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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 88 COCA: 74


Word family
like1 /laɪk/ ●●● S1 W1 prepositionprep  
1 similar 相似LIKE/SIMILAR similar to something else, or happening in the same way 像,相似,类似
 Her hair is dark brown like mine.
 A club should be like a big family.
 He eats like a pig!
look/sound/feel/taste/seem like
 The garden looked like a jungle.
 At last he felt like a real soldier.
 My experience is very much like that described in the book.
 He’s very like his brother.
 Sometimes you sound just like (=exactly like) my mum!
 He’s growing more like his father every day.
 He looked nothing like (=not at all like) the man in the police photograph.
2 what is somebody/something like? LIKE/SIMILAR spoken used when asking someone to describe or give their opinion of a person or thing 某人/某物是什么样的?某人/某物怎么样?
 What’s their house like inside?
 What are Dan’s parents like?
Examples from the Corpus
3 example 例子EXAMPLE for example 例如,像
 Things like glass, paper, and plastic can all be recycled.
 Try to avoid fatty foods like cakes and biscuits.
In written English, people usually use for example, for instance, or such as rather than like: 在书面英语中,人们一般用 for example for instance such as ,而不用 like
packaging materials, for instance paper, glass, and plastic
包装材料,比如纸张 玻璃及塑料
Try to avoid fatty foods such as cakes and biscuits.
4 typical 特有的TYPICAL typical of a particular person 符合〔某人〕的特点
be like somebody to do something
 It’s not like Steven to be late.
 It’s just like her to run away from her responsibilities!
5 like this/that/so spokenWAY/MANNER used when you are showing someone how to do something 像这样〔用于教人做某事时〕
 You have to fold the corners back, like so.
Examples from the Corpus
6 just like that informal if you do something just like that, you do it without thinking about it or planning it carefully 就像那样〔表示做某事没有经过仔细思考或计划〕
 You can’t give up your job just like that!
Examples from the Corpus
7 something like APPROXIMATELYnot much more or less than a particular amount 大概,大约 SYN about
Examples from the Corpus
8 nothing like British EnglishBrE not at all 一点也不
Examples from the Corpus
9 there’s nothing like GOOD/EXCELLENTused to say that a particular thing is very enjoyable 没有什么比得上
Examples from the Corpus
10 more like PROBABLYused when giving an amount or number that you think is closer to being right than one that has been mentioned 更可能像[]〔用于提供较之前提及的更准确的数量或数目〕
Examples from the Corpus
11 that’s more like it/this is more like it spokenSATISFIED used to say that something is better, more correct, or more enjoyable than something else 那还比较像样,这还差不多
12 more like it British EnglishBrE spoken used when you want to change something that has been said, to make it more true 应该说,说成是还差不多
Examples from the Corpus
13 what are you like! British EnglishBrE spoken informal used in a joking, friendly way, when you are surprised by what someone has just said or done 你什么人哪!你怎么回事!〔一种开玩笑的友好说法,表示惊异于对方的说法或做法〕
Examples from the Corpus
like2 ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitiveT]  
1 LIKE oR somethingthink STH is nice 认为某物不错 to enjoy something or think that it is nice or good 喜欢,喜爱,爱好 love OPP dislike
2 LIKE somebody OR somethinglike a person 喜欢某人 to think that someone is nice or enjoy being with them 喜欢〔某人〕
3 PREFERapprove of STH 赞同某事 to approve of something and think that it is good or right 喜欢,赞同
4 ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingdo STH regularly 经常做某事 to try to do something regularly or make something happen regularly 喜欢〔做某事〕
5 WANT 想要would like WANT
Examples from the Corpus
6 whatever/wherever/anything etc you like WANTwhatever thing you want, in whatever place you want etc 你想要的任何事物/任何地方/任何东西等
Examples from the Corpus
7 as long as you like/as much as you like etc as long, as much etc as you want 随便多久/随便多少等
8 (whether you) like it or not TRUEHAPPENused to emphasize that something unpleasant is true or will happen and cannot be changed 不管你喜不喜欢〔强调令人讨厌的事是真的或即将发生,并且无法改变〕
Examples from the Corpus
9 I’d like to think/believe (that) used to say that you wish or hope something is true, when you are not sure that it is 我倒是想[希望](……)〔用于表示希望某事是真的,但不肯定〕
Examples from the Corpus
n10. Facebook to click a Facebook ‘like’ button on a webpage to show that you like or agree with something
Patterns with like
You like someone or something:
I like my teacher.
She likes tennis.
You like doing something:
She likes playing tennis.
You like to do something:
She likes to play tennis at weekends.
Don’t say: She likes play tennis.
Like doing something and like to do something both mean the same thing. You use like to do especially when saying that someone does something regularly or often.
Using the progressive
Like is not usually used in the progressive. You say:
I like animals.
She liked to make cakes.
Don’t say: I am liking animals. | She was liking to make cakes.
