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Word family
Related topics: Religion
faith /feɪθ/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  
1 trust/confidence in SB/STH 信任/相信某人/某物 [uncountableU]BELIEVE a strong feeling of trust or confidence in someone or something 相信;信任;信心
have faith (in somebody/something)
 I still have faith in him.
 ‘Have faith, Alexandra, ’ he said.
lose faith (in somebody/something)
 The public has lost faith in the government.
destroy/restore somebody’s faith (in somebody/something)
 It’s really helped restore my faith in human nature.
2 religion 宗教
a) [uncountableU]BELIEVE belief and trust in God 对上帝的信仰;宗教信仰
 deep religious faith
faith in
 my faith in God
b) [countableC]RRRELIGION one of the main religions in the world 宗教
 People from all faiths are welcome.
the Jewish/Muslim/Hindu etc faith
 members of the Jewish faith
3 break faith with somebody/something BELIEVEto stop supporting or believing in a person, organization, or idea 背弃[脱离]某人/某事物
 How could he tell them the truth without breaking faith with the Party?
Examples from the Corpus
4. keep faith with somebody/something BELIEVEto continue to support or believe in a person, organization, or idea 恪守对某人/某物的信任[支持]
Examples from the Corpus
5 good faith REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIALhonest and sincere intentions 真诚,诚意,诚信
 He proposed a second meeting as a sign of his good faith.
 The woman who sold me the car claimed she had acted in good faith (=had not meant to deceive me).
Examples from the Corpus
6. bad faith intentions that are not honest or sincere 不诚实,欺诈
Examples from the Corpus
7 an act of faith TRUSTsomething you do that shows you trust someone completely 信赖某人的行为[表示]
 Allowing Ken to be in charge of the project was a total act of faith.
Examples from the Corpus
have faith
The public no longer has faith in the government’s policies.
have every faith in somebody/something (=trust them completely)
We have every faith in your ability to solve the problem.
put/place your faith in somebody/something
The Conservative party put its faith in the free market.
show faith in somebody/something
The club have shown faith in the young goalkeeper by offering him a permanent contract.
lose faith
Local people have lost faith in the police.
destroy somebody’s faith in somebody/something
Terry’s lies had destroyed Liz’s faith in men.
restore somebody’s faith in somebody/something (=make someone’s faith return)
His kindness had restored her faith in human nature.
great faith
He had great faith in his team.
enormous faith
Ford placed enormous faith in the new model.
complete faith
The owners have complete faith in Sam as manager.
blind faith (=trusting someone without thinking)
He believes that our blind faith in technology is misplaced.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
faithfaith /feɪθ/ noun [uncountableU]
1confidence that someone or something can be trusted or will work properly
faith in
We have faith in our staff.
Don’t put too much faith in competition.
Foreign investors were losing faith in the country.
duty of faith
2LAW good faith if you do something in good faith, you do not intend to deceive anyone and believe that what you are doing is honest
As a gesture of good faith, he deposited £1,000 with the business agents.
A bank is not liable if it has accepted the cheque in good faith.
Throughout the negotiations we acted in good faith.
3LAW bad faith if you do something in bad faith, you intend to deceive people
The jury found that all three accountants had acted in bad faith.
Origin faith
(1200-1300) Old French feid, from Latin fides; → FIDELITY
faith nounn COLLOCATIONS1
LDOCE Online


