cockatoo• There are seagulls, he says, and terns and storks and cockatoos.• Clouds of little-crested parrots and rose-breasted cockatoosswarmed upon the woods that were dotted here and there over the grasslands.• There was the jade-green cockatoo on his orangeperch, gazing pensively down the street.• Some of them had orange- or blue-streaked hair, making them look like cockatoos.• On the wall alongside us was a tiled, tropicallandscape of pastelcockatoos and parrots.• Even the pair of plumedcockatoos that normally chattered away at each other in their wrought-iron enclosure were asleep on their perches.
(1600-1700)Dutchkaketoe, from Malaykakatua, from kakak“older brother or sister” + tua“old”