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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 702 COCA: 855


Word family
Related topics: Environment & waste
en·vi·ron·ment /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ ●●● S1 W1 AWL noun  
1 the environment SGEthe air, water, and land on Earth, which is affected by man’s activities 自然环境
 Some of these chemicals are very damaging to the environment.
 legislation to protect the environment
 the effects of acid rain on the environment
 the government minister for the environment
You always say the environment in this meaning:
Pollution from cars is bad for the environment.
Don’t say: Pollution from cars is bad for environment.
Examples from the Corpus
4  See picture on 见图 Page A6 Environmental problems 环境问题4  See picture on 见图 Page A7 Environmental solutions 环保方法
2 [countableC, uncountableU]SITUATION the people and things that are around you in your life, for example the buildings you use, the people you live or work with, and the general situation you are in 生活环境,周围状况
 The company had failed to provide a safe environment for its workers.
3 [countableC] the natural features of a place, for example its weather, the type of land it has, and the type of plants that grow in it 生态环境 habitat
 a forest environment
 a very adaptable creature that will eat different foods in different environments
protect the environment 保护环境
We need to take drastic steps to protect the environment.
conserve the environment formal (=protect it and prevent it from changing or being damaged) 保护环境
People need to live in harmony with nature and conserve the environment.
harm/damage the environment 损害/破坏环境
The government insists that the dam will not harm the environment.
destroy the environment 毁坏环境
We need to find ways of producing energy without destroying the environment.
pollute the environment 污染环境
Nuclear waste will pollute the environment for centuries.
clean up the environment 整治环境
It’s about time that we started cleaning up the environment.
the natural environment 自然环境
Current methods of farming are damaging the natural environment.
the marine environment (=the sea and the creatures that live there) 海洋环境
nFish farming poses a threat to the marine environment.
be good/bad for the environment 对环境有益/有害
Plastic bags are bad for the environment.
be harmful to the environment 对环境有害
Emissions from cars are harmful to the environment.
protection of the environment 环境保护
In developing countries, protection of the environment is not a primary concern.
conservation of the environment 环境保护
There are many organizations dedicated to conservation of the environment.
damage/harm to the environment 对环境的破坏/损害
A lot of chemicals used in industry cause harm to the environment.
the destruction of the environment 对环境的毁坏
Logging has led to the destruction of the natural environment.
pollution of the environment 环境污染
The waste material must be stored safely to avoid pollution of the environment.
the effect/impact on the environment 对环境的影响
The building’s design will minimize its impact on the environment.
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘hurt the environment’. Say harm the environment or damage the environment.
不要说hurt the environment’. 而要说 harm the environment damage the environment.
the environment the air, water, and land on Earth, which is affected by man’s activities
We need to do more to protect the environment.
How much does air travel damage the environment?
ecosystem technical all the animals and plants that exist in a place, considered as a single system with parts that depend on each other
the island’s fragile ecosystem
The rapid decline in the number of great sharks is disrupting the marine ecosystem.
habitat the natural home of an animal or plant
The tree can grow to be 120 feet tall in its natural habitat.
the biosphere technical the Earth’s surface and atmosphere where animals and plants can live
Scientists are monitoring changes in the global biosphere.
ecology the scientific study of the way in which the animals, plants, and natural features of a place affect and depend on each other
She’s studying marine ecology.
green adjectiveadj [only before noun] relating to the environment or to protecting the environment
Voters are becoming more concerned about green issues.
The party is keen to demonstrate its green credentials (=show that it thinks the environment is important).
eco- prefix relating to the environment and protecting the environment
eco-friendly products (=which do not harm the environment)
eco-tourism (=which does not harm the environment)
eco-warrior (=someone who protests to try to save the environment)
eco-sensitive land (=where the environment is easily damaged)
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: the people and things that are around you in your life, for example the buildings you use, the people you live or work with, and the general situation you are in 生活环境,周围状况
ADJECTIVES/NOUN + environment
the physical environment (=the place where you live or work, including buildings, furniture etc)
Improvements to the physical environment range from removing graffiti to planting trees.
the immediate environment (=the building in which you live or work, and the area very close to it)
Most accidents happen to young children within the immediate environment of their home.
a safe environment
The playground provides a safe environment for children.
a stable environment (=without any big changes)
They argued that being married helps provide a stable environment for bringing up children.
a friendly/pleasant environment
The restaurant offers a stylish and friendly environment with first-class service.
a clean/dirty environment
People who live in a very clean environment may have a lower immunity to germs.
a competitive environment
Our business has to operate in an increasingly competitive environment.
a working/learning environment
Most people prefer a quiet working environment.
the home/domestic/family environment
A lot of children suffer because of problems in their home environment.
the economic environment
The economic environment has changed, and many countries are sliding into recession.
the business environment
In today’s fast-moving business environment, companies must be flexible.
the political environment
Ministers are having to make these decisions in a difficult political environment.
the cultural/social environment
Changes in the cultural environment affect people’s attitudes and values.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 3: the natural features of a place, for example its weather, the type of land it has, and the type of plants that grow in it 生态环境
a coastal/desert/mountain etc environment
The storm caused significant damage to the coastal environment.
an inhospitable/harsh environment (=one where the conditions make life difficult)
The freezing climate makes this one of the most inhospitable environments on the planet.
a hostile environment (=with many difficulties and dangers)
It is difficult to see how anything can survive in such a hostile environment.
a fragile environment (=easily damaged or destroyed)
Many people are worried about the impact of tourism on the region’s fragile environment.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
environmenten·vi·ron·ment /ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt-ˈvaɪr-/ noun [countableC]
1the environment the air, water, and land in which people, animals, and plants live
Since these chemicals were banned, pesticide levels in the environment have been declining.
2the general conditions that influence something
Moving forward in a changing environment is never easy.
In the new global business environment the exchange of information is the key to success.
The new company will be operating in a competitive environment.
The results were in line with what we expected, in spite of the difficult economic environment.
Despite the poor retail environment, the company is doing well.
3COMPUTING the kind of OPERATING SYSTEM used by a computer
the Windows environment
Origin environment
(1600-1700) environ to surround ((14-21 centuries)), from Old French environer, from environ around, from viron circle
IELTS BNC: 702 COCA: 855