In spoken English, people sometimes say I’m liking to describe their present feelings about something that is happening right now or that they have just seen or heard about:
I’m liking this music – what is it?
like to think that someone or something is nice 喜欢 〔某人或某物〕
I like your dress – it’s a beautiful colour.
nDo you like spaghetti?
nWhat did you like about the movie?
I like travelling by train.
I like to see the children enjoying themselves.
Everybody liked Mr Schofield.
be fond of somebody/something especially British EnglishBrE to like someone or something, especially something that you have liked for a long time or someone who you have known for a long time 〔尤指长时间〕喜欢某人/某物
Connie had always been fond of animals.
Over the years, I’ve become quite fond of him.
nHe had always been fond of drinking at lunchtime, perhaps too fond.
be keen on somebody/something spoken to like someone or something – often used in negative sentences 喜欢某人/某物〔常用于否定句〕
I like Maria but I’m not keen on her husband.
Our English teacher was very keen on Shakespeare, but I couldn’t stand him.
nI was keen on all sports at school.
nI know he’s keen on opera. Let’s take him to see ‘La Traviata’.
nI’m quite keen on the idea of having a fancy dress party.
be into something informal to like doing a particular activity or be interested in a particular subject – used especially by young people 喜欢某物;对某物感兴趣〔尤为年轻人用语〕
She’s really into music at the moment.
What kind of films are you into?
have a thing about somebody/something informal to like someone or something, especially something surprising or unusual 喜欢某人/某物〔尤指出人意外或特别的人或物〕
I’ve always had a thing about wolves.
He has this thing about tall women.
be partial to something formal to like to have something – often used humorously 喜爱某物〔常为幽默用法〕
He’s partial to the occasional glass of wine.
something grows on you used when saying that you begin to like something, especially something that you did not like before 开始喜欢某物〔尤指原本不喜欢的事物〕
I didn’t like the colour of the room at first, but it’s growing on me.
to like something very much 非常喜欢某物
love/adore to like something very much. Adore is stronger than love but is less common 非常喜欢〔adore 语气比love更强烈,但不如love常用〕
I love the smell of coffee.
The children absolutely adore her books.
be crazy about something (also be mad about something British EnglishBrE informal) to be extremely interested in an activity and spend a lot of time doing it or watching it 对某物着迷
Jonah’s crazy about basketball.
She’s always been mad about horses.
have a passion for something to like an activity very much, because it gives you a lot of pleasure or excitement 热爱某物
From a very early age he had a passion for fast cars.
nTo be a great performer, you have to work very hard and have a passion for the music you play.
be addicted to something to like doing something so much that you spend all your free time doing it 沉迷于某物
My son’s addicted to computer games – he hardly ever comes out of his room.
nI started watching the show out of curiosity, but now I’m addicted!
Examples from the Corpus
like3 ●●● W3 noun  
1 somebody’s likes and dislikes LIKE somebody OR somethingthe things that someone likes and does not like 某人的好恶[爱憎]
Examples from the Corpus
2 and the like/and such like AND/ALSOand similar things 诸如此类,等等
3 the likes of somebody/something spoken
Examples from the Corpus
4 the like of somebody/something  (also somebody’s/something’s like)EQUAL formal something similar to someone or a particular person or thing, or of equal importance or value 像某人[]一样的人/
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
like4 ●●● S1 conjunction  
1 SAMEin the same way as. Some people consider this use to be incorrect 一样,如同〔有些人认为这种用法不正确〕
2 like I say/said spokenREPEAT used when you are repeating something that you have already said 正如我说的/说过的那样
Examples from the Corpus
3 WAY/MANNER informal as if. Some people think that this use is not correct English 好像,似乎〔有些人认为这种用法不正确〕
Examples from the Corpus
like5 ●●○ S3 adverbadv spoken  
1 XXused in speech to fill a pause while you are thinking what to say next 嗯〔用在说话中填补思考下文时出现的停顿〕
2 I’m/he’s/she’s like ... spoken 
Examples from the Corpus
3 as like as not/like enough spoken PROBABLY British EnglishBrE probably 很可能
Examples from the Corpus
like6 adjectiveadj formal  
1 LIKE/SIMILAR[only before noun] similar in some way 相似的,相像的
2. be like to do something old usePROBABLY to be likely to do something 有可能做某事
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
-like /laɪk/ suffix [in adjectives]  
SAMEused after a noun to say that something is similar to or typical of the noun 似的,有特征的〔用于名词后〕
 a jelly-like substance
 childlike simplicity
 ladylike behaviour
Origin -like
(1300-1400) → LIKE6
Old English lician
1. (1800-1900) → LIKE2
2. (1200-1300) → LIKE6
(1700-1800) → LIKE1
(1400-1500) → LIKE1
Old English gelic
BNC: 88 COCA: 74


