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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Features and qualities
noun [C] /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/
an important part or aspect of something 特点;特征;特色

Each room has its own distinctive features. 每个房间都有自己显著的特点。

safety features :

The latest model has a lot of new safety features. 最新型产品有许多新的安全特色。

feature of :

the natural features of the landscape 风景的自然特征

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
 Synonyms and related words
Important thing or detail: feature, priority, element...
noun /ˈkwɒləti/
[C/U] the quality of something is how good or bad it is 质量

This cut in funding will adversely affect the quality of education in our schools. 削减资助将对我们学校的教学质量产生不利影响。

high/good/top quality :

The food is of the highest quality. 这种食品质量最优。

poor/bad/low quality :

poor-quality workmanship 劣质的做工

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
a feature of a thing, substance, place etc (事物、物质、地方等的)特征

the addictive qualities of tobacco 烟草易使人上瘾的特性

His novels have a certain formulaic quality. 他的小说有一种公式化的特征。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ˈfæktə(r)/
one of the things that influence whether an event happens or the way that it happens 因素;要素
an important/major/key factor :

Safety is the single most important factor in a car's design. 安全是汽车设计中最重要的一个因素。

risk factor (=something that may cause something dangerous or harmful) 危险因素 :

Lack of exercise is also a risk factor for heart disease. 缺少锻炼也是引发心脏病的危险因素。

factor in :

Public pressure was a factor in the government's decision. 公众压力是影响政府决策的一个因素。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈæspekt/
[C] a particular part, feature, or quality of something 方面;特色;特点
aspect of :

a system of rules that covers almost every aspect of their lives 几乎涵盖他们生活各个方面的规章制度

consider/discuss/deal with/focus on an aspect :

This chapter will consider several important aspects of the teaching process. 这一章将讨论教学过程中的几个重要方面。

the safety/security/health etc aspect :

The car has to look good, but without forgetting the safety aspect. 汽车外观要漂亮,但不能不考虑安全性。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/
[C/U] a basic quality or feature of something 本质;品质;特征
nature of :

It's the nature of plastic to melt under high temperatures. 在高温下会熔化是塑料的特性。

They must understand the nature of our opposition to nuclear testing. 他们必须了解我们反对核试验的根本所在。

by its (very) nature :

Medical records, by their very nature, contain sensitive information. 医疗记录就其本质而言含有敏感的信息。

true nature (=real features or qualities) 真正特性;真正品质 :

Dunston refused to reveal the true nature of her work. 邓斯顿拒绝透露她工作的真正性质。

in nature :

The role of the Board is only advisory in nature. 董事会的作用实际上只是顾问性质的。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /kəmˈpəʊnənt/
an individual quality or feature of something 组成部分

Try breaking the problem down into its separate components. 试着把这个问题分解成独立的几个部分。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /strænd/
one of the different aspects of something (构成整体的)组成部分,方面

The reader's job is to unravel the strands of the mystery. 读者要做的就是把这个神秘事物的各个方面弄清楚。

There are many different strands within feminist thought. 女权主义思想包含了许多不同的方面。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ˈfæsɪt/
an aspect of something such as a situation or someone's character (情形或某人性格的)某一方面
facet of :

two important facets of his management style

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /pɪˌkjuːliˈærəti/
[C] a quality or feature that belongs to a particular person, thing, or situation (人、物或情景的)特性,特质

You have to live in the city and understand its peculiarities. 你得在这座城市里住下来,了解它的独特之处,才能真正欣赏它的魅力。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈprɒpə(r)ti/
[C] [often plural] a quality or feature of something 特性;特质

The water is said to have healing properties. 那水据说具有治疗功效。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
More Synonyms
a badge of something
something that represents a particular quality or type of person 某事物的象征

He saw his battle scar as a badge of honour. 他把战斗中留下的伤疤视为荣誉的象征。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /bɪt/
a particular aspect of something (事物的)某一方面

In general, I like my job, but I don't enjoy the management bit. 总的来说,我喜欢我的工作,但是我不喜欢其中的管理部分。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
  • used for saying that someone or something has a particular character, effect, or quality 有点儿某种性格的人;有点儿某种特性的事物

    It appears that my letter has caused a bit of a problem. 我的信似乎引起了一点儿麻烦。

    She's always been a bit of a mystery to me. 她对我来说总是有点神秘。

     Synonyms and related words
    Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] education, science /əˈfɔː(r)dəns/
a feature of an object or the environment that allows a person or animal to do something

Discovering the affordance of a tool is most easily learned from a demonstration by another person.