1conditions of the place where you are周圍情況ADJECTIVE | VERB + ENVIRONMENT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEimmediate直接環境Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.冷血動物的體溫隨着周圍環境的溫度而變化。external外部環境alien, new, unfamiliar陌生的環境;新的環境;不熟悉的環境natural自然環境marine life in its natural environment自然環境中的海洋生物changing, ever-changing (especially NAmE) 變化的/千變萬化的環境comfortable, protected, safe, secure, stable舒適的/受保護的/安全的/可靠的/穩定的環境friendly, supportive有益的環境hospitable, pleasant適宜的/愉快的環境clean, healthy乾淨的/健康的環境stimulating激勵性的環境favourable/favorable, ideal有利的/理想的環境This period provided an ideal environment for the spread of communism.這段時期為共產主義的傳播提供了理想的環境。uncertain, unstable不確定的/不穩定的環境dangerous危險的環境noisy嘈雜的環境competitive競爭激烈的環境stressful充滿壓力的環境extreme, harsh, hostile極端的/嚴峻的/不利的環境fragile脆弱的環境Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment in which the birds live.徒步旅行者可能無意中破壞鳥類生活的脆弱環境。built, urban人工創造的/城市環境the quality of our natural and built environments自然環境和人造環境的質量rural鄉村環境cold, warm寒冷的/溫暖的環境aquatic, coastal, forest, marine, mountain水生/沿海/森林/海洋/高山環境domestic, family, home國內的/家庭的/家裏的環境Children learn best in their home environment.家裏的環境最適合兒童學習。physical物理環境cultural, emotional, social文化環境;感情狀況;社會環境office, work, working, workplace辦公環境;工作環境A comfortable working environment will increase productivity.舒適的工作環境能提高生產效率。online網絡環境classroom, educational, learning, school, teaching, training教室/教育/學習/學校/教學/培訓環境economic, financial經濟環境;財政條件Investors are showing more caution in the current economic environment.在當前的經濟環境下,投資者更顯謹慎。political政治環境business, commercial, corporate商業環境;企業環境She now had to transfer her design skills to a commercial environment.如今她得把自己的設計技能應用到商業中。professional職業環境VERB + ENVIRONMENTcreate, foster, provide創造/培育/提供環境parents who strive to provide a stimulating environment for their children to grow up in致力於為孩子的成長提供一個激勵性環境的父母adapt to適應環境creatures that have adapted to hostile desert environments適應了嚴酷沙漠環境的生物alter, change改變環境shape塑造環境improve改善環境explore探索環境The cat walked around, exploring its new environment.貓四處轉悠,探索着新的環境。control控制環境PREPOSITIONin an/the environment在⋯環境裏people working in increasingly competitive environments在競爭日益激烈的環境中工作的人們environment for適於⋯的環境an environment for economic growth有利於經濟增長的環境environment of⋯的環境an environment of fear令人懼怕的環境PHRASESan environment conducive to sth有益於⋯的環境The hospital architect tries to create an environment conducive to healing.醫院的建築師試圖營造一個有益於病瘉的環境。today's environment當今的環境In today's competitive business environment, companies focus on minimizing costs.在當今競爭激烈的商業環境下,企業都着眼於最大幅度降低成本。