1trust in sb/sth信任(感)ADJECTIVE | VERB + FAITH | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEenormous, great, tremendous巨大的/很大的/極大的信任absolute, complete, implicit, total, unshakable, unwavering絕對的/完全的/毫無疑問的/充分的/不可動搖的/毫不動搖的信任little幾乎不信任I have little faith in doctors these days.我如今幾乎不相信醫生。blind盲目的信任He seems to have a blind faith in his boss.他似乎盲目信任他的老闆。abiding持久的信任an artist whose work reflects his abiding faith in humanity作品體現其一貫的人道主義信念的藝術家renewed重新建立的信任touching讓人感動的信任She showed a touching faith in my ability to resolve any and every difficulty.她相信我有能力解決任何困難,這令人感動。public公眾的信任Business crime undermines public faith in the business system.商業犯罪會破壞公眾對商業系統的信任。VERB + FAITHhave有信心pin, place, put相信;信任He distrusted political systems and placed his faith in the genius of individuals.他不相信政治體制,而是相信個人天賦。She did not pin much faith on their chances of success.她不太相信他們能獲得成功。show表示信任share有共同的信仰I wish I shared your faith in the jury system.但願我能和你一樣相信陪審團制度。lack, lose缺乏信任;失去信心people who lose faith in themselves失去自信的人們shake, undermine動搖信任;削弱信心destroy破壞信任renew, restore重樹信心;恢復信任They are trying to restore faith in the political system.他們正努力恢復對政治體制的信任。regain重新獲得信任retain保持信任If the company can retain its customers' faith it could become the market leader.如果這家公司能持續獲得顧客的信任,就會成為市場的領導者。affirm, express, proclaim聲明/表示/宣示信任PREPOSITIONfaith in對⋯的信任Her faith in human nature had been badly shaken.她對人性的信心已大大動搖了。PHRASESan act of faith信任之舉a lack of faith信心的缺乏a leap of faith具冒險性質的信任These reforms are totally untested and will require a leap of faith on the part of teachers.這些改革措施完全沒有經過檢驗,需要教師大膽地給予信任。have every faith in sb充分信任某人


2strong religious belief宗教信仰ADJECTIVE | VERB + FAITH | FAITH + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEreligious宗教信仰deep, genuine, strong, true堅定的/真實的/強烈的/真正的信仰simple單純的信仰unquestioning絕對的信仰new-found新的信仰her new-found faith in Jesus她新近才有的對耶穌的信仰active積極的信仰a large decline in the number of people who have an active faith of any sort有某種積極信仰的人的數量的大幅度下降personal個人信仰VERB + FAITHhave有信仰come to, find有了/找到信仰He found faith gradually, rather than in a sudden conversion.他的信仰是逐漸形成的,不是突然皈依。lack, lose缺乏/喪失信仰shake, undermine動搖/破壞信仰regain重新獲得信仰strengthen加強信仰proclaim聲明信仰FAITH + NOUNhealer, healing信仰治療者/療法PREPOSITIONthrough faith通過信仰They believe that people can come to salvation through faith.他們相信人們能夠通過信仰得救。faith in信奉⋯After her son's death she lost her faith in God.自從兒子死後,她不再相信上帝。PHRASESan article of faith (often figurative) 信條The team's greatness was an article of faith for him (= a belief that could not be questioned).他堅信這是一支偉大的隊伍。


3religion宗教ADJECTIVE | VERB + FAITH | FAITH + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEliving仍有人信奉的宗教Christianity is a living faith which has shaped their history.基督教塑造了他們的歷史,而且至今還有人信奉。world世界性的宗教The study of other world faiths is an important part of religious education.研究其他世界性宗教是宗教教育的重要部份。Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, etc.天主教、猶太教、伊斯蘭教、錫克教等VERB + FAITHprofess表明宗教信仰practise/practice信奉某宗教Christians were allowed to practise / practice their faith unmolested by the authorities.基督徒獲准信教,不受當局干涉。keep alive, uphold使宗教存在下去;維護宗教信仰Their aim was to keep alive the traditional Jewish faith.他們的目標是使傳統的猶太教信仰生生不息。pass on, preach, spread, teach傳承/傳授/傳播/講授宗教信仰the role of parents in passing on the faith to their children父母在給孩子傳承宗教信仰方面所起的作用He felt the call to preach the faith to others.他感受到向他人傳播宗教信仰的召喚。FAITH + NOUNtradition宗教信仰傳統community, group有共同宗教信仰的集體/團體a committee which is made up of members of different faith groups由不同宗教信仰團體的成員組成的委員會school (BrE) 宗教信仰流派the debate on faith schools宗教信仰流派之爭PHRASESpeople of different faiths持不同宗教信仰的人


