DHHthe area close to or around a small fire, especially in a home 〔尤指家里的〕炉边
a cat dozing by the fireside
Examples from the Corpus
fireside• It is the Leadville that found its way to her fireside.• In this imaginaryfiresidesetting, he would not talk much, he thought.• Rich, firesidecoloursaddwarmth to the room and, of course, they are supremely practical.• But we were nearly concluded, and the firesidebeckons.• A catdozed in the chair by the fireside.• These themes are symbolised by the fireside and the kitchen.• Why couldn't Joelet her sit in the firesidearmchair in the living-room so that she'd at least have company?• I handed Narendra his gudio and hobbled through the house out to the fireside.• Such a creature took at once a large step toward the fireside.