2the environment the natural world自然環境ADJECTIVE | VERB + THE ENVIRONMENT | ENVIRONMENT + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEnatural自然環境global, world全球/世界環境local當地環境VERB + THE ENVIRONMENTpreserve, protect, safeguard, save保護環境The government should do more to protect the environment.政府必須採取更多措施來保護環境。clean up, improve清理/改善環境affect, have an impact on, impact (NAmE) 影響環境;對環境產生影響factors that have a huge impact on the environment對環境有重大影響的因素damage, harm, pollute破壞/損害/污染環境industries which damage the environment破壞環境的產業threaten對環境構成威脅ENVIRONMENT + NOUNagency, committee, department, group (all especially BrE) 環保機構/委員會/部門/組織chief, minister (especially BrE) 環保機構負責人/部長spokesman, spokeswoman (both BrE) 環保發言人correspondent, editor (both BrE) 環境新聞記者;環保欄目編輯policy (especially BrE) 環保政策protection (especially BrE) 環境保護issues環境問題PREPOSITIONin the environment在環境中the amount of carbon in the environment環境中的碳含量PHRASESconservation of the environment, protection of the environment環境保護damage to the environment對環境的破壞farming methods that minimize damage to the environment把對環境的破壞減至最低的耕作方法harmful to the environment對環境有害The label identifies the products that are least harmful to the environment.這個標籤標示出對環境危害最小的產品。pollution of the environment環境污染
IELTS BNC: 702 COCA: 855
environment noun
environment (the home/working environment) nature2 (protect the environment)


environment ♦︎ setting ♦︎ surroundings ♦︎ background ♦︎ backdropThese are all words for the type of place in which sb/sth exists or is situated. 这些词均表示环境、背景。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in an environment / a setting / surroundingsagainst a / the background / backdrop (of sth)(a / an) attractive / perfect environment / setting / surroundings / background / backdrop(a / an) pleasant / idyllic environment / setting / surroundings(a) beautiful setting / surroundings / backdropa dramatic setting / background / backdrop(a) peaceful environment / setting / surroundings(a / an) new / unfamiliar environment / setting / surroundingssb / sth's immediate environment / surroundings(a) rural environment / setting / surroundings / backdropthe / sb's / sth's natural environment / setting / surroundings / backdropto provide / create an environment / a setting / surroundings / a background / a backdropto adapt to / blend in with your / the environment / surroundings environment [countable] the conditions in a place that affect the behaviour and development of sb/sth (影响个体行为或事物发展的)环境For many, school seemed to be a hostile environment.对许多人来说,学校这个环境似乎是不利的。An unhappy home environment can affect children's behaviour.不幸的家庭环境可能会影响孩子的行为。We aim to provide a pleasant working environment.我们目的是要营造一个令人愉快的工作环境。 see also milieu context setting [countable] a place or situation of a particular type, in which sth happens or exists 环境;背景It was the perfect setting for a wonderful celebration.环境气氛无可挑剔,正适合办一场精彩的庆典。People behave differently in different social settings.人们在不同的社交场境下有不同的行为表现。 surroundings [plural] everything that is around or near sb/sth 周遭环境His paintings try to capture the beauty of the surroundings.他的画试图捕捉周围环境的美。She was not aware of her surroundings for a while.过了一会儿,她才注意到周围的环境。 background [countable, usually singular] the things or area behind or around the main objects or people in a place or picture 背景;后景The mountains in the background were capped with snow.远处的群山山峰覆盖着白雪。The areas of water stand out against the dark background.水域的部分在深色背景的映衬下很显眼。OPP the foreground lead noun 1 backdrop [countable, usually singular] (written) the scenery surrounding an event; the things or area behind the main objects in a place (事件发生时)周围的陪衬景物;背景The events took place against the dramatic backdrop of the Atlas mountains.这些事发生在美丽如画的阿特拉斯群山之中。White walls provide the perfect backdrop for wooden furniture.白色的墙壁成了木质家具极佳的陪衬。
IELTS BNC: 702 COCA: 855
Home and places where people live: home, environment, town...
Computer programs and systems: add-on, applet, architecture...
The natural world: nature, the environment, ecology...
IELTS BNC: 702 COCA: 855
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of Environment
  • # n.
    環境: ambience, circumstance, condition, entourage, environment, milieu
    生活環境: environment, surrounding
    週圍: environment, surrounding

0_0: Definitions of Environment
  • # noun.
    - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
    * survival in an often hostile environment
    - the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity.
    * the impact of pesticides on the environment

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 朗文詞典 📚 – longman.mister5️⃣.net
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