through ♦︎ stand by sthThese words all mean to do what you have promised to do. 这些词均表示遵守诺言。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to deliver / follow through / carry through on sthto keep / deliver on / honour / carry out / follow through on / stand by a promiseto keep / honour / follow through on / stand by your wordto keep to / honour / follow through on / stand by an agreementto keep to / carry out / follow through on / stand by a planto carry out / follow through on a threatto honour / carry out / stand by a commitment keep (kept, kept) [transitive] to do what you have promised or agreed to do 遵守,信守,恪守(诺言)She kept her promise to visit them.她遵守诺言去看望了他们。He failed to keep his appointment at the clinic.他未能如约去诊所。If we all keep to the agreement there won't be any problems.只要我们都恪守协议,就不会出什么问题。OPP break break 4 deliver [intransitive, transitive] (rather informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻 or business 商业) to do what you promised to do or what you are expected to do; to produce or provide what people expect you to 履行诺言;不负所望;兑现He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will deliver.他答应6月底完成这项工作,我相信他会履行诺言。She always delivers on her promises.她总是信守诺言。If you can't deliver improved sales figures, you're fired.要是你不能兑现提高销售额的承诺,就会被解雇。The team delivered a stunning victory last night.昨晚这个队不负众望,大获全胜。 Deliver is usually used to talk about producing what is expected in business or sport. * deliver通常指经营业绩或体育成绩达到预期to deliver a (high-quality) service / product / range of benefits / left hook / victory提供(优质)服务/产品;不负众望取得一系列收益/打出一记左钩拳/取得胜利 honour (BrE) (NAmE honor) [transitive] (formal) to do what you have promised or agreed to do 遵守,信守,恪守(承诺或协议)I have every intention of honouring our contract.我非常愿意履行我们的合约。She is determined to honour her husband's dying wish.她决心实现丈夫的遗愿。The bank refused to honour the cheque (= to pay it).银行拒绝承兑这张支票。NOTE 辨析 Keep or honour?You can keep or honour a promise, agreement or your word: in these collocations honour is much more formal than keep. You can also keep an appointment or engagement or honour sb's wishes. * keep和honour都可与promise、agreement或one's word搭配,但这些搭配中honour比keep正式得多。此外,keep还可与appointment或engagement搭配,honour则可与wish搭配He failed to honour his appointment. She is determined to keep her husband's dying wish. ˌcarry sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to do what you have said you will do or what you have decided to do 履行;实施;付诸行动He carried out his threat after being released from prison.他出狱后把威胁付诸行动。
ˌfollow ˈthrough

phrasal verb

(NAmE, rather informal) to do what you have said you will do or what you have decided to do 履行;实施;付诸行动It's up to you to follow through with the plan.你有责任实施这个计划。You've vowed to stay in shape during your pregnancy-but will you follow through?你曾发誓要在怀孕期间保持体形-可你做得到吗?NOTE 辨析 Carry sth out or follow through?You can carry out or follow through on a promise or threat. Follow through is more informal, but is used mostly in American English. Carry sth out is used with a wider range of collocates, including plan, resolution, commitment, responsibility and engagement. You can also carry out what sb else has asked you to do. * carry out和follow through on都可与promise或threat搭配,但follow through不太正式,主要用于美式英语。carry sth out的搭配范围更广,搭配词有plan、resolution、commitment、responsibility和engagement。carry out也可指完成别人要求的事情。 see also carry sth out follow 3
ˈstand by sth

phrasal verb

(stood, stood)to still believe or agree with sth you said, decided or agreed earlier 仍然遵守诺言(或协议等)She still stands by every word she said.她依然恪守她说过的每一句话。Other typical collocates of stand by sth are findings, opinion, decision and story. * stand by sth其他一些常见的搭配词有findings、opinion、decision和story。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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