4intention to do right善意ADJECTIVE | VERB + FAITH | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbad, good不良意圖;好的意圖The judge did not find any bad faith (= intention to do wrong) on the part of the defendants.法官沒有發現被告有任何不良意圖。VERB + FAITHbreak (= break a promise to sb) 不守信用PHRASESin bad faith存心不良Thet had entered into the contract in bad faith.德簽訂合同時就居心不良。in good faith真誠地We printed the report in good faith, but have now learned that it was incorrect.我們如實打印了報告,但是現在知道不該那麼做。keep faith with sb對某人信守諾言As manager, he was not prepared to keep faith with (= keep a promise to) the players who had failed him.作為主教練,他不打算對令他失望的球員守信。keep the faith保持忠誠They kept the faith (= remained faithful) in the face of ridicule.面對嘲笑,他們一直忠貞不渝。
faith noun
faith (show/lose faith in sb/sth) religion (people of different faiths)


faith ♦︎ belief ♦︎ trust ♦︎ confidence ♦︎ certainty ♦︎ convictionThese are all words for the feeling that you have when you are sure about sb/sth's abilities or good qualities. 这些词均表示信任、相信、信心。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配faith / belief / trust / confidence in sb / sthgreat / absolute faith / belief / trust / confidence / certainty / convictionpublic faith / belief / trust / confidenceto have / show faith / trust / confidenceto lack faith / belief / confidence / convictionto lose faith / sb's trust / confidenceto undermine faith / belief / trust / confidence / certaintyto shake sb's faith / belief / confidence / convictionto destroy sb's faith / belief / trust / confidenceto put / place your faith / trust in sb / stha lack of faith / belief / trust / confidence / certainty / conviction faith [uncountable, singular] the feeling of being sure about sb's ability or good qualities; the feeling of being sure that sb/sth will do what they promise 信任;相信;信心I have great faith in you-I know you'll do well.我对你有信心,我知道你会干好的。Her friend's kindness restored her faith in human nature.她朋友的善意使她恢复了对人性的信心。If you have blind faith in sb/sth, you believe in them without question, often in a way that seems unreasonable to others. * blind faith指对人或事物不加怀疑的盲目相信,在别人看来常显得有些不可理喻。 see also faith religion , faithful reliable 1 belief [uncountable] a strong feeling that sb/sth exists or is true; faith that sb/sth is good or right 相信;信心I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing.我佩服他对自己工作所抱的坚定信心。Belief in God is more than a matter of logic.信仰上帝是超越逻辑的事情。 see also believe in sth in favour (of sb/sth) , believe in sb trust verb believe


[transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) I don't believe you!我不相信你的话!People used to believe that the earth was flat.人们一度认为地球是平的。The god appears only to those who believe.神只对信者显现。OPP disbelieve suspect
trust [uncountable] the feeling that you can rely on sb/sth because they are good, sincere and honest and will not try to harm or deceive you 相信;信任;信赖It has taken years to earn their trust.花了好多年才赢得他们的信任。She will not betray your trust (= do sth that you have asked her not to do).她不会辜负你对她的信任。Many people feel it is a breach of trust to give out information about their loved one.许多人认为公开关于所爱之人的事情是背信行为。 see also trust trust verb , trusted reliable 1 , trusting naive confidence [uncountable] the feeling that you can be sure about the abilities or good qualities of sb/sth 信心;信任;信赖A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence.失业人数的下降会有助于恢复消费者的信心。She has every confidence in her students' abilities.她完全相信自己学生的能力。 see also confident sure , have confidence in sb/sth trust verb NOTE 辨析 Faith or confidence? Faith is used especially in the context of human relationships; confidence is used especially in business contexts. * faith尤用于描述人际关系的语境,confidence尤用于商务语境。 certainty [uncountable] the state of having no doubt that sth is true or correct 确信;确实;确定性There is no certainty that the president's removal would end the civil war.总统下台是否会结束内战现在还很难说。I can't say with any certainty where I'll be next week.我无法确定我下周会在什么地方。 OPP uncertainty doubt noun 1 see also certain sure conviction kənˈvɪkʃn [uncountable] the feeling or appearance of believing sth strongly and of being sure about it 深信;坚信;肯定'Not true!' she said with conviction.“不对!”她肯定地说道。The leader's speech in defence of the policy didn't carry much conviction.那位领导人为政策辩护的讲话不是很有说服力。
Thoughts, ideas and beliefs: thought, idea, belief...

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