I'd be interested in knowing how learners currently take advantage of learning affordances to learn another language.

 Synonyms and related words
Important thing or detail:feature, priority, element...
 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities:feature, quality, factor...
noun /eə(r)/
the feeling that a place or situation gives you 气氛;感觉

The overgrown garden gave the house a neglected air. 植物疯长的花园使这座房子给人一种疏于照管的感觉。

air of :

There was an air of unreality about the whole proceeding. 整个事件给人一种有点不真实的感觉。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C/U] /ˈæmbiəns/
the character of a place or the feeling you have about it 氛围;气氛;格调

The pub had a comfortable ambience. 该酒吧有种舒适的氛围。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈætməsˌfɪə(r)/
[singular] the mood or feeling that exists in a place and affects the people who are there 气氛;氛围

After Joe left there was a more relaxed atmosphere at home. 乔离开后,家里的气氛轻松了许多。

atmosphere of :

There is an atmosphere of tension in the city today. 如今城市中有种紧张的氛围。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] formal /ˈætrɪˌbjuːt/
a quality or feature of someone or something 属性;特征;特质

Peter had all the attributes of a first-class athlete. 彼得拥有一流运动员应具备的所有特质。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ˈɔːrə/
a quality that seems to surround or come from a person, place, or situation 气氛;氛围;韵味
aura of :

an aura of innocence 天真的气质

the aura of history that surrounds the place 这个地方四周的历史氛围

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /biːst/
humorous used for describing something with a particular quality 有(某种特性)的东西

The music business is an unpredictable beast. 音乐界的发展真是不可预测。

The US cinema audience is a very different beast. 美国的电影观众欣赏口味很不一样。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈbaɪəs/
a special interest or ability in a particular thing, or a particular tendency 爱好;特长;趋势
bias towards :

a French course with a bias towards the spoken language 一门偏重口语的法语课

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈkærɪktə(r)/
[singular] the qualities that people from a particular place are believed to have (某地人整体的)性格

He understood so much about our national character. 他深谙我们的民族性格。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
[C/U] the qualities that make something clearly different from anything else 特色;特性

Each of his books has its own distinctive character. 他的每一本书都各有特色。

The two villages are similar in size but very different in character. 这两个村子大小差不多,可是特点却大不相同。

character of :

The house was not in keeping with the character of the surrounding area. 这座房子和周围环境不相称。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ˌkærɪktəˈrɪstɪk/
a particular quality or feature that is typical of someone or something 特性;特征;特点;特色

In the future parents may be able to choose their children's physical characteristics. 将来父母也许可以选择自己孩子的身体特征。

the main/defining/distinguishing characteristic :

A purple rash is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the disease. 紫色皮疹是这种疾病的典型特征。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /kəmˈplekʃ(ə)n/
[singular] the typical features of something such as an organization, process, or activity (某一组织、过程或活动的)典型特征,面貌
change the complexion of something :

The influx of foreign players has changed the whole complexion of British football. 外籍球员的引进改变了英国足球的整个面貌。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /kəmˈpleksəti/


[plural] features of something that make it confusing or difficult to deal with 错综复杂的特征

the complexities of the legal system 法律体系的错综复杂

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [plural] /krɪˈdenʃ(ə)lz/
personal qualities, achievements, or experiences that make someone suitable for something 品质;成就;经验;资格

His credentials as a football manager are impressive. 他作为足球教练的成就是令人钦佩的。

The company is looking to enhance its environmental credentials (=improve its reputation concerning the environment). 该公司希望能提高它在环保方面的声誉。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /depθ/
[C/U] interesting qualities or ideas that are not immediately obvious (想法等的)深度

His earlier albums were very popular but lacked depth. 他早期的专辑很受人欢迎,但缺乏深度。

hidden depths :