ADVERB | VERB + LIKE | PHRASES ADVERBenormously, especially, genuinely, a lot, particularly, really, truly, very much非常喜歡;尤其喜歡;十分喜歡;特別喜歡I liked him enormously and was sorry when he left.我非常喜歡他,他的離去讓我很傷心。I really like that restaurant.我十分喜歡那家飯館。best, better最喜歡;更喜歡Which story do you like best?你最喜歡哪個故事?quite, rather (especially BrE) 相當/頗為喜歡always, never, still一直/從不/仍然喜歡I have always liked Sue and I don't intend to stop now.我一直喜歡休,現在也不打算放棄。instantly立即喜歡上Everyone he met instantly liked him and wanted to be friends.每個遇見他的人都會立即喜歡上他並想要和他交朋友。personally個人喜歡I personally liked this song a lot.我個人很喜歡這首歌。secretly偷偷地喜歡She guessed that he secretly liked wearing skirts.她猜他背地裏很喜歡穿裙子。VERB + LIKEappear to, seem to顯得/似乎喜歡begin to, start to開始喜歡come to, get to, grow to變得喜歡I hope you will get to like our town.我希望你會慢慢喜歡上我們這個城鎮。learn to學着去喜歡I'm learning to like spinach.我正在學着去喜歡吃菠菜。want to希望會喜歡I wanted to like the movie because of its message.我本希望會因為其寓意而喜歡這部電影。try to試圖喜歡I tried to like her because it would be for the best.我盡力去喜歡她,因為那樣會最好。pretend to佯裝喜歡He pretended to like her for Tony's sake.為了托尼,他假裝喜歡她。PHRASESbe universally liked廣受喜歡a man who was universally liked廣受歡迎的男人be well liked很受喜歡He works hard and is well liked by his colleagues.他工作努力而且很受同事們喜歡。
BNC: 88 COCA: 74
like verb
like (I like your tie.) love (I like her.) want (Do what you like.) would like sth want


 See also the entry for love verb 另见love动词词条like ♦︎ love ♦︎ be fond of sth ♦︎ be keen on sth ♦︎ adore ♦︎ go for sb/sthThese words all mean to find sth pleasant, attractive or satisfactory, or to enjoy sth. 这些词均表示喜欢、喜爱。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达喜欢的程度
be fond of sth
be keen on sth
go for sb/sth
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to like / love / be fond of / be keen on / adore doing sthto like / love to do sthto like / love sth very muchI like / love / adore it here / there / when...to like / love / adore the way sb does sthto really like / love / adore / go for sb / sthto be really fond of / keen on sthto just / simply / absolutely / clearly / obviously love / adore sth like [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to find sth pleasant, attractive or satisfactory; to enjoy sth 喜欢;喜爱Which tie do you like best?你最喜欢哪条领带?How did you like Japan (= did you find it pleasant)?你觉得日本怎么样?You've got to go to school, whether you like it or not.不管你喜不喜欢,都得上学。I didn't like him taking all the credit.我讨厌他把所有功劳都归于自己。I like to see them enjoying themselves.我乐意看着他们玩得高兴。I like it in Spain (= I like the life there).我喜欢西班牙的生活。OPP dislike hate see also liking taste 1 love [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to like or enjoy sth very much 喜欢;喜爱;热爱I just love it when you bring me presents!我就喜欢你送我礼物!He loved the way she smiled.他喜欢她微笑的样子。My dad loves going to football games.我父亲爱去看足球赛。 (especially NAmE) I love to go out dancing.我喜欢出去跳舞。 (informal) I'm loving every minute of this.我喜欢这样的每一分钟。 (ironic) You're going to love this. They've changed their minds again.真够烦人的,他们又改变主意了。OPP hate hate see also love taste 1 , lover fan be fond of sth


to like or enjoy sth, especially sth you have liked or enjoyed for a long time 喜欢,喜爱(尤指长期喜爱的事物)I'm particularly fond of music.我特别爱好音乐。We were fond of the house and didn't want to leave.我们喜欢这座房子,不想搬家。 see also fond loving
be keen on sth


