diuretic• Marks on the paintwork and diuretics for breakfast.• Antihistamines, diuretics, and low-salt dietaryregimens have all been used with varyingdegrees of success.• That usually means giving diuretics and the like, to reduce the amount of water in the uninjured regions of the brain.• Use of diuretics that increase the urinaryexcretion of bicarbonate can cause metabolic acidosis. 291.• Many of these patients are also receiving digitalis or diuretics, and the latter increase the risk by producing hypokalaemia.• If these patients are also receiving diuretics as treatment for their underlyingdisease, the dilutingsites may be poisoned.• In the majority of studies the most frequently used drugs have been thiazide diuretics and beta-blocking agents.• Chlorothiazide is the forerunner of a large class of similar drugs, which have become known as the thiazide diuretics.
(1300-1400)Late Latindiureticus, from Greekdiourein“to urinate”