She obviously had hidden depths of talent. 她显然有潜藏的才能。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈdiːteɪl/
[U] all the small aspects or features that something has, especially when they are difficult to notice (尤指难以觉察的)细节,细部
attention to detail :

Attention to detail is important in this job. 注意细节对这个工作是很重要的。

an eye for detail :

She has an incredibly good eye for detail (=ability to notice detail). 她对细节有惊人的敏锐眼光。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ɪkˈstent/
[singular/uncountable] the degree to which something happens or is likely to happen 程度;限度;范围
the extent to which :

The extent to which your diet is successful depends on your willpower. 节食能有多大的成效取决于你的意志。

Languages vary in the extent to which they rely on word order. 语言对词序的依赖程度各不相同。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ɪkˈstriːm/
[usually plural] a very large or very small degree of something 极度;过分
extreme of :

Extremes of temperature are not good for your skin. 酷热及酷寒都对皮肤不好。

The country still contains extremes of wealth and poverty. 该国依然贫富悬殊。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈfæbrɪk/
[singular] the basic structure of a society or organization (社会或组织的)结构,构造,组织
fabric of :

Small shops help to maintain the fabric of neighbourhood life. 小商店有助于保持社区的生活结构。

the fabric of society :

Drug abuse poses a major threat to the fabric of society. 毒品的滥用对社会结构造成了很大威胁。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /feɪs/
the qualities that something such as an organization has, or wants people to think it has 面貌;风貌

This is the new face of banking in America. 这是美国银行业的新面貌。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /fəˈsɪləti/
[C] a special feature of a particular tool, system etc (工具、制度等的)特点

Do you have an overdraft facility at your bank? 你们银行有透支服务吗?

have the facility to do something :

The software has the facility to produce high-quality graphics displays. 该软件能非常清晰地显示图表。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [singular] /fiːl/
the way that something such as a place generally seems to you 感觉;气氛

The village has a lovely friendly feel. 这村子给人的感觉可爱而友好。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈfiːlɪŋ/
[singular] the emotional effect that a place has on you (某地的)感觉,气氛

There's a feeling of hopelessness about the place. 这个地方有一种绝望的气氛。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈfleɪvə(r)/
[singular/uncountable] a particular quality that is typical of something 特色;特点

The foreign visitors added an international flavour to the occasion. 外宾们给这次活动增添了国际特色。

His paintings really catch the mood and flavour of the country. 他的绘画真正抓住了这个国家的情调和特色。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /fɔː(r)m/
[C/U] the particular way in which something appears or exists 形态;存在形式

The information is also available in electronic form. 这些资料也有电子形式的。

in the form of :

You can get the medicine in the form of a nasal spray or as a tablet. 你可以买到鼻腔喷剂或片剂形式的这种药。

Help arrived in the form of six heavily armed police officers. 6位全副武装的警官前来帮忙。

take the form of :

The aid might take the form of food or medical supplies. 援助可以采取食品或医疗用品的形式。

Neglect of children can take a variety of forms. 对孩子们的疏于照料可以表现为多种形式。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /frʌnt/
[C] a particular aspect of a situation 方面

There's bad news on the job front – two factories are going to close. 在就业方面有坏消息,两家工厂即将倒闭。

His main problems were in maths and science, but he has made progress on both fronts. 他的主要问题出在数学和自然科学上,但这两方面他都已经有所进步。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ˈhɔːlˌmɑː(r)k/
a typical feature 特点;特征

She treated us with the friendly professionalism that has become her hallmark. 她以友好的职业精神接待了我们——这是她的特点。

have/bear all the hallmarks of something :

The killings bore all the hallmarks of drug-related murders. 这些谋杀案具备涉毒谋杀的所有特征。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
the highways and byways
phrase mainly literary
all the different aspects of something 各方面

the highways and byways of folk music 民间音乐的大小流派

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C/U] /ˌɪdiəʊˈsɪŋkrəsi/
an idiosyncratic feature or way of behaving (个人特有的)习性,癖好
 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/
one of the things that give something its character or that make it effective 因素;要素
an essential/vital/important ingredient :

Good communication is an essential ingredient of good management. 良好的沟通是成功管理的基本要素。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈɪntrəst/
[U] the quality that something has that makes you notice it and want to know about it or take part in it 趣味;吸引力

