plot of land• Can you double the number of homes on a plot of land without making the residents claustrophobic or the neighbors ballistic?• During the two world wars the growing of potatoes in every availableplot of land was actively encouraged.• Individual families could farmplots of landleased from the state and sell any surpluses in local markets.• Every family will be housed and have an individual plot of land.• You are buying a house precisely because it comes with a large plot of land.• Dryden spent his £13,000 redundancy money on the plot of land where he illegally built the bungalow.• Narou Chaibou, who lives near Illela, can not feed his family with the plot of land he owns.
plot to do something• They cluster around telephoneboxes and the busstation, plotting to head north.• According to others, she and some friends had plotted tokidnap her.• Another extraordinarytale says that Ra, convincedmankind was plotting tooverthrow him, sent Hathor to kill them all.• At the end of August Kerensky abruptly denounced Kornilov for plotting to overthrow the government.• Eighteen months later, Wei resurfaced when charges were brought against him for plotting to overthrow the government.• James Caan is the corruptminer who plots toseize the rights.• This is not, however the perk it seems, as clients were perpetually dreaming and plotting to stop dealing with Harvard.
plotted ... course• Ahab plotted a course which he hoped would take him to the whale.
From Longman Business Dictionary
plotplot1 /plɒtplɑːt/ noun [countableC]PROPERTY
a small piece of land for building or growing things on
a vacant plot (=empty piece of land)
a plot of land
plotplot2 verb (plotted, plotting) [transitiveT]
to draw a line or curve that shows facts or figures
We plotted a graph to show the increase in sales figures this year.
1plan計劃ADJECTIVE | VERB + PLOT | PREPOSITIONADJECTIVE➤evil, fiendish邪惡的/窮兇極惡的陰謀▸➤alleged指稱的陰謀▸➤assassination, coup, murder, terrorist暗殺/政變/謀殺/恐怖主義陰謀VERB + PLOT➤hatch策劃陰謀▸➤uncover揭露陰謀▸➤foil挫敗陰謀PREPOSITION➤plot against針對⋯的陰謀◇They had taken part in a plot against the king.他們參與了反對國王的密謀。➤plot by由⋯組織的陰謀◇The police claim to have uncovered a plot by terrorists to assassinate the president.警方聲稱偵破了一起恐怖分子暗殺總統的陰謀。plot
2events in a story故事情節ADJECTIVE | VERB + PLOT | PLOT + VERB | PLOT + NOUN | PHRASESADJECTIVE➤simple簡單的情節▸➤complex, complicated複雜的情節➤basic基本情節➤main主要情節VERB + PLOT➤construct構思情節◇She has constructed a complicated plot, with a large cast of characters.她構思了複雜的故事情節,裏面人物眾多。➤advance推進情節◇This car chase does nothing to advance the plot.這場車輛追逐對劇情發展毫無作用。➤give away透露情節◇I don't want to give away the plot to anyone who hasn't seen the movie.我不想對沒看過這部電影的人透露其情節。PLOT + VERB➤develop, unfold情節發展/展開➤involve, revolve around情節涉及⋯/圍繞⋯◇The main plot revolves around a suspicious death.主要情節圍繞着一個可疑的死亡事件展開。PLOT + NOUN➤development情節的發展➤twist情節轉折◇There is a clever plot twist near the end of the film.影片快結尾處有一個巧妙的劇情轉折。➤device劇情手段PHRASES➤a twist in the plot, a twist of the plot情節的轉折◇There are several unexpected twists in the plot before the murderer is revealed.殺人兇手身分揭開之前,故事情節出現了幾次意想不到的轉折。plot
3piece of land土地ADJECTIVE | VERB + PLOT | PLOT + VERB | PHRASESADJECTIVE➤garden, vegetable花圃;菜地▸➤farm小塊農業用地➤building (especially BrE) 小片建築用地▸➤burial墓地▸➤small小塊地▸➤10-acre, 12-acre, etc. * 10 英畝、12 英畝等的土地◇They own a five-acre plot of land.他們擁有一塊 5 英畝的土地。➤family, private家庭/私人用地VERB + PLOT➤work耕作土地PLOT + VERB➤measure sth土地大小為⋯◇a plot measuring 10 m by 20 m一塊長 20 米、寬 10 米的土地PHRASES➤a plot of land一小塊地plot
1make secret plans密謀ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASESADVERB➤allegedly據稱圖謀▸➤secretly秘密策劃➤carefully精心策劃◇The killings were carefully plotted and not impulsive.謀殺是精心策劃的,不是出於一時衝動。PREPOSITION➤against密謀反對⋯◇He was arrested on suspicion of plotting against the king.他由於涉嫌圖謀反對國王而被捕。➤with與⋯策劃◇Taylor plotted with his daughter to murder her husband.泰勒與女兒策劃殺害女兒的丈夫。PHRASES➤accuse sb of plotting sth指控某人圖謀⋯plot
2mark sth on a chart標示在圖表上ADVERB | PREPOSITIONADVERB➤accurately精確地標繪◇The positions of the finds are accurately plotted.圖上精確地標繪出那些發現的位置。PREPOSITION➤against標示⋯相對於⋯◇Greenhouse temperature can be plotted against plant growth.可以用圖表顯示溫室的溫度相對於植物生長的情況。➤on在⋯上繪製◇The figures are plotted on a graph.這些數字都繪製在一幅圖上。
plot noun ⇨conspiracy (a murder plot)⇨land2 (a plot of land)⇨story1 (the plot of the film)plot
plot ♦︎ conspire ♦︎ scheme ♦︎ collude ♦︎ conniveThese words all mean to secretly plan to do sth illegal or harmful.這些詞均表示密謀非法或害人的事。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to plot / conspire / scheme against sb◆to plot / conspire / collude / connive with sb◆to plot / conspire / collude together◆to plot / conspire / scheme / collude / connive to do sth◆to secretly plot / conspire / scheme / connive■plot [intransitive, transitive] to make a secret plan to harm sb, especially a government or its leader密謀,暗中策劃(尤指加害政府或政府首腦)◆They were accused of plotting against the state.他們被指控陰謀叛國。◆She spends every waking hour plotting her revenge.她清醒的每時每刻都在策劃着複仇。◆They were plotting to overthrow the government.他們在密謀颠覆政府。 see also plot ⇨ conspiracynoun, plotter ⇨ accomplice■conspire kənˈspaɪə(r) [intransitive] (formal) to secretly plan with other people to do sth illegal or harmful合謀;密謀;圖謀◆They were accused of conspiring against the king.他們被指控陰謀背叛國王。◆She admitted conspiring with her lover to murder her husband.她承認與情夫密謀殺害親夫。 see also conspiracy ⇨ conspiracy, conspirator ⇨ accomplice■scheme skiːm [intransitive, transitive] to make secret plans to do sth that will help yourself and possibly harm others密謀,秘密策劃,圖謀(損人利己的事)◆She seemed to feel that we were all scheming against her.她似乎覺得我們都在算計她。◆His colleagues, meanwhile, were busily scheming to get rid of him.與此同時,他的同事們在加緊謀劃擠走他。ⓘ Scheme is usually used with a preposition or in the phrase scheme to do sth; it does not usually take a noun phrase as object. * scheme通常與介詞連用或用於短語scheme to do sth,通常不帶名詞短語作賓語◆to scheme a coup/your revengeIt is often used to suggest the general nature of sb's activities, rather than to talk about a particular plot against sb. * scheme常意味着某人的行爲不光明正大,並不確指是何陰謀。 see also scheme ⇨ conspiracynoun■collude kəˈluːd [intransitive] to work together secretly to do sth illegal or harmful密謀;勾結;串通◆Several people had colluded in the murder.這起謀殺案由幾個人共謀。◆The president accused his opponents of colluding with foreigners.總統指責反對派與國外勢力勾結。 see also collusion ⇨ conspiracy■connive kəˈnaɪv [intransitive] (formal) to work together with sb to do sth illegal or harmful密謀;勾結;串通◆The government was accused of having connived with the security forces to permit murder.有人指控政府與安全部隊狼狽爲奸,對謀殺聽之任之。NOTE辨析 Conspire, collude or connive?People who conspire together usually belong to one group who all want the same things. People who collude or connive usually belong to different groups or have different aims, but all benefit in some way from the plot. Conspire suggests the greatest degree of active involvement, and connive the least: it usually means helping or allowing sb else to do sth wrong. * conspire通常指來自同一團體的人密謀以達到共同的目的,collude或connive通常指來自不同團體或出於不同目的的人串通並從中獲利。三個詞當中,conspire一詞所包含的參與密謀的主動性最強,而connive最小,通常指協助或允許他人做壞事。