hy·per·sen·si·tive /ˌhaɪpəˈsensətɪv◂ $ -pər-/ adjectiveadj 1 FEEL HAPPY/FRIGHTENED/BORED ETCif someone is hypersensitive to a drug, substance etc, their body reacts very badly to it 过敏的 SYN allergichypersensitive to I discovered I was hypersensitive to caffeine. 我发现我对咖啡因过敏。
2 UPSETvery easily offended or upset 心胸狭隘的,容易生气[烦恼]的hypersensitive to She’s hypersensitive to any form of criticism. 她经不起任何批评。
—hypersensitivity /ˌhaɪpəsensəˈtɪvəti $ -pər-/ noun [uncountableU]