The scar added interest to a face that otherwise would have appeared too bland. 这处伤疤为本显得平淡无奇的脸增添了些吸引力。

places of interest (=places that are interesting) 名胜 :

The city has a multitude of museums and places of interest. 该城市有许多博物馆和风景名胜。

be of interest (to someone) :

publications that may be of interest to the self-employed 可能会对个体户具有吸引力的出版物

be of no interest (to someone) :

‘What you think is of no interest to me', Elaine said flatly. “你所想的对我没一点儿吸引力,”伊莱恩直截了当地说道。

be of particular/special/considerable interest (to someone) :

Most degree courses allow students to include subjects of special interest to them. 多数学位课程允许学生选择他们特别感兴趣的学科。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈlæn(d)ˌskeɪp/
[singular] the main features of a situation or activity (形势或活动的)主要特色

The 1990s saw the political landscape radically reshaped. 20世纪90年代见证了政治形势的急剧变化。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /məʊˈdæləti/
[C] formal the way in which something exists, is experienced or is done

We call on this Congress to work out the modalities of the consumer boycott.

 Synonyms and related words
Systems and methods for doing things:modality, method, system...
 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities:feature, quality, factor...
noun /muːd/
[C] a quality that something such as a place, film, or piece of music has that makes you have a particular feeling 氛围;情感基调

a collection of stories that vary in mood and style 不同基调和风格的故事选集

create/set a mood :

Lighting was particularly important in setting the mood of the play. 闪电在设定戏的基调方面特别重要。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ˈəʊdə(r)/
literary a particular atmosphere, influence, or quality 气氛;影响;特性

The odour of defeat seemed to hang around the club. 失败的阴影似乎笼罩着俱乐部。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ˈəʊvə(r)ˌtəʊn/
a quality or feature that is noticeable but not obvious 弦外之音;含蓄之意;暗示

a book with political overtones 带有政治色彩的书

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˌpɜː(r)səˈnæləti/
[U] the qualities that a place has that make it interesting and different from other places (某地)独特的品质,特性

a large room that lacks personality 一座缺乏特色的大房子

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /pɔɪnt/
[C] an aspect or feature 方面;特点
someone's strong/weak points :

Subtlety is not one of his strong points. 敏锐细心并非他的强项。

the finer points (=the details) 细节 :

He spent his spare time coaching youngsters on the finer points of soccer. 他把业余时间都花在给年轻人指导足球细节上了。

it has its points (=it has some good qualities) 它有它的优点 :

I complain about working different hours from everyone else, but it has its points. 我虽然对与其他每个人的工作时间都不同有意见,但它还是有它的好处的。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [singular] formal /kwɪnˈtes(ə)ns/
a feature of something that contains all of its main qualities 精华;精髓
 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /rɪˈspekt/
[C] an aspect of something 方面

The two stories differ in fundamental respects. 这两种说法有本质的区别。

in this respect :

In this respect, we are no different from other people. 在这方面,我们与其他人没有什么差别。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈrɪðəm/
[C] a pattern in an activity that makes it enjoyable to watch or easy to do (活动的)节奏

She never found her rhythm against the younger player. 她一直觉得自己的动作节奏跟不上更年轻的选手。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [U] /ˈrɪtʃnəs/
the interesting quality of something that has a lot of different features or aspects

the richness of the town's cultural life

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities:feature, quality, factor...
the rich quality of a colour, sound, or smell
 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities:feature, quality, factor...
noun /rɪŋ/
[singular] a particular quality that something such as a statement seems to have (某物的)特有品质

Her account has a ring of authenticity about it. 她对此的陈述似乎是真实的。

have a ring of truth :

His version of events had a ring of truth. 他对事件的描述似乎是真实的。

have a familiar ring :

This story may have a familiar ring to it. 这个故事可能跟它有些相似。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ʃeɪp/
[U] the features or qualities of something 形态;特征

It's part of a plan to change the shape of local government. 这是改革地方政府计划的一部分。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /saɪd/
[C] one aspect of a situation, problem, or subject 方面

Please look at all sides of the question before you decide. 请你把这个问题的各个方面都考虑清楚再作决定。

side of :

