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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

take your time

take your time
a) to do something slowly or carefully without hurrying 不着急,慢慢来
take your time doing something
 Marie took her time cutting my hair and did it really well.
take your time over
 He had planned to take his time over the journey.
b) to do something more slowly than seems reasonable 慢吞吞,拖拉
 You’re taking your time with the lab tests. We need the results now.
Examples from the Corpus
take your time at time1(19)
take your timeChinese
take your time


take your time ♦︎ stall ♦︎ drag your feet ♦︎ dawdle ♦︎ buy time ♦︎ procrastinate ♦︎ delayThese words all mean to be deliberately slow in doing sth or making a decision. 这些词均表示做事或决策时故意拖延时间。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配take your time / stall over sth take yourˈ time


(took, taken)to use as much time as you need without hurrying 从容不迫;慢慢来There's no rush-take your time.别着急,慢慢来。 Take your time is often used in an ironic way to say that you think sb is late or too slow in doing sth. * take your time常用于讽刺,指别人迟到或做事慢腾腾You certainly took your time getting here.你真是姗姗来迟啊!


[intransitive] (rather formal) to avoid making a decision or giving a definite answer, in order to gain time 故意拖延(以争取时间)They are still stalling on the deal.他们仍在拖时间,不急于达成协议。'What do you mean?' she asked, stalling for time.“你这是什么意思?”她问道,故意拖延着时间。
drag your ˈfeet


(-gg-) (rather informal) to be deliberately slow in doing sth or in making a decision 故意拖拉;故意延迟(作出决定)They've been dragging their feet on settling the claim.他们一直拖着不解决这项索赔要求。


[intransitive] to take a long time to do sth or go somewhere, especially by walking slowly 拖延;磨蹭;慢步而行Stop dawdling! We're going to be late!别磨蹭了,我们快迟到了!They dawdled along by the river, laughing and talking.他们沿着河边闲逛,谈笑风生。
buy ˈtime


(bought, bought)to do sth in order to delay an event or decision 拖延时间(以阻延事件或决策)The negotiators kept the gunman talking to buy time for the hostages.谈判者不断让持枪歹徒说话,以便为人质争取时间。Buying time is often seen as a clever thing to do, rather than sth that is disapproved of. * buy time常被视为聪明之举,而非贬义。
procrastinate prəʊˈkræstɪneɪt; NAmE proʊˈkræstɪneɪt


(disapproving) to leave sth that you should do until a later time, usually because you do not want to do it (常因不愿做某事而)拖延,耽搁People were dying of starvation while governments procrastinated.饥民正挣扎在死亡线上,而政府行动却拖拖拉拉。Procrastinating usually involves finding other, often unimportant, things to do, in order to avoid what you really should be doing. * procrastinate常指找别的一些较不重要的事做,以避免做真正应做之事。


[intransitive] (often used in negative sentences 常用于否定句) to not do sth until a later time 延迟;延期Don't delay-call us today!别拖延了,今天就给我们打电话!We can't delay much longer.我们不能再拖延了。 see also delay delay , delay hold sb/sth up delay


[uncountable] There's no time for delay.没有时间拖延了。Report it to the police without delay (= immediately).赶快将此事报告警方。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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