not dissimilar to• Madonna's career is not dissimilar to Cher's.• Although the programmesdevised in the late 1980s were not dissimilar to earlier statements, there were some variations in emphasis.• Several countries have legal systems which are not dissimilar to our own.• It often seems that her role was not dissimilar to that of John the Baptist.• The issue is not dissimilar to the general question of identifying what assets are included in the sale and what are excluded.• They would in fact be applying a test for reviewnot dissimilar to the one about to be examined. 2.• The media for political socialization in Britain are not dissimilar to those in the United States and many other polities.• One thousand years ago the Mayans were cranking out codicesnot dissimilar to today's illustrations.• His achievement in Cleveland was not dissimilar to yours in Berlin and Mravinsky's in Leningrad?