I still haven't heard her side of the story. 我还没有听到她对这件事的说法。

Mark hasn't kept his side of the bargain. 马克没有信守买卖合同中他这一方的承诺。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
the funny, serious etc side of something is the aspect of it that has that quality (事物性质中滑稽、严肃等的)方面

His jokes are often about the darker side of life. 他的笑话经常是关于生活黑暗面的。

Fortunately, my boss saw the funny side of the situation. 幸运的是,我的老板看到了事情滑稽的一面。

on the plus/minus side (=considering the positive/negative aspects) 在好的/不好的方面 :

It's not a perfect setup but, on the plus side, I can work at home. 这一计划并不理想,但好的方面是,我可以在家工作。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /səʊl/
[U] the qualities that are typical of something and make it special 精华;核心;精髓
the soul of the city/university/community etc :

The loss of local shops has destroyed the soul of the community. 失去了本地的小店整个社区就失去了精髓。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /stæmp/
[singular] a particular quality that is clearly noticeable in someone or something 特点;特质
bear the stamp of someone/something :

The film bears the unmistakable stamp of its energetic director. 这部电影清晰地带有其导演充满活力的特质。

put your stamp on something :

He has a chance to put his stamp on government policy. 他有机会使政府政策带有自己的特色。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ˈsʌbˌstrɑːtəm/
formal a basic feature or aspect of something that exists but is not easy to see (深层次的)基本特征(或特性),本质
 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈsʌt(ə)lti/
[C] a small detail or feature that is difficult to notice 细微之处;细致之处;微妙之处

Very few people truly appreciate the subtleties of her musical compositions. 很少有人真正领会到她的音乐作品的微妙之处。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C/U] /ˈtekstʃə(r)/
the effect that is produced when different things combine, for example in music 谐和统一感

a rich orchestral texture 深沉浑厚的管弦乐的谐和统一

the texture of small-town Scottish life 苏格兰小城生活的统一谐和

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /təʊn/
[singular/uncountable] the general character of a place or event (场所或事件的)气氛;(场所或事件的)氛围;格调

The positive tone of the evening had changed completely. 晚上的良好气氛已彻底改变了。

set the tone (for something) :

The opening remarks set the tone for the rest of the interview. 开场白给后面的采访定下了基调。

raise/lower the tone (of something) :

Trust you to lower the tone of the whole conversation! 你肯定会让整个谈话煞风景的!

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /tʌtʃ/
[singular] a particular quality that someone can add to a situation 风格;特性
personal/feminine/human/professional touch :

The hotel provides good service and the personal touch. 该酒店提供良好的个性化服务。

magic touch (=a special and successful quality) 魔术般的特长 :

Jane Pickard is the businesswoman with a magic touch. 简·皮卡德是个有非凡天赋的女商人。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈvæljuː/
[U] the particular interesting quality that something has (某种)特性
shock/novelty/curiosity value :

Some episodes are included purely for their shock value. 有些情节纯粹是由于其震憾性而加进去的。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /ˈveəriəb(ə)l/
something that can change and affect the result of a situation 可变因素

All these variables can affect a student's performance. 所有这些可变因素都会影响学生的成绩。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] informal /vaɪb/
a general feeling that you get from a person or place 感应;气氛

I didn't get many good vibes from the club. 我感觉不到俱乐部有什么好的气氛。

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /vaɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n/


[plural] vibes 感应;气氛
 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun [C] /weɪ/
a particular aspect of something, or a particular attitude towards something 方面;态度

It's not right, whichever way you think about it. 无论你怎么想,它都不对。

in more ways than one (=from many aspects) 从许多方面 :

The evening was a great success, in more ways than one. 从许多方面来说,晚会都取得了很大成功。

in a way (=from one point of view) 从某一角度;从某一点上看;在某种程度上 :

In a way, I agree with you. 在某种程度上我同意你的观点。

in many ways :

In many ways it was a difficult and painful year.

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
noun /ˈfleɪvər/
[singular/uncountable] a particular quality that is typical of something 特色;特点

I enjoy painting anything that catches the flavor and mood of the country. 我喜欢画任何能抓住这个国家的特色和情调的东西。

The novel had a distinctly Dickensian flavor.

 Synonyms and related words
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...

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