(BrE, informal, especially spoken) (often used in negative statements 常用于否定陈述) to like or enjoy sth 喜欢;喜爱I'm not keen on spicy food.我不喜欢辛辣食物。She's not keen on being told what to do.她不喜欢别人向她发号施令。He's very keen on golf.他非常喜欢打高尔夫球。 see also keen eager
adore əˈdɔːr [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (informal) to like or enjoy sth very much 十分喜爱;热爱Don't you just adore that dress!那件连衣裙简直让人喜欢得要命!She adores working with children.她热爱做儿童工作。OPP loathe hate NOTE 辨析 Love or adore? Adore is more informal than love, and expresses a stronger feeling. * adore不如love正式,表达一种更强烈的喜爱之情。 ˈgo for sb/sth

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (informal) to be attracted by sb/sth; to like or prefer sb/sth 被⋯所吸引;(更)喜欢某人(或某事物)She goes for tall slim men.她喜欢身材瘦长的男人。I don't really go for modern art.我并不很喜欢现代艺术。




like ♦︎ similar ♦︎ close ♦︎ alikeThese words all describe sb/sth that is almost the same as sb/sth else. 这些词均表示与他人或他物类似、相似。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配similar / close to sb / sthlike sth / similar / close / alike in size, amount, etc.like / similar age / circumstances / kind / mannera like / similar case / situationto look like sth / similar / aliketo feel / sound / taste like sth / similarvery / quite like sth / similar / close / alikerather / remarkably / basically like sth / similar / alikeexactly like sth / alike like


almost the same as sb/sth else; in the same way as sb/sth 相似;类似;像⋯一样She's wearing a dress like mine.她穿的连衣裙和我的相似。 (especially BrE) He's very like his father.他很像他的父亲。She looks nothing like (= not at all like) her mother.她长得一点也不像她母亲。Students were angry at being treated like children.被当作小孩子对待,学生们感到很气愤。You do it like this.你就照这样做。Don't look at me like that.别这样看着我。In formal language like can also be used as an adjective before a noun, meaning 'having similar qualities to another person or thing'. 在正式语言中,like也可用作定语形容词,表示“相似的” (formal) You'll get a chance to meet people of like mind (= with similar interests and opinions).你将有机会结识一些志趣相投的人。She responded in like manner.她以类似的方式作出了回应。 OPP unlike different see also likeness similarity like


[singular] I enjoy jazz, rock and the like (= similar types of music).我喜欢诸如爵士、摇滚之类的音乐。I let the apartment to students, backpackers and such like.我把公寓租给学生、背包旅行者之类的人。They experienced a period of expansion the like of which the world had rarely seen.他们经历了一个世所罕见的扩张时期。You're not comparing like with like.你所比较的不是同类的东西。


like sb/sth but not exactly the same 相似的;相仿的;类似的We have very similar interests.我们趣味相投。My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers.我的教学风格跟大多数教师相似。The two houses are similar in size.这两座房子大小差不多。The brothers look very similar.兄弟几个长得很像。Stir the paint with a piece of wood or something similar.用木棒或类似的东西把油漆搅拌一下。OPP different , dissimilar different see also similarity similarity similarly


Husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers.夫妻俩在各自选择的事业上成就不相上下。
close kləʊs; NAmE kloʊs


very similar to sth else or to an amount 酷似的;几乎相等的There's a close resemblance between them (= they look very similar).他们长相酷似。His feeling for her was close to hatred.他对她的感情近乎仇恨。We tried to match the colours, but this was the closest we could get.我们尽量使颜色搭配协调,但这是我们所能做到的最佳效果了。 closely


She closely resembled her mother at the same age.她长相酷似妈妈当年的样子。
alike əˈlaɪk


[not before noun] very similar; almost the same 相像;十分相似My sister and I do not look alike.我和妹妹长得不像。The two towns are very much alike in size and population.这两个城镇在面积和人口上十分相近。Alike is often used in the phrases pretty much alike, so (much) alike, very (much) alike and look alike. * alike常用于pretty much alike、so (much) alike、very (much) alike和look alike等短语中。 alike


They tried to treat all their children alike.他们尽量对自己所有的孩子一视同仁。
BNC: 88 COCA: 74
Similar and similarly: similar, like, comparable...
Typical, traditional and usual: typical, traditional, usual...
To like something: like, love, adore...
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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