The name of the cheese is Dolcelatte, literally meaning ‘sweet milk’.
这种奶酪名叫Dolcelatte,字面意思是 “甜牛奶” 。
I said I felt like quitting, but I didn’t mean it literally (=I did not mean exactly what I said)!
2take somebody/something literallyEXACTto believe exactly what someone or something says rather than trying to understand their general meaning 仅仅从字面上理解某人/某事物
She takes the Bible literally.
Examples from the Corpus
take somebody/something literally• A lot of what they said on the tapes was damaging if you took it literally.
3EMPHASIZEused to emphasize that something, especially a large number, is actually true 的确,确实〔用于加强语气,尤指数目庞大〕
The Olympic Games were watched by literally billions of people.
4spokenVERY used to emphasize a strong expression or word that is not being used in its real or original meaning. Some people consider this use to be incorrect 简直〔用于加强本已强烈的语气;有些人认为这种用法不正确〕
Dad was literally blazing with anger.
Examples from the Corpus
literally• They reached the summit together hand in hand, quite literally.• She sinks into a depressedcondition in which she can literally but not cognitively see.• Solarization is another technique that can be used during summer to literallycook the pests.• Disease is literally dis-ease, a state of disharmony and imbalance on one or other, or more, of these levels.• It was, literally, going places.• The Boeing 247 a conventionalplane which literally landed, was introduced in 1934.• The word "polygraph" literallymeans "many writings."• Jan and I have literally nothing in common.• Sunnyvale uses literally thousands of measures.• Literally thousands of people lost their life savings in the market crash.
mean ... literally• I don't mean that literally.• There is every reason to think that he meant this quite literally.• When I say that I saw Karen at the funeral, I mean that quite literally.• It was clear that he meant this literally and also as: to rape a white girl is to rape her father.• And many were surprised that I meant it literally and applied it across-the-board.• This means literallywashing a wall with light.• He meant literally what he said.