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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 126 COCA: 152


old /əʊld $ oʊld/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp older, superlativesupl oldest)  
1 not new 不新的OLD/NOT NEW something that is old has existed or been used for a long time 旧的,陈旧的,年代久远的 OPP new
 a pair of old shoes
 Some of the houses around here are very old.
 one of our oldest traditions
 The car’s getting old now, and things are starting to go wrong with it.
 That story’s as old as the hills (=extremely old).
2 not young 不年轻的OLD/NOT YOUNG
a) someone who is old has lived for a very long time 年老的,年迈的 OPP young
 an old man
 a home for old people
get/grow old
 I can’t run around like I used to – I must be getting old.
b) the old [plural] people who are old 老年人
 the care of the old and sick
3 age 年龄AGE used to talk about how long a person or thing has lived or existed (多少)
five/ten/fifty etc years old
 I can’t believe you’re nearly forty years old!
 a house that’s 300 years old
 How old are you?
 Are you older than Sally?
 You’re old enough to get your own breakfast now.
 I’m not coming skating. I’m too old for that now.
five-year-old/ten-year-old etc somebody/something
 a six-week-old baby
 a 500-year-old sword
somebody is old enough to know better (=used to say that you think someone should behave more sensibly) 某人已长大,应该明白事理
somebody is old enough to be his/her/your mother/father (=used to say that someone is too old to be having a sexual relationship with someone else) 某人的年纪够当他的/她的/你的母亲/父亲了〔用于表示某人年龄过大,不适合成为性伴侣〕
4 BEFOREthat you used to have 以前拥有过的 [only before noun] your old house, job, girlfriend etc is one that you used to have 原先的,原来的,从前的 SYN former
 I met up with one of my old girlfriends at the weekend.
 My old car was always breaking down.
 That happened when we were still in the old house.
 My old boss was awful!
old flame (=someone with whom you used to have a romantic relationship) 旧情人,老相好
see thesaurus at last
5 familiar 熟悉的 [only before noun]USED TO/ACCUSTOMED TO old things are things that are familiar to you because you have seen them or experienced them many times before 老一套的,熟悉的
6 very well known 相识已久的 [only before noun]LONG TIME an old friend, enemy etc is someone you have known for a long time 相识很久的,旧交的
7 the old days PASTtimes in the past 旧日的时光,以前
Examples from the Corpus
8 the good old days/the bad old days PASTan earlier time in your life, or in history, when things seemed better or worse than now 过去的好日子/坏日子
9 be/feel/look like your old self BETTER/RECOVEREDto feel or look better again after you have been ill or very unhappy 感觉/看上去恢复了原来的样子
Examples from the Corpus
10 any old thing/place/time etc spokenUNIMPORTANT used to say that it does not matter which thing, place etc you choose 随便哪个东西/地方/时间等都行
Examples from the Corpus
11 any old how/way spokenUNTIDYCARELESS in an untidy or careless way 凌乱地;随便地
Examples from the Corpus
12 good/poor/silly old etc somebody spokenKNOW somebody used to talk about someone you like 可爱的/可怜的/傻乎乎的等某人〔说到自己喜欢的人时用〕
13 a good old something  (also a right old something British English) spokenENJOY/LIKE DOING something used to talk about something you enjoy 用于谈论喜欢的事
Examples from the Corpus
14 old devil/rascal etc spoken used to talk about someone you like and admire 淘气鬼,调皮鬼
Examples from the Corpus
15 old fool/bastard/bat etc spoken not politeDON'T LIKE used to talk very rudely about someone you do not like 老糊涂/老混蛋/老太婆等〔用于粗鲁地谈论不喜欢之人〕
Examples from the Corpus
16 the old guard OLD-FASHIONEDa group of people within an organization or club who do not like changes or new ideas 〔机构或俱乐部内的〕守旧派,保守派,保守分子
Examples from the Corpus
17 be an old hand (at something) EXPERIENCEDto have a lot of experience of something (在某方面)是老手,经验老到
Examples from the Corpus
18. be old before your time OLD/NOT YOUNGto look or behave like someone much older than you, especially because of difficulties in your life 〔尤指因经历过磨难而〕显得成熟,显得老成
19. for old times’ sake REMEMBERif you do something for old timessake, you do it to remind yourself of a happy time in the past 看在往日的情分上,念及老交情
Examples from the Corpus
20. the old country especially American EnglishAmESANCOUNTRY/NATION the country that you were born in, but that you no longer live in, used especially to mean Europe 〔移民等的〕祖国,故国〔尤指欧洲国家〕
Examples from the Corpus
21. an old head on young shoulders SENSIBLE British EnglishBrE a young person who seems to think and behave like an older person 少年老成
22. pay/settle an old score PUNISHto punish someone for something wrong that they did to you in the past 报旧仇,了结宿怨
Examples from the Corpus
23 of/from the old school OLD-FASHIONEDold-fashioned and believing in old ideas and customs 老派的,守旧的
Examples from the Corpus
24. old wives’ tale BELIEVEa belief based on old ideas that are now considered to be untrue 无稽之谈;愚蠢的信仰;迷信
Examples from the Corpus
25 of old literary from a long time ago in the past 往日的,从前的
Examples from the Corpus
26. Old English/Old Icelandic etc SLLan early form of English, Icelandic etc 古英语/古冰岛语等
nGRAMMAR: Order of adjectives
If there is more than one adjective, the adjectives are usually used in a fixed order.
You say:
There are some nice old houses.
Don’t say: There are some old nice houses.
You say:
She was dressed in old black clothes.
Don’t say: She was dressed in black old clothes.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 3: used to talk about how long a person or thing has lived or existed
be 5/10/50 etc years old
My dad is 45 years old.
a five-year-old/fifteen-year-old etc somebody/something
a three-year-old boy
how old is …?
‘How old is your daughter?’ ‘She’s ten.’
be too old for something
He was too old for military service.
be old enough to do something
You’re old enough to help with the cooking.
somebody is old enough to know better (=used when you think someone should behave more sensibly)
He’s old enough to know better, but he went and did it anyway!
somebody is old enough to be somebody’s mother/father (=used when you think that someone is much too old to be having a relationship with another person )
Why would she want to go out with someone who was old enough to be her father?
old having lived for a long time 旧的;年代久远的 年老的,老迈的
an old man
I’m too old to learn a new language.
elderly a polite word for old 年老的,年迈的〔较old礼貌〕
an elderly lady
a home for the elderly (=elderly people)
nIf you are elderly, you may be eligible for financial assistance.
aging (also ageing British EnglishBrE) [only before noun] becoming old 变老的
an ageing rock star
the problems of an ageing population
aged /ˈeɪdʒəd/ [only before noun] written aged relatives are very old 〔指亲人〕年迈的
aged parents
She had to look after her aged aunt.
elder brother/sister especially British EnglishBrE [only before noun] an older brother or sister. Elder sounds more formal than older 哥哥/姐姐〔elder听起来比older正式〕
I have two elder brothers.
ancient [not usually before noun] informal very old – used humorously 极老的〔幽默用法〕
I’ll be 30 next year – it sounds really ancient!
be getting on (in years) informal to be fairly old 上年纪了
He’s 60 now, so he’s getting on a bit.
be over the hill (also be past it British EnglishBrE) informal to be too old to do something 不再年轻
Everyone thinks you’re past it when you get to 40.
geriatric [only before noun] relating to medical care and treatment for old people 老年医学的,老年病学的
a geriatric hospital
geriatric patients
old 旧的;年代久远的
an old car
an old Chinese saying
ancient very old – used about things that existed thousands of years ago, or things that look very old 古代的;古老的,古旧的
ancient civilisations
an ancient Rolls Royce
antique antique furniture, clocks, jewellery etc are old and often valuable 古董的
an antique writing desk
age-old used about traditions, problems, or situations that have existed for a very long time 〔传统、问题或情形〕古老的,存在已久的
the age-old tradition of morris dancing
the age-old prejudice against women in positions of power
n the age-old problem of nationalism
nage-old hatreds between religious groups
Examples from the Corpus
Origin old
Old English eald
BNC: 126 COCA: 152


1age年齡VERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe, feel, look, seem有⋯歲;感覺有⋯歲;看上有⋯歲;好像有⋯歲You are as old as you feel.你感覺自己有多大歲數就有多大歲數。ADVERBenough年齡夠大He's old enough by now to manage his own affairs.現在他已不小了,能處理自己的事情了。PHRASESsix months, ten years, etc. old * 6 個月大、10 歲等


2not young年老VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, feel, look, seem, sound年老;感覺年老;看上去年老;好像年紀大;聽起來歲數大The way the young people rushed around made her feel old.年輕人風風火火的樣子讓她感覺自己老了。He was beginning to look old.他開始露出老態了。become, get, grow變老We're all getting older.我們都在變老。As they grow older, they develop new interests.隨着年齡的增長,他們有了新的興趣。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/頗為/非常年老She was fairly old when she got married.她結婚時年紀已相當大了。


3not newVERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe陳舊ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/頗為/非常陳舊It's a very old tradition.這是一個非常古老的傳統。PHRASESoldest known已知最古老的These are some of the oldest known fossil remains.這些是已知最古老的化石的一部份。oldest remaining, oldest surviving現存最古老的It's one of the oldest remaining parts of the church.這是這座教堂遺留下來的最古老的部份之一。the world's oldest surviving ship世界上現存最古老的船


4shows affection/lack of respect表示親昵;缺乏敬意PHRASESboring old, silly old (especially BrE) 枯燥無味;極其愚蠢boring old history books枯燥乏味的歷史書籍He's a silly old fool!他是個大笨蛋!dear old, good old親愛的;可愛的Good old Dad!親愛的老爸!funny old極其有趣的It's a funny old world.這是個極其有趣的世界。plain old普通的Why drink plain old water when you can have something better?有好東西喝,為什麼還喝白水?poor old可憐的You poor old thing!你這個可憐的傢伙!same old相同的It's always the same old faces.總是那些老面孔。
BNC: 126 COCA: 152
old adj.
old1 (old habits) old2 (an old man/woman) former (my old house/school) the old days past


old habits 旧习惯an old man/woman 老翁;老妇formermy old house/school/jobpreviousthe old daysold ♦︎ ancient ♦︎ long-standing ♦︎ antiqueThese words all describe sth that has existed for a long time. 这些词均表示存在已久的、古老的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an old / an ancient / a long-standing tradition / belief / method / probleman old / ancient / antique chair / clock / coinan old / ancient custom / way / ritual / city / civilization old that has existed or been used for a long time 存在(或使用)时间长的;陈旧的;古老的This carpet's getting pretty old now.这块地毯现在已经很旧了。It's not easy to break old habits.改掉旧习惯不容易。He always gives the same old excuses.他总是找那些老掉牙的借口。It's one of the oldest remaining parts of the church.这是教堂现存最古老的部分之一。 OPP new new 1 2 ancient ˈeɪnʃənt that has existed for a very long time; that belongs to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past 古老的;古代的The area is still covered by huge ancient forests.该地区依然覆盖着大片大片的原始森林。This philosophy dates back to ancient Greece.这一学说可以追溯到古希腊时期。 (humorous) He's ancient-he must be at least fifty!他老得很了,肯定至少有五十岁!OPP modern recent see also historic famous ˌlong-ˈstanding [usually before noun] (rather formal) that has existed for a long time 存在已久的;悠久的The country's long-standing relationship with the US was finally under strain.这个国家与美国之间的悠久关系终于变得紧张起来。Long-standing grievances were aired at the meeting.由来已久的委屈在会上都说了出来。Long-standing can describe relationships, customs and feelings but not objects, places or people. * long-standing可以描述关系、习俗和感情,但不能描述物品、地方或人。 OPP recent recent antique ænˈtiːk [usually before noun](of furniture, jewellery, etc.) old and often valuable (家具、珠宝等)古老的,古董的It's an antique mahogany desk that belonged to my great-grandfather.这张古老的红木办公桌是我曾祖父留下来的。old2


old habits 旧习惯an old man/woman 老翁;老妇formermy old house/school/jobpreviousthe old daysold ♦︎ elderly ♦︎ aged ♦︎ long-lived ♦︎ matureThese words all describe sb/sth that has lived for a long time or that usually lives for a long time. 这些词均表示人年纪大的、长寿的或事物寿命长的、耐久的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an old / an elderly / an aged / a long-lived / a mature man / womanan old / an elderly / an aged / a mature gentleman / lady / couplesb's old / elderly / aged father / mother / aunt / uncle / relative old having lived for a long time; no longer young 老的;年纪大的;不年轻的She's getting old-she's 75 next year.她上年纪了,明年就75岁了。The old man lay propped up on cushions.老人靠在垫子上躺着。These are some of the oldest trees in the world.这些是世界上一些最老的树。OPP young young the old


[plural] The old (= old people) feel the cold more than the young.老年人比年轻人怕冷。
elderly (rather formal) (of people) used as a polite word for 'old' (人)年纪较大的,上了年纪的(old的委婉语)She is very busy caring for two elderly relatives.她在忙着照料两名上了年纪的亲戚。OPP young young the elderly


[plural] caring for the elderly照顾老人
aged ˈeɪdʒɪd (formal) (usually of people) very old (通常指人)年迈的,年老的Having aged relatives to stay in your house can be quite stressful.年迈的亲戚住在家里有时会让人相当紧张。 (informal, humorous) I'm not sure if my aged car can make it up that hill.我拿不准我的老爷车是否能爬上那座山。 OPP young young the aged


[plural] The authorities have a duty to provide services for the sick and the aged (= very old people).当局有责任为病人和老人提供服务。
ˌlong-ˈlived having a long life; lasting for a long time 寿命长的;长寿的;经久耐用的;持久的Trout are a long-lived species.鲑鳟鱼是长寿的物种。Everyone in my family is exceptionally long-lived.我们家每个人都特别长寿。Good management was essential to the creation of a long-lived, successful business.良好的管理对创建可长久经营的成功企业至关重要。 mature məˈtʃʊə(r), məˈtjʊ(r); NAmE məˈtʃʊr, məˈtʊrused as a polite or humorous way of saying that sb is no longer young (礼貌或幽默的说法)成熟的,不再年轻的The shop specializes in clothes for the mature woman.这家商店专营成熟女性的服装。He's a man of mature years.他已人到中年。 see also mature adult
BNC: 126 COCA: 152
Old (of things): aged, ageing, age-old...
Old (of people): ancient, elderly, old...
Old people: the aged, centenarian, the elderly...
Not effective or useful and not working correctly: useless, ineffective, inefficient...
Known and not secret: known, overt, transparent...
Words used to describe language: agglutinative, classical